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Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Bart Notelaers

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About this mod

Adds a new cavern in Seran Ancestral Tomb. Includes a new shield.

Permissions and credits
Spidersilk Shield
by Bart Notelaers

This mod was part of Mines&Caverns until v4.1.

1) Overview
In Seran Ancestral Tomb, the door to the lower cavern has been unlocked.
In the past, this hiding place was used by smugglers, runaway slaves and other criminals. It seems the last smuggled item
was never delivered to the buyer.

Retextured shield, with changed attributes, to be found in a little cavern. Quite a unique design.

2) Disclaimer
I'm not responsible if this mod messes up your save game or something. It's always good to have a back up copy of it.
Cleaned with TES3CMD and Enchanted Editor.

3) Bugs
None that I know of. Report them if there's any.

4) Compatibility
It is NOT compatible with Morrowind Rebirth.
It is compatible with everything else that doesn't modify Seran Ancestral Tomb.

5) Credits
Bart Notelaers - Spidersilk Shield v1.0

(original readme included)