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  1. DassiD
    • premium
    • 82 kudos
    Link to landscape and rocks texture pack:
  2. DassiD
    • premium
    • 82 kudos
    I want to clarify about MGE and normals: You need the MGE XE advanced materials prototype(PBR), found here:
    All normal maps needs a corresponding text file and have the ending "".
    Honestly I think it's a lot of work for little gains considering that type of rendering demands having assets made with PBR in mind from the start.
    Ideally MGE should support the same type of mapping that Oblivion, Skyrim, and OpenMW uses, but enable a PBR "flag" for certain assets.

  3. Francesco1080
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is brilliant, between this and the daggerfall team I basically have normal maps for everything. 
    I am missing Tyddys Dwarven Architecture normal maps though for his "Only Architecture" file if anyone knows a location would be fantastic.
    To cut things short plz make one for his Dwemer “Only Arkitektura. Don’t do it for me, do it because you love Tyddys.
  4. deleted158654323
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Is there an all in one version?
    1. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      No, because not everyone will use all the mods each module requires. There are aio normal map sets for vanilla textures available on Nexus of varying quality.
  5. Dellmizzle
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Do these work upon download or do I have to copy the contents of the folders from these and past them in their corresponding mod they require?
    1. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      You can install the mods and their requirements separately. No need to combine anything, though you can if you want. (That goes for 99% of mods that change or add something to another mod, by the way.)
  6. wazabear
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    Hi,  thanks for creating this! Great as a base. 
  7. garrettinel
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Can I use this with intelligent textures or morrowind enhanced textures? Is this an alternative. I'm not sure which I download.
    1. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      This mod isn't really suitable for either of those mods, which are upscales of vanilla textures. These were made mostly with Tyddy's HD textures in mind. The description and download pages should make it clear what particular mod each set is intended for.
    2. garrettinel
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I thought that may be the case. The reason I ask is because on the modding openmw site they recommend one of the texture packs I mentioned as well as these normal maps. I may try to use those textures as a base and get the textures that this mod recommends as well.
       Thanks for the answer.
  8. Micromegas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I noticed that most of the files ending in _spec appear corrupted on my PC. Tried to open them with both Windows viewer and ImageGlass but nothing changes. I even tried to unzip the file with two different utilities, but the result seems exactly the same. Shouldn't be a memory issue on my part since I have plenty of it.

    What's up with that?
    1. tauiin
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      try gimp
  9. 1Mac
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    Edit: DassiD has kindly allowed me to edit this mod to address the issues below. See the description page for more info.

    A few observations about this mod:

    1.) Contrary to the description, you really do need Tyddy's retextures for the sake of compatibility. This includes his Landscape mod for the landscape and rock normals, a link to which is in the pinned post. Tyddy's textures are "vanilla friendly," but still enough unlike vanilla that the mismatch would be noticeable, like a shadowy pattern that doesn't match the underlying texture.

    2.) Furthermore, the wood normals are made from a couple of additional mods, namely Connary's Wood Furniture retexture and Ket's Swirlwood Furniture retexture. Install these mods in the following order for best compatibility: Connary's Wood Furniture, Tyddy's Shacks Docks and Ships, then Ket's Swirlwood. You could also just forgo these normal maps.

    3.) The normals here would not match the latest versions of Tyddy's Vivec/Velothi, Hlaalu, or Redoran meshes. Luckily DaggerfallTeam has released matching normals for these mods.

    4.) There's a surprising conflict between the Shacks Docks and Ships normals and with Lysol's Imperial Towns retexture. DassiD accidentally included normals made from Tyddy's Ordo Arkitektora mod for Imperial textures that happened to have "wood" in their name. They don't overwrite because DassiD uses the _nh suffix (for height maps as opposed to normal maps), which Lysol does not always use but which OpenMW prioritizes if both are available. Therefore, you have to remove from the Shacks Docks and Ships file any file with the following name:


    This includes _nh and _spec files.

    5.) Speaking of, I think for most if not all of these, the _nh suffix could be safely switched to _n to help avoid such compatibility issues. Height maps in OpenMW are basically like regular normal maps, with the addition of an alpha channel that determines the height data. The files I looked at didn't seem to have an alpha channel. Furthermore, I'm not sure every file needed specular files. Speculars determine light reflection, which is great for materials like metal and glass but less important for other things.

    Edit: 6.) Another thing I’ve since noticed is that while the all-in-one foe is correctly packaged, the individual files are missing a /textures folder. You need to put them all in a textures folder or OpenMW won’t recognize them.

    I think the files themselves are actually really nice and great for OpenMW. I'd like to see them expanded for other mods, like Tyddy's Dwemer or Articus's Mournhould retextures. Hopefully this explanation makes them easier to use. With a little better packaging they'd be even easier.
    1. bibbibsfv22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      1.) Barring the link in the pins which you explained, by Tyddy's retextures, you mean everything called 'Arkitektora of Vvardenfel' by him? Do I install those, and resolve any conflicts with the pinned mod by loading everything after said pinned mod?
      Also are there other things by him that I need, stuff with 'Ordo Arkitektora' in the name?

      2.) Got that part sorted out

      3.) Thanks

      4.) Probably not gonna get Lysol's mods, skipping this for now

      5.) I guess none of my concern thanks to ^

      6.) What does this mean? This download goes <All in one normals/textures/all-the-files>. Should each file have its own texture folder?
    2. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      1.) Yes, but look at the individual files on this page to know which of Tyddy’s mods to download. Additionally, as I mentioned, some of the wood normals are derived from Ordo Arkitektora, so indeed you need that mod as well.

      4.) That’s probably simpler, but Lysol’s mods are really nice. They’re the only texture mods made with OpenMW’s normal maps foremost in mind.

      5.) I don’t know that I’d recommend this step anyway. I’d just find and disable any conflicting files. This may be a good place to mention a similar issue I’ve discovered with the landscape normals. You can delete any files from that mods not ending in _nh. OpenMW won’t read the _spec files for landscape textures. And the suffixes like _nh_nh and _nh_spec are nonsensical, probably the result of running whatever automated process to generate these files twice. You don’t have to delete these, but you’ll free up a bunch of space.

      6.) To clarify, the all-in-one is packaged correctly. The individual files are not and need to be put in a /textures/ folder. I recommend the individual files if you’re using DaggerfallTeam’s normals or you’re going to run into similar compatibility issues, where OpenMW will prefer the _nh files from this mod over DT’s _n files.
    3. bibbibsfv22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Since your last reply, I went and got DT normals and their textures, the rest of Arkitektora, Ordo, Lysol's towns and the wood textures from point 2 of your post.
      I will stick to this!
      Some of his other stuff looks good, but I ended up confused trying to adjust to the individual mods here (i used all-in-one and lysols towns. I got DT stuff and equivalent AoV V.2 stuff installed just fine though. Plus the other lysol stuff seems to mod the same stuff as AoV V2 and V1, not worth the hassle.

      1 & 4.) Do you think I should stick to using as much of this mod and daggerfallteam's stuff as possible then? It seems Lysol's towns and Ordo would modify some of the same stuff, should Lysol then take precedence? I decided to keep Lysol's mod, because it actually put depth into the brick wall texture of a lot of places I tested at. Ideally I want as much of a normal mapped world as possible!

      5.) seems okay to leave that alone then!

      6.) I understand what you meant now! It wasn't clicking last night. I do want all of DT's normals, I'm just a little confused on what parts here I need. Could you maybe just type out part numbers for me to get?

      Thanks to the stuff you've put here over the time, a lot of things I've done so far have massively improved the look of the game, but I'm just hung up on a few problems that I'd like to get my head around. Both me and my friend are playing tes3mp and I'm the one sorting out a good looking game for us
    4. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      So there are a few textures that Lysol misses in each of his sets. Tyddy's mods are more complete; therefore, I'm using those as a base and overwriting with Lysol's mods where applicable. This may be more trouble than it's worth!

      I'm currently playtesting a rather huge graphics mod list I made. I wouldn't recommend installing all of it if you're just trying to set up a quick mod list for tes3mp, but I could PM it to you so you can see what I've done.

      Or, the simplest things may be to install Lysol's architecture mods (and his banners) and Tyddy's Redoran v2, Telvanni, Daedric, and Landscape mods (plus whatever other of Tyddy's retextures you like; they're all very good). Then install DT's Redoran normals and DassiD's Terrain, Rocks, Telvanni, and Daedric normals. The simplest thing is probably to skip DassiD's normals for Wood and for Shacks Docks and Ships, though they do look very nice if you can get the compatibility issues straightened out.
    5. bibbibsfv22
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      So far, I've done the same, used tyddy's as a base and overwritten with Lysol's. However in any other conflict scenario, tyddy's takes precedence.
      Sure thing, we can PM. I'll show you a couple of things too
      To your last paragraph, I'll definitely give that a try. Getting my head around this whole thing more and more as I go, but I could benefit from going back to something a little simpler
  10. Eccer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please explain simply how to install this. I have put the texture file in my datafiles folder(a folder I use for other mods as well) in OpenMW, created a path in the config, and I have also enabled normal maps and terrain in the settings config. Still it does not seem to catch up the textures. Thanks
    1. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Apart from the all-in-one, these files are improperly packaged. The texture files need to be in a "textures" folder within the data folder.

      I assume that you've unpacked the mod file, and that you're keeping each of your mods in individual data folders.
    2. Eccer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Small letter "t" or big letter "T" if i would create "texture" named folder?
    3. OffworldDevil
      • premium
      • 118 kudos
      I've seen mods use both upper and lowercase folder and filenames, with no apparent issues. The game treats them exactly the same.
    4. Eccer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So this is how I have it laid out, any faults here? --->
    5. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      You shouldn’t actually enter the textures folder to your cfg file; you just need to make sure there’s a textures folder the files are in. To understand the virtual folders system, think of each data folder as a reflection of the actual Data Files folder in your Morrowind folder. Think of where the files in your mod would go in the actual Data Files folder, if they go in textures or meshes or whatever. That’s what your virtual data folder should look like for each mod. Then you just have to point the cfg file to that virtual folder. 98% of the time a mod will be organized the proper way, but sometimes mod authors forget or just prefer to package everything as loose files.

      Again, it’s not obvious to me that you’re using different data folders for each of your mods. Strictly speaking you don’t need to do this, but otherwise it’s basically no different from putting everything in the actual Data Files folder. You’d lose the whole benefit of the virtual folder system, which is to keep all your mods separate and make it easy to uninstall mods or change your install order.

      Lastly, it looks like you’ve pretty much only installed this mod. These normal maps were generated from Tyddy’s retextures and will be incompatible with vanilla textures, despite the description here.
    • member
    • 7 kudos

    The textures were made with following settings configured:

    force per pixel lighting = true
    clamp lighting = false
    auto use object normal maps = true
    auto use object specular maps = true
    normal map pattern = _n
    normal height map pattern = _nh
    specular map pattern = _spec
    auto use terrain normal maps = true
    auto use terrain specular maps = true
    terrain specular map pattern = _diffspec"

    I pasted this into the settings.cfg file, do they need to be in a specific place in the file however?

    1. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Your question is covered by what was literally the most recent post in this thread.
  12. martakule
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! I'm new - I might be missing something, but is this mod compatible with the MW Gigapixel? I installed that first and saw the difference immediately, and then I added Normal Maps, and everything is as flat as before. I followed the instructions here, adding the data path to the config after the Gigapixel path:

    data="D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Morrowind\Data Files"

    [Edit] make sure you have normalmaps enabled in settings.cfg

    auto use object normal maps = true
    auto use terrain normal maps = true
    1. 1Mac
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Read my post below. TLDR, they’re made for Tyddy’s textures plus a few other wood retextures, not vanilla or vanilla upscaled. There are other issues I describe below. But if you can make the adjustments, they look pretty good in OpenMW.
    2. martakule
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! Yes, I downloaded Arkitektora after reading your post. Now I see there are even more textures from Tyddy. It's a good point to keep in mind that normalmaps correspond to specific textures. Another night of modding ahead! :)

      [EDIT] You know what it was? I didn't have normal maps enabled in the OpenMW config settings.cfg! This should be up in the description for noobs like me:

      auto use object normal maps = true
      auto use terrain normal maps = true

      Thanks to greg079 for mentioning it in their latest normal maps mod: