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Original upload

Created by

Nevena - l1lartur0 - Lucevar

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About this mod

A cleaned and edited version of Nevena's nifty mod (v1.5). Join the Twin Lamps or side with the slave hunters.

Permissions and credits
UPDATE - 7 April 2023: Priorities regarding my free time have changed. It's been a while since I've modded, and it doesn't look like that will change for the forseeable future. Please feel free to continue work on this mod. Shoot me a PM if anyone decides to do so (or has created a revamp of Nevena's original) and I will either pull this mod from Nexus or archive it and have this page point to yours. Ta!

A description of the original mod, written by Nevena:

This plugin includes: A complete fleshing-out of the Twin Lamps faction, building on the few existing quests that shipped with Morrowind and leading up to Abolition in Vvardenfell. Also, introduces the Slave Hunters faction. As a general overview, it includes: two new classes, one new faction, 3 new books (one of which is baaaad), ~20 misc notes, ~20 misc items, one new bed and a printing press (Dongle's), underwear, a skooma still 'Easter Egg' with a couple hidden new recipes including one new ingredient, two new weapons found via quests, ~50 NPCs, ~40 scripts, roughly 100 faction quests & subquests, a quest NPC with 100 random "restocking" quests, and probably more.

Also, every single slave in the game I could find is now able to be freed (though some require you to be on a quest first). The keys are placed either on a logical owner, or nearby. If you do the right quests for the Twin Lamps, you'll get a "special key".

Requires Nevena's Twin Lamps & Slave Hunters v1.5 to be installed. Use the .esp from this mod. Do not use the .esp from the original Nevena's Twin Lamps & Slave Hunters mod, as the one from this mod replaces it.

To err on the safe side, I recommend not updating your current playthrough if utilizing any version prior to 2.0b. Also not recommended to install mid-game, especially after beginning any vanilla quests involving the Twin Lamps and/or slaves.

Plugin cleaned with Tes3cmd.