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Created by

Melchior Dahrk

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About this mod

His methods are atypical, but an Argonian in the Sixth House base of Bensamsi has discovered a way to create soul gems from ash salts. Talk to Heem-La in the Ald-ruhn Guild of Mages about research opportunities if you would like to learn more.

Permissions and credits

His methods are atypical, but an Argonian in the Sixth House base of Bensamsi has discovered a way to create soul gems from ash salts. Talk to Heem-La in the Ald-ruhn Guild of Mages about research opportunities if you would like to learn more.

About this mod:
In July 2017, I held my 2nd Follower Appreciation Event through my Tumblr blog in which the Runner Up prize was a mod which mashed two things of your choosing together. The runner up, caprizee, requested a passive ash zombie with soul gems in their face hole. I have completed this request and included a short quest to boot.