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Ruffinvangarr and Caeris

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About this mod

A powerful warrior awaits you on a shore north west of dagon fel. Defeat him and take his rare equipment, but be warned; he wont go down easy.

Permissions and credits
This mod is obviously inspired by the ebony warrior from skyrim, a end/post game final challenge kind of opponent who puts everything you learned throughout the game to the test. Or at least that's how it should be, morrowind's combat system doesn't exactly allow for much intricacy in epic duels so he's essentially just a normal NPC with a lot of health and damage. but hey, at least he's wearing some pretty cool looking armor right?

This was mostly made to implement my custom made Dunmer Ebony Armor in a satisfying way.

Now available in french, get it here.

Extra special Thanks to:
Caeris for doing the tricky technical parts for me.
Ateiggaer for the original concept art and design, see it here.
SanMan227: for pointing out bugs and allowing me to fix them.
Kahvozein71: For the french translation.

All of my mods and assets are free for anyone to use as a resource for what ever you want and free for anyone to translate and host on other sites, as long
as you give credit.
If I've made a mistake of some kind, please let me know and I'll do my best to solve it.
you can keep up to date with me and my workings by following me on this terrible website