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About this mod

This mod adds a new pirate themed tavern in the Grazelands, bringing many of Korana's better body pirate themed clothing and a few weapons to purchase or discover. With the tavern comes a quest into the dungeons below. Tested for vanilla and OpenMW. Requires better bodies and Vurt's grazeland trees is suggested to fit the theme.

Permissions and credits
Sea Dog Tavern v2
by Billyfighter

This mod adds a new pirate themed tavern to the Grazelands, along with a dungeon and quest to go along with it. Many aspects are inspired by Bethesda's other game Sea Dogs 2 (Pirates of the Caribbean) which came out around the same time as Morrowind. To start the quest, go to the back deck and talk to the tavern owner.

Upstairs in the tavern are clothing merchants which will sell you many of the pirate themed clothing done by Korana. Depending on the merchant's gender, they will sell you clothing in relation to what that gender can wear. The female clothing can only be worn by females, but females can also wear the male clothing, giving females a much larger selection.

Many of the assets here are used also in Mudcrab Imports, so they are safe to overwrite or skip. The mods are compatible and in no way rely on each other, they are entirely separate. Installing them together can benefit from the saved space by sharing assets. Not every weapon and pirate hat are included here from Mudcrab Imports, but there are a few to find. Many of these new assets were given new icons (plus HQ for OpenMW) and ground meshes.

Vurt's trees for Grazelands are highly suggest, to fit in with the pirate theme.
Also check out Better Waterfalls.