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  1. EdgyBoye89
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Have you considered adding more altars to different locations? Had a thought about adding one to Tel Uvirith, but then I realized I'd have to make a patch to integrate it with UviLeg, and that's a bit more work than I was willing to do for a minor addition. Still, might be something to consider.
  2. Nazwrath
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    So I have the newest nightly for OpenMW (which is now 0.49 I believe) and everything installs fine. I have the script and the two .esps checked in my load order. When I arrive at the location, the necromancer and black alter art present, however no animation occurs over the course of 8 days. I rested and test each with a Grand soul gem and soul trap but nothing happens at any point. The souls gems do not convert and there is no visual change in anything no matter the day on an 8 days spread. All I want are the names soul gems, is there a way to console command a stack for use to work around the table?
  3. wcfcarolina13
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hmm what's going on here...

    [00:35:50.830 E] Can't start L@0x4cbd4[scripts/BlackSoulGems/BSG_N.lua]; Lua error: module not found: openmw.animation


    [00:42:00.222 E] Can't start L@0x4cbf0[scripts/BlackSoulGems/BSG_N.lua]; Lua error: module not found: openmw.animation
    [00:42:00.233 E] Can't start L0x1072eff[scripts/BlackSoulGems/BSG_N.lua]; Lua error: module not found: openmw.animation
    [00:42:00.288 E] Can't start L0x1300005f[scripts/BlackSoulGems/BSG_N.lua]; Lua error: module not found: openmw.animation
    [00:42:00.310 E] Can't start L0xb0000053[scripts/BlackSoulGems/BSG_N.lua]; Lua error: module not found: openmw.animation
    1. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      You need a newer build of the openmw dev build. The animation API was added at the start of the last weekend. 
  4. RallyArtRob
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Unfortunately I cant get it to work.

    I have OpenMW 0.480
    I use mod organizer 2.4.4
    ( black soul gem message fix esp ) and ( black soul gem esp ) are installed

    the necromancer's alter is there.

    I put 1 grand soul gem inside it

    I have the original "Soul Trap" spell given at the start to a Breton.

    The message "It's not a Shade of the Revenant day" comes up when "Soul Trap" is casted

    On the correct day the "Soul Trap" spell dose cast with a White/blue ball flash but.... no black soul gem, Just the same grand soul gem :(

    I believe the problem is installing the "OpenMW Nightly"  master/merge from https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/-/pipelines?scope=finished&page=1&ref=master

    I have tried both with "openmw" in the title.
    I have tried the one with "windows" in the title
    I have tried the top two with "Ubuntu" in the title

    mo2 dose not like any download ( content of data files dose not look valid )

    downloaded to desktop and un-zipped shows it has been double zipped and when the other 4 folders were un-zipped they look look like a full OpenMW install

    I have copied them over to the Morrowind main folder but still no black soul gem

    Please advise what have I not done/need to do/read how to do.
    1. RallyArtRob
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Well I could of just deleted my post but maybe my info could help someone.


      I am soooooo happy 

      The "FILE" description reads ( This is the only file. Make sure to activate both the ESP and the omwscripts and run the latest nightly in OpenMW )

      I have both esp plugins.

      OpenMW 0.480 is  is newer than April 23rd 2022.

      Ok what is this omscripts  where is it

      go to the ( OpenMW 0.480 ) folder 

      select the ( openmw-launcher.exe )

      it's in the ( Content Files )

      checked the box, run the launcher happy days...
  5. staberind
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Silly Question; I murked the gaggle of npc's hanging out near Therano's shroom house, using the "Soul Drinker" as I have not found the black soul trap, yet got no souls in my black soul gems? what did i do wrong?
    1. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      The current version requires using the specific soul trap or soul drinker. I will release a new version that works better soon but it will require openmw 0.49 dev. 
    2. staberind
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thats great, can you tell me where I might find that specific soul trap, or where that info is in the description? sorry to be a moron.
    3. staberind
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Whups, it seems it was added to my spells automagically
    4. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      I've uploaded a new version that does not require the special spell. You'll need to download the latest version of OpenMW though.
    5. staberind
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Heh, I did just that, you also removed souldrinker, aaaagh!
      so I assume it will work with any random self made weapon with soultrap now?
    6. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      Yes. Any normal soul trap enchantment or spell will work. Soul drinker is a normal Daedric dagger, if you really want it you can do player->additem “Daedric dagger_soultrap” 1

      it was in previously because of workarounds that were necessary. 
  6. zelazko
    • member
    • 53 kudos
    Doesn't work with the latest OpenMW 0.46
    If you initialize the mod that is - use the altar to start the mod and make the savegame after that it will corrupt your save. Your save will not load and freeze just before the loading bar is almost full.
    ///Edit: The save loads but after like 2 minutes. The problem this mod is having is script latency:
    No Black Soul Gems mod:

    Black Soul Gem mod installed:

    You can see definately strong pressure on script with 6.5 to 47 difference. This mod need optimization. Other than 2 minute longer savegame loading mod works fine. I soul trapped Fargoth in my test and it worked.

    ///Edit: I found solution for the script lag problem. They way you install this mod is to never save the game until you activate the black altar and make first black soul gem. Only then mod is correctly installed.
    Step by step:
    1. Drop the resources (meshes, textures etc.) of the mod into Data Files
    2. Activate the ESP
    3. Go to Mawia (coc "mawia" to teleport)
    4. Kill all hostile actors and activate the black altar (wait patiently)
    5. Wait for the right day to create the first black soul gem
    6. Optionally - soul trap your first NPC e,g, Fargoth
    7. Only then you can save the game and exit. Otherwise mod will not initialize correctly and your savegame will be bloated with script lag!!!

    My initial tests show no lag increase and saves load just as quickly as before.
    1. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      If you want to run a custom version of OpenMW, I've made a small change that allows the engine to natively fill black soul gems with the dummy soul without the trash scripts that bork the whole game. Let me know if you're interested in that.
    2. zelazko
      • member
      • 53 kudos
      I would be glad to test out that custom version.
    3. Pirosmani99
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      @wiz1 I'd like to try that
    4. deleted158190698
      • account closed
      • 2 kudos
      I would also like to try that.
    5. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      There is a new version that works a lot better, using OpenMW Lua. Soon there will be even more improvements, but as is it works pretty much flawlessly, you just need a special enchantment/spell. Once OpenMW Lua supports effect info that won't be necessary.
  7. krackenforyou46
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    In what config file of openmw do I put the BlackSoulGems [OMWSCRIPTS File] ? 
    Or do I just place it in the OpenMW folder ? 
  8. Antsh
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Love this, great work!

    One question, how did you ever add so many creatures for the souls? I grabbed all IDs from mods that I use like F&F and other population increasers, and ending up creating a generic man/mer soul and tweaking your script to account. Works well, other than losing the uniqueness your way provides.

    Did you use an external method to add those records?
    1. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      I basically loaded up all the files I used the most, exported the NPCs to a csv, and wrote an “autoit” script that would open the new creature prompt, auto fill it, then save it, and left it running basically overnight. I’m sure there is a much better way to do it but I couldn’t get either editor to import creature record. 
  9. FoxSinOfgreedUndeadBan
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Dosent seem to work, made 5 black soul gems,  soul trap casts but dosent capture the soul 0.47.0 build
    1. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      You need OpenMW Nightly.
  10. MurderousPurpose
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm assuming this is compatible with Rebirth, right?
    1. Zackhasacat
      • premium
      • 62 kudos
      It should be.This doesn't modify any NPCs, it simply places a dummy object to monitor for soul trap on the NPCs.

      However, if Rebirth changes the interior of Mawia, that may be an issue.

      I would say it's compatible until proven otherwise.