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  1. jackietrades
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do i know this is working in Mod Organizer 2? There's no plugins 
  2. rabcor
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Getting some purple (missing?) textures with intelligent textures with the patch, namely bottles, jugs and quite a lot of different plants so far. I am on openmw.
    1. rabcor
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Starting to question if this mod is really worth it, i looked in balmora and seyda neen with the mod on and off and the fps improvement was just margin of error stuff (as in i'm not really sure there was any)
    2. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 168 kudos
      entire project have science that would work if implemented well

      as it is now, mod caused me so many texture issues that it wasn't worth it
      i can't stand flat leafs or purple objects
    3. maybakhbereh
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      if you get purple textures then you did something wrong.
  3. InxanityPT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why do I keep getting purple textures???
  4. Matthew4170
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm not sure if I should be posting this issue to Project Atlas or M.E.T, so I'll share it on both. I got the following error while playing:
    Model "Meshes\x\Ex_GG_ent_01.NIF" tex not found "textures\atl\"!
    Texture Load Error!: textures\atl\

    I'd assume as what texture is asked for depends on the mesh, in this case a Project Atlas mesh. And so on the PA team to rename the pulled texture. But regardless, I'm sharing it here anyways. I read a similar issue on a reddit post and the suggested solution was to download an older file on the M.E.T page where is intact as a single file and not 01 and 02. And so for now, that's what I'll do.

    Sorry, apparently scrolling down further there's a hotfix on the Atlas page. Will use that instead.
  5. Nargo44
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What's the difference between this and the Optimisation patch?
  6. Mattbar2174
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can we get an update for morrowind enhanced textures 6.1? I tried to generate them myself but gave up after finding out some textures had changed sized resulting in broken atlas. I think I could figure out the batch file stuff but assumed it would be tedious and most likely result in a failure due to project atlas running into larger than expected atlases.
    1. RoeCocoa
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Check under the MET optional files
      It's labeled 6 but it was uploaded the same day as 6.1, so it should be what you're looking for. However, I had some download issues and ended up with a lot of missing/white exterior textures when I followed the current Morrowind Sharp install guide, which tells you to download Project Atlas vanilla and the hotfix and then add MET later on. Disabling MET fixed most but not all of my issues; my imperial forts have white trim, which isn't bad from an aesthetic standpoint but I'm still holding out hope for a total fix.
  7. TheRoadie99
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I tried this mod out, had it paired with Beautiful Cities of Morrowind, and generally speaking I have not noticed any meaningful difference in performance. Draw calls still seem to be huge even with this mod active.

    For all the talk about improving performance, I'm kind of disappointed with how little (if anything) this mod accomplishes.
    1. deleted4003972
      • account closed
      • 6 kudos
      i feel i must be doing something wrong, as my experience seems to be exactly this
    2. PokeyGT
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      This mod only affects the meshes it affects. Any custom meshes are unaffected (and to my knowledge most if not all OAAB and TD assets are unatlased, please correct me if I'm wrong) and adding a large amount of clutter will always impact performance in this engine.

      You could look at mods like this as optimizing what is already there. For what is added on top, that's something else.
    3. asto01
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      At least OOAB and TR assets don’t use multiple textures and nitrishapes for a single mesh unlike vanilla. So you could call that atlasing of sorts.
  8. Hey there, I'm running into an issue using Project Atlus and MGE XE, apparently when I run MGE XE again to generate distant land, I get a warning saying: Missing texture: atl\ I don't know what this is, or why its missing. Can someone help me please.
    1. murmins
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i had the same problem at first but d'oh! it's right there in the hotfix files, drop that in your data files and run it again and you'll be gucci. i've gotten like 20-30% better frames because of this and MOP! :D
    2. Thank you for your help.
  9. Strix2206
    • member
    • 42 kudos
    I am going to post here just an information for people who are curious to know how much of an fps boost can this mod provide as a lot of people think this mod provides an fps boost only to low-end machines. I tested heavily. On my system (AMD 7900XTX + Ryzen 7 7700x) on 4K resolution/144hz monitor in Balmora i get around 60 - 100fps without this mod. With Project Atlas enabled, i get around 70 - 120 fps. Same applies to other cities as well where you will notice performance increase with this mod enabled. I use MET(Morrowind Enhanced Textures) as a base. Do note my mod list is huge with heavy grass coverage to all of the regions.
    Expect approximately 15 - 20% fps boost in the most performance heavy areas of the game.  Hope this helps someone!
    Its pretty amazing to be honest.
    1. pcusanb333
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Agreed. great mod
  10. pcusanb333
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    TY guys. great with Morrowind Enhanced Textures. FPS double for sure.