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Greatness7 - MementoMoritius - Melchior Dahrk - TheDrunkenMudcrabUploaded by
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About this mod
Long ago, there existed a Nord named CHEMUA, who belched blight and made Velothi's glorious clouds excrete bile. His helmet still remains, and Dagoth Ur's minions have found it.
Ask about Latest Rumors in Dagon Fel to begin the quest to save the helm.
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- Polish
- Italian
Long ago, in the first era, there existed a Nord named Chemua Running-Hunger (See lore book). He belched blight winds, and caused the clouds to cry the foul toxin. Some say that he was the first blighter. He roared from his heart, his Thu'um one of the strongest in the land. When he was destroyed by Vivec and the Hortator, his body was buried in the Azura's Coast Region, like many Nords before him. You see, Resdayn did not always belong to the Elves. His burial place? An island, dubbed "Running Hunger's Rest".
Hundreds of years later, a darkness has entered Running Hunger's Rest. A perilous blight blizzard has emerged from the tomb, swarming the island in a vicious tempest gale. Blight and Ice, swirling in perfect synchronicity. Dagoth Ur's wretched, foul minions have entered the island, awakening the powers of the Helm of Chemua, his personal adornment. The blight blizzard has arisen from their meddling. Fight past the tomb's undead guardians and the sixth house invaders, and you may claim the helmet as your own. The tomb is of great importance to Dagoth Ur, and so some of the greatest of the Sixth House minions now reside in this place.
This mod is an adventure mod. It includes three quests, lots of enemies to fight, and a detailed backstory about the titular island.
The features of this mod include:
♦ A large island with multiple enemy types, including unique Sixth House minions and Undead.
♦ A main quest to find the Helm of Chemua, an artifact lost to the Sixth House horde that now infests the tomb. Note that you don't have to start the quest to go to the island and get the helm; you can do that at any time.
♦ Two side quests to aid the various peaceful undead that guard the island.
♦ A Nord that you can choose to bring with you (Or leave him behind, if you don't want to worry about him dying!).
♦ Multiple weapons and armors, assets that use Morrowind's rock textures combined with Bloodmoon's Tomb interiors (To create a lore-friendly variant of the Nordic tomb), impressive effects, and frosted-over vanilla assets.
♦ Several new notes, consisting entirely of the philosophies/theories/ramblings of a Sixth House Dagoth mage.
♦ A difficult boss battle against the beforementioned Dagoth, including a very unique usage of spells.
♦ TheDrunkenMudcrab's best character yet!
Version 1.02: Fixes an accidentally cut option to turn in the helmet if you already found it prior to meeting the questgiver Nord.
Version 1.03: Fixes a MASSIVE glitch that would make the questgiver Nord actually refuse to talk to you if you asked about Latest Rumors before speaking to him. Yikes!
Version 1.031: Fixes some minor dialogue issues.
Due to the difficult combat encounters that may be found in this mod (as well as the exceptional loot), we recommend Legend of Chemua for level 20+ characters.
It makes no real difference whether or not you bring the questgiver with you to attack the Sixth House cult. He can stand on his own against the Sixth House, but he's no god. While he can be a valuable asset in combat, leaving him behind when combat is too difficult may be neccessary to ensure his good health. You will get the same rewards regardless of whether you take him or leave him in Dagon Fel.
While most of the tomb's undead guardians will attack you for intruding upon the island, some will engage in conversation with you. Be careful about which skeletons you attack if you wish to complete every quest on the island.
♦ Alisiagae for some of the unique weapons (The Nordic Hammer is unique to this mod).
♦ Demon Xen for the Frost King and Ghoul King monsters
♦ PT Data for the Ice Wraith monster.