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Denina and Danae

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About this mod

This mod provides hot, nonalcoholic beverages: coffee, tea, hot cocoa in mugs for sale at various taverns and inns. Version 2.0 is compatible with Redoran Council Overhall.

Permissions and credits

UPDATE 2.1 (Danae's addon) 
- Wares version: no changes to vanilla cells > You will not see the mugs on shelves, but you won't have conflicts with town overhauls either
- Wares version: all publicans, including TR now have a selection of hot beverages (quantities vary)
- MWSE addon: dynamically replaces some glasses with a hot beverage by % chance (configurable in-game)

It never made sense to me that in a land like this where magic is second nature that it would never have occurred to anyone to drink something other than liquor/beer. I wondered where all the other nonalcoholic beverages were.
I know other mods take care of cold beverages  (Booze for Purists) and water  (Ashfall) and in the interest of not creating too many conflicts with other mods, I decided to just add hot beverages: coffee, tea and hot chocolate. You may assume they're imported, thus the none-too-cheap prices.

Tea, coffee and hot cocoa are now sold at various locations:
- Basic and Redoran Council Overall versions: Ald Skar Inn (Ald-ruhn), Eight Plates (Balmora), Shenk's Shovel (Caldera), Six Fishes (Ebonheart), Halfway Tavern (Pelagiad), Fara's Hole in the Wall (Sadrith Mora), Desele's House of Earthly Delights (Suran), Vivec - Elven Nation's Cornerclub (Vivec), The Flowers of Gold (Vivec), The Lizard's Head (Vivec).
- Wares version: any publican, including TR will have a random number of hot beverages.

In addition, you will see hot beverages on display
- Basic and Redoran Council Overall versions: in a number of inns, manors and council halls
- Wares version has no cell edits for maximum compatibility
- MWSE addon: some glasses and flasks have a % chance to be replaced with a hot beverage (MCM menu to customise)

Install the content of 00 Core, then choose ONE of the versions you want (basic, RCO, Wares)
The RCO version requires Redoran Council Overhaul
The Wares version needs Wares
MWSE is optional, so this mod works with OpenMW, you simply won't get the dynamic item replacement.

Kiteflyer61 for the mug models
Merlord for the item swap code (modified by Danae)