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Version 1.2.2
Added metadata file
Added interop for Skyrim Style Quest Notifications
Fixed quest name and stages
Cleaned dialogue records
Version 1.2.1
Added a nil check
Version 1.2.0
Added higher res texture based on MET 5
Fixed idles. Now Avni can look around like those big mean greenish nix-hounds, too!
Version 1.1.0
fixed feed menu (filters, menu freeze)
adjusted some food values
Version 1.0
initial release
Avni the ash-hound a companion mod by tewlwolow
Instructions I. Travel to Ald Velothi II. Seek out a Redoran savant and her chitinous companion III. Engage in dialogue to find out more about a unique entomological discovery IV. Gain a special friend!
Requirements: Latest MGE XE/MWSE-Lua Tribunal and Bloodmoon Being Oathman of the Great House Redoran OR having a purse full of cold dead emperors