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  1. YolkOfTime
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Great mod, a must if you're using a sound replacer.
    Not reporting it as a bug because it's probably something caused by my heavily modded game, but I'm getting this weird thing happening where every time I bash the game gets paused (the pause menu comes up).
    Well it's nice to have some time to think about what I'm doing anyway.
    1. Strix2206
      • member
      • 42 kudos
      Its a feature of this mod to update the current lock level on the container you are trying to bash. Check your MCM Lua Lockbashing settings... You can change it to a need to look away for a brief moment to update the lock level.
  2. Radix838
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a reason bound weapons can't be used to bash? Is it because that would be too overpowered? 
  3. Atom10155
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for this mod :). I was using the other mod looking for a compatibility fix with sound overhaul mods and I found this mod instead! 
  4. cloxx3
    • member
    • 1 kudos

    I have a probem with thus mod. Every time I open a locked container with bashing, the game crashes to desktop. This happens only if I enable item degradation in the MCM. Without this option enabled, everything works fine. Here is mwse log for the crash:


    Morrowind has crashed! To help improve game stability, send MWSE_Minidump.dmp and mwse.log to [email protected] or to NullCascade#1010 on Discord.
    Additional support can be found in the #mwse channel at the Morrowind Modding Community Discord: https://discord.me/mwmods
    MWSE version: 2.1.0-1840
    Build date: 20210925
    Memory usage: 1028472832 bytes.
    Lua traceback at time of crash:
    stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'resolveLeveledItems'
        Data Files\MWSE\mods\OEA\OEA5 Bash\main.lua:27: in function 'BreakThings'
        Data Files\MWSE\mods\OEA\OEA5 Bash\main.lua:269: in function <Data Files\MWSE\mods\OEA\OEA5 Bash\main.lua:83>
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
        .\Data Files\MWSE\core\event.lua:160: in function 'trigger'
        .\Data Files\MWSE\core\event.lua:180: in function <.\Data Files\MWSE\core\event.lua:150>
    MiniDump creation successful.

    Thanks in advance for any input.
    1. opiter09
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Going to be honest here, I have no idea whats going wrong. I'd recommend doing as the log recommends and join the MW Modding Discord. Ask about this in the #mwse channel, and someone should be able to help. If you find anything, please let me know; I've been out of all this for a while and am no longer in the Discord server.
    2. cloxx3
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ok, I will let you know if I find the solution.
    3. raik3n87
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The issue occurs when you turn OFF the hand-to-hand option. When it's on it works.

      BTW, is there a way to edit the rate of degrading of your weapon? All of my weapons break with just two swings, it's kind of frustrating.
    4. ShySimmer
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      For me having hand to hand on whilst having degradation on caused crashing... Just turned degradation off anyways cus I don't care for it.
    5. Gigabitbob
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      also getting this :/ turning of weapon degrad stopped it but i was wanting to use that
  5. Vengyre
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Great mod. I've switched to it from the older Lock Bashing mod you've mentioned, and I like this more. Appreciate that you can just "wear down" lock a bit, for the cases where you are just a little short from opening the door.
  6. Strix2206
    • member
    • 42 kudos
    This is one of the best mods for Morrowind. Nice job
  7. IlanSmolders
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    How does this work? I cannot seem to be able to install it? I put it in mswe mods but it does not work
  8. Stiffkittin
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Excellent mod, thanks for making an MWSE update to a great immersion enhancement. On a personal note, I still feel like security loses relevance a little and was wondering if it would be at all possible to affect the outcome of container loot lists somehow, even on a successful bash? Say by replacing some loot with a 'broken' item or reducing value to 0 as a cost for the violence done to the container? This was the case in some older games I played in the day, perhaps  Baldur's Gate or something similar. I loved that tense moment where a container I knew had a chance of something brilliant might be ruined beyond recognition because my Barbarian brute didn't have the finesse to destroy the lock without damaging the contents. Of course those were games that relied on multi-skilled parties but I'd still love to see this as an option in a mod like this.
    1. OffworldDevil
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Damaging the durability of stored armor and weapons and destroying random potions and soul gems would be an interesting mechanic, if possible.

      Having both lock bashing and Open spells alert nearby NPCs would also further balance things out and make the Security skill more favorable for stealth characters (especially since there's really no downside whatsoever to using magic over lockpicks).
    2. opiter09
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Armor/weapon degradation would most likely be easy, "destroying" things by just removing them would be too (depending on exactly when leveled loot resolves versus when you bash things). lock bashing does already trigger a crime iirc; and although making open spells do the same wouldn't be that hard, it is out of scope for this mod.
    3. opiter09
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Correction: UESP says open already triggers a crime. You must not have been witnessed or something.
    4. OffworldDevil
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Oh, I meant having bashing and Open spells make noise that alerts NPCs within earshot, not visual range.
    5. opiter09
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Can NPCs hear things at all in Morrowind? that sounds like a whole separate overhaul.
    6. OffworldDevil
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Sort of. When you attack an NPC or steal from them, they'll alert other nearby NPCs.
    7. Stiffkittin
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Armor/weapon degradation would most likely be easy, "destroying" things by just removing them would be too (depending on exactly when leveled loot resolves versus when you bash things).
      That all sounds wonderful. If you are interested in adding these features, I look forward to it. You wouldn't even need to swap in a broken or invalid object really, just some feedback like a tooltip, "The lock has been breached but a valuable item was destroyed in the process!", would be deliciously butt-clenching to read; Particularly in high-level dungeon containers ;) Thanks for your reply.
    8. SAJNM
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      .... but a valuable item was destroyed in the process!", would be deliciously butt-clenching to read .....
    9. Stiffkittin
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Oh wow, that was an amazingly quick turnaround. Thank you so much for the update. The mod is now exactly what I imagined, with a cool risk/reward aspect. Adds so much depth to smashing things!

    10. opiter09
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      If you like the new feature, would you mind endorsing? We are one away, after all.
    11. Stiffkittin
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      With pleasure. Mod of the year so far, thanks again!
  9. Necrolesian
    • premium
    • 120 kudos
    Now that I know this mod isn't the cause of that weird issue I was having, I really like it. It seems to work great with the limited testing I've done.

    The fact that I have to look away then look back to reset the tooltip is a bit immersion breaking, but it's not a huge deal. I think it would be possible in lua to refresh the tooltip immediately (using :updateLayout() I think). I'm not sure, the UI is scary to me.

    Also, the messagebox says "the door is unlocked" even if it's a chest or other container.
    1. opiter09
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      I tried updateLayout at one point, I had a hard time getting it to work so I just gave up and accepted that nothing was too broken. As to the door thing, I could have sworn the message is a generic "container" (which, ironically, is illogical for a door).
    2. opiter09
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      I'll be damned, I wrote door for some strange reason. Will push this update out soon enough. Would you say "container" is fine for a generic message?
    3. RandomPal
      • premium
      • 359 kudos
      I'd go for "lock" since we're bashing locks. The lock has been broken or something similar
    4. Necrolesian
      • premium
      • 120 kudos
      I agree with RandomPal. Something like "The lock has been broken!"

      Edit: The new message is perfect.
  10. Necrolesian
    • premium
    • 120 kudos
    I'm experiencing an odd issue with this.

    I go into Eldafire's house in Seyda Neen and save. Partially bash the lock on the chest in there, then reload my save. And the chest is just gone. Restarting Morrowind brings it back.

    I've tried this with a few different containers and doors in Seyda Neen (nowhere else so far) and I can only reproduce this with the chest in Eldafire's house, but it's reliable with that chest. It happens every time.
    1. frankstahl
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I tried this multiple times with this and other chests, but cannot confirm this glitch in any way. In my case, everything works correctly.
      (To be honest, as you describe the problem, it would be surprising if it was caused by this mod.)
      There must be something else going on inside your game – some other mod or extension perhaps?
      Some suggestions:
      - Did you try other combinations? E.g. go inside house, save, then immediately load again – go inside house, save, use lockpick on this chest, then load again, and similar "creative" ways of trying to reproduce this strange behaviour?
      - Did you try systematically disabling other plug-ins and/or Lua mods and then reproducing the problem?
      - Quite far-fetched, but anyway: I am using Morrowind Containers Animated (Lua version); in case you are using this (or the older non-Lua version), could it perhaps be an issue in conjunction with this mod?
    2. Necrolesian
      • premium
      • 120 kudos
      Yeah it's weird. I didn't spend too much time testing it. It doesn't happen when I just save/reload without partially bashing the lock, but I haven't tried other combinations. And I'm not using Containers Animated.

      I experienced this with 1.0 though. I'll play around with it in 1.2.
    3. Necrolesian
      • premium
      • 120 kudos
      You're right, it's not caused by this mod.

      Actually, I have no idea what's causing it. It's not just bashing the lock, it's anything that changes the chest's lock data (bashing it, picking it, using "unlock" in the console). But only if I then reload a save from before I unlocked the chest (saving/reloading after I unlock it is fine). And only if that save is in Eldafire's house.

      And apparently only with this specific chest in Eldafire's house. I tried it with a different instance of the same container (com_chest_02_misc10) and it didn't happen. And I've never seen this happen before anywhere else.

      This happens for me with all MWSE mods uninstalled, with all esp/esms deselected except the Bethesda masters, with MGE XE disabled, and with all MCP patches uninstalled.

      I have no idea. The good news is it has nothing to do with this mod.
    4. frankstahl
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Just one more suggestion: I have made the experience that sometimes it has something to do with the save data. You could use the Enchanted Editor and:
      - First make a backup copy of your save.
      - Open your save game in Enchanted Editor.
      - Expand the "Cells" tab.
      - Look for the entry "Seyda Neen, Eldafire's House".
      - If it's not there, you can stop right here, because then it's probably not in the savegame.
      - If it's there. expand this entry and look through all the NAME_NEXT entries until you find Com_Chest_02_misc10. This is the chest in question.
      Again, if there is no NAME_NEXT entry like this, it's probably not in the savegame.
      - If, however, this entry is there, check the FRMR entry *before* this, then including the NAME_NEXT entry everything until (but NOT including) the next FRMR entry and in the top toolbar, click the cross icon ("delete selection").
      - Wait a long time. ;-)
      - Click the diskette icon ("Save"). Press Shift-F4 (or chose "File" > "Close") and leave the application.
      - Fire up the game and check whether this helped ot nor.
    5. Necrolesian
      • premium
      • 120 kudos
      Hmm. I'll see what I find in the savegame, but I wouldn't think that's the cause. If I load the save without having unlocked the chest first, everything is fine. And everything is also fine after I restart Morrowind.