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The Elder Scrolls III
Drag N Drop NPCs
Modders Resource
by MWPlayer2

Requires Morrowind, Bloodmoon and Tribunal


Version 1.0

This modder's resource is intended to save modders a little time and maybe give them some new ideas.

It has 2700 NPCs already created. Each has a unique name.

I've added factions and classes unique to this resource. The reason for that is to allow a modder to easily assign new dialog to the NPCs. By creating dialog that only these classes or factions will have, their dialog will not conflict with existing NPCs in the game nor break any quests, etc.

They have various wander, flee, fight, alarm, hello settings as well as appropriate clothing choices based on their character.

There are no essential or respawning NPCs and no corpses persist.

None have auto-calc enabled. One of the reasons for that is that I made the bad guys a little tougher by giving them more hit points, some more magicka, etc.

I originally built it just for my own use. I'm not really satisfied with MCA or Starfire. I found it's easier to already have a lot of characters I can use in any mod I want to build. I just make my new mod dependent on this one.

I made another mod that gives generic dialog and greetings that are assigned to the new classes and factions. This way, to create a new mod, I open this resource, drag and drop whatever NPCs I want into the game where I want them.

If I choose to add new dialog for those characters, fine. If not, they will have the generic dialog from my other mod.

For me, it makes creating a new mod and adding new NPCs to the game easy. I hope it helps others as well.

You use the NPCs you want and ignore the rest. I did not add many beast race NPCs as I'm not that fond of them. I tried to avoid patterns and tried to vary the races as much as possible.

I also did my best to match the unique names to the race of the NPCs, but when creating more than 2600 of them, I'm sure there are some that don't make much sense.

I'm sure the bad guys are tougher than some would like. I didn't level them to the player. I varied their levels. I expect if you found 4 smugglers somewhere, one might be level 1, one maybe 5-6, another might be level 20 and the boss might be higher. I feel that's more realistic. If you're low level character can't handle them, run and live to fight another day when you can. That's just my personal preference for the game.

As you add them to your mod, you can make any changes you want. Just giving you a heads up to check the stats and settings before you add them and customize them to your own liking.


There are no screenshots since I decided to upload this version of the mod. The faces will default to whatever you have installed. As you add them to the game you can choose faces and hair that you have installed. My own version requires a lot of facepacks that I have, but others may not use. I use the facepack compilation, Mel's and Illy's Facepacks as well as Better heads. I could proved the version that relies on those facepacks on request. Email me through the site if you want it.

1. Installation
2. Playing the Plugin
3. Saved Games and Compatibility
4. Credits & Usage
5. Details of Contents (Includes Spoilers)




To use the resource, unzip the esp file into the Morrowind/Data Files directory.


The files included in this mod should unzip as follows:

[Data Files]

Just DnD.esp




1. Just open it in the construction set.
2. Hit save. Name your new mod that you are about to create.
3. Pick the NPCs you want to use.
4. Modify them however you want.
5. Note the factions and/or classes, the ones that begin with zac-. Add dialog assigned to the zac-faction or zac-class so only the new NPCs will have that dialog.
6. Drag them into the world wherever you want them through the render window.

Done. You've made a new mod. of course you may be doing much more for your mod, scripting, building, landscaping, etc., so you may not really be done.

But if you want to make a mod that just adds more NPCs to the game and give them unique dialog, this resource should be helpful. The only drawback is the dependency on this mod.

It doesn't matter if you are making mods for yourself. But if you plan to upload them for others to use, you will need to let them know it's dependent on Drag N Drop NPCs or dnd.esp.




This plugin will not create any conflicts with either saved games, or any other plugins.




Created by MWPlayer2
[email][email protected][/email]


The creators of MCA, Starfire and other mods that add new NPCs to the game.

Rules of Usage:

If you use it to make a mod to share with others, credit would be nice, but I won't chase you down if you forget.

An email would be great. I'll probably want to use your mod.

#1 rule that you must follow, no exceptions, is you must share any ideas about improving this resource with me. :)




The following is a very brief summary of the changes included in this plugin. All modifications can be found via the Construction Set, and will be close to the bottom of the lists starting with zac-

List of NPC Types and Number of NPCs Follows;

12 Zac-Agent-Blades - Class - Agent. Faction - Zac-Agent-Blades - Ideas - More agents, possibly more quests, special info, secrets, messages for the player, etc.

12 Zac-Agent-CTE - CTE stands for Camonna Tong Elite - Class - Agent. Faction - Zac-Agent-CTE. Ideas - Creating a bunch of Elite Camonna Tong members who are after the player for the whole council club incident and to stop the player from taking over the Camonna Tong. These were intended to not always attack the player. Chance of fight is higher but not absolute. Should have warnings and messages for the player as dialog.

8 Zac-Ash-frcpl and 50 Zac-Ash-fr - Class - Zac-Ashlander. Faction - Zac-Ash-Friendly-CPL and Zac-Ash-Friendly. Ideas -The one ending in CPL stands for couple. It's just husband and wife. The wife is set to follow. These are friendly ashlanders to add to the camps and to the wilderness so all ashlanders in the wilderness are not hostile. Player should not know whether they are about to encounter friendlies or hostiles.

75 Zac-Ash-Outcast - Class - Zac-Ashlander. Faction - Zac-Ash-Outcast. Ideas - Just more outcast ashlanders.

50 Zac-Assassin-CTE - Class - Assassin. Faction - Zac-Assassin-CTE. Ideas - Again CTE stands for Camonna Tong Elite. Only these guys are trying to kill the player unlike Zac-Agents-CTE.

50 Zac-Assassin-DB - Class - Assassin. Faction - Zac-Assassin-DB. Ideas - More DB assassins. Tougher. Meant to be added in isolated spots, maybe more for the sewers in Mournhold too.

50 Zac-Badguy - Class - Zac-Badguy. Faction - None. Ideas - Just more bad guys to put wherever you want.

49 Zac-Bandit-Con - Class - Rogue. Faction - Zac-Bandits. Rank - Con Artist. Ideas - They don't attack. Idea is that they try to con the player into buying something fake, bogus investment scams, pick their pocket, lure them to an ambush, etc.

20 Zac-Bandit-Ldr - Class - Rogue. Faction - Zac-Bandits. Rank - Gang Leader. Ideas - Meant to add one to any group of bandits. The boss guy. Tougher.

100 Zac-Bandit-Road - Class - Rogue. Faction - Zac-Bandits. Rank - Road Bandit. Ideas - Meant to be added in isolated areas where an unsuspecting player might travel. Attack on sight.

100 Zac-Bandit-Town - Class - Rogue. Faction - Zac-Bandits. Rank - Road Bandit. Ideas - Meant to be added in towns to rob the player.

25 Zac-Barb-fr - Class - Barbarian. Faction - Zac-Barbarians. Rank - Friendly. Ideas - Just random barbarians. Nords. Meant to be added to Solstheim. Can be anywhere you like. They are friendly obviously.

43 Zac-Barb-insane - Class - Barbarian. Faction - Zac-Barbarians. Rank - Insane. Ideas - Some may attack. Some may speak gibberish. Who knows. They're crazy.

72 Zac-Barb-Nom - Class - Barbarian. Faction - Zac-Barbarians. Rank - Nomad. Ideas - Just random barbarians. meant to be in small groups Nords. Meant to be added to Solstheim. Can be anywhere you like. They are friendly obviously.

36 Zac-Barb-Outcast - Class - Barbarian. Faction - Zac-Barbarians. Rank - Outcast. Ideas - Outcast barbarians similar to outcast ashlanders.

50 Zac-Barb-Smug - Class - Barbarian. Faction - Zac-Barbarians. Rank - Smuggler. Ideas - Smugglers for Solstheim. Like reavers maybe. You decide.

45 Zac-Barmaid - Class - Commoner. Faction - Zac-Barmaid. Ideas - Serving Wenches.

100 Zac-com - Class - Zac-Commoner. Faction - None. Ideas - Just commoners to add wherever you want.

24 Zac-comcpl - Class - Commoner. Faction - Zac-CommonerCpl. Ideas - Just commoners to add wherever you want. The wives follow the husbands so you can distinguish them from other commoners. Maybe they have dialog about their mate.

24 Zac-court - Class - Acrobat. Faction - Zac-Courtesan. Ideas - Coutesans with anim-dancing-girl.nif.

24 Zac-Dancer - Class - Acrobat. Faction - Zac-Dancer. Ideas - Dancing Girls with anim-dancing-girl.nif.

30 Zac-Dreamer-Mage - Class - Dreamers. Faction - Zac-Dreamer-Mage. Ideas - Very tough Mages who serve Dagoth Ur.

50 Zac-Dreamer-Warrior - Class - Dreamers. Faction - Zac-Dreamer-Warrior. Ideas - Very tough Warriors who serve Dagoth Ur.

50 Zac-Dreamer-Worsh - Class - Dreamers. Faction - Zac-Dreamer-Worshipper. Ideas - They won't necessarily attack. Busy worshipping maybe. May have some cool unique dialog.

20 Zac-Entertainer - Class - Zac-Entertainer. Dreamers. Faction - None. Ideas - Like Bards. Not sure what I plan for them yet. Come up with something interesting.

18 Zac-Farmer - Class - Farmer. Dreamers. Faction - Zac-Farmer-CPL. Ideas - Just couples to work the farms or they could be shopping in town, selling goods, etc.

24 Zac-Fence - Class - Trader Service. Dreamers. Faction - Zac-Fence. Ideas - They'll buy your stuff. Haven't added much to sell. Just enough so you can tell what they buy. They have barter gold.

280 Zac-Grd - Class - Guard. Faction - Zac-Guards. Ranks - 40 Hlaau, 50 Imperial, 24 Ordinators, 40 Redoran, 24 Royal, 12 Skaal, 50 Special, 40 Telvanni. Ideas - All look different, depending on facepacks of course. Different stats and AI settings. Can have unique dialog. Whatever you want.

12 Zac-Herder-Cpl - Class - Herder. Faction - Zac-Herder-Cpl. Ideas - They have creatures already set to follow. So if you place them in the game you should check out the 6 Zac-Durzogs and 24 Zac-Guar that are set to follow them.

60 Zac-Hooker - Class - Acrobat. Faction - Zac-Hooker. Ideas - Like the courtesans from MCa, can be placed anywhere. Add some dialog, etc.

24 Zac-Hunter-Cpl - Class - Hunter. Faction - Zac-Hunter-Cpl. Ideas - More hunters to add. Probably should have made more. I've always thought there weren't enough of them. Wives follow the husbands. Should have made some singles. Maybe I'll get around to it. But if you want to add more, Open Zac-Hunter-Cpl-m12, Rename it Zac-Hunter1 or whatever you like. Give him or her a name. Check the settings. Save. If you make a new hunter from the females, keep in mind they are set to follow an NPC, so you'll need to change their AI Package to Wander instead.

36 Zac-Merch-Mate - Class - Commoner. Faction - Zac-Merchant-Cpl. Ideas - Okay. Seems like a lot of couples right? But it just seems to me there is a lack of it in Morrowind. So the idea is to fix that. I use Children of Morrowind as well. None of the children have any parents. So creating couples and plan to create a similar mod to add children that actually have parents.

25 Zac-Merchant - Class - Zac-Merchant. Faction - None. Ideas - I plan to add a few more street vendors to some cities. They have barter gold and sell different types of merchandise. I haven't givin them much to sell, just enough so you know what they buy. Add more for them to sell, change the gold amount, whatever you like.

63 Zac-Miner - Class - Zac-Miner. Faction - None. Ideas - Just more miners.

24 Zac-Necro - Class - Necromancer. Faction - Zac-Necromancer. Ideas - Just more very tough necromancers.

12 Zac-NobCpl - Class - Noble. Faction - Zac-NobleCPL. Ideas - You got it. Wives set to follow husbands so you know they're couples. Some of you ladies may want to reverse that. :)

60 Zac-Noble - Class - Zac-Noble. Faction - None. Ideas - Just more nobles to add wherever you want.

60 Zac-Official - Class - Noble. Faction - Zac-official. Rank 12 Mayors, 12 Town Bosses, 12 Permit Officers, 24 Tax Collectors. Ideas - Several. Mostly creating NPCs that annoy the player. You owe taxes. You bought a hous here so you need a permit. Need to bribe the town bosses and mayors. Who knows? Be creative.

100 Zac-Pauper - Class - Zac-Pauper. faction - None. Ideas - More Paupers to add. Think Morrowind is short of poor folk.

12 Zac-PauperCPL - Class - Pauper. faction - Zac-Pauper-CPL. Ideas - More Paupers to add. These are married and yes, the wife follows the husband around nagging him to get a job. Or whatever you decide. :)

40 Zac-Prisoner - Class - Various Classes. Faction - Zac-Prisoners. Ideas - Let's fill those prisons up. May be some good quests to invent too.

50 Zac-Rogue-CT - Class - Rogue. Faction - Zac-Rogue-CT. Ideas - Rogues loyal to Camonna Tong. Fight set to 60, so not friendly, but not necessarily going to attack the player. But being loyal to the Cam Tong gives a chance for some unique dialog.

50 Zac-Rogue-FR - Class - Rogue. Faction - Zac-Rogue-Friendly. Ideas - Rogues not loyal to Camonna Tong. So their dialog would be different from the other rogues.

130 Zac-Servant - Class - Mostly Commoner, Some Guards. Faction - Zac-Servant. Rank - 20 Maids, 8 Cooks, 8 Secretaries, 12 Bartenders, 3 Masseuses, 16 Serving Girls, 6 Smiths, 6 Chemists, 51 Security Guards. Ideas - Not really sure yet. Think of something.

40 Zac-Slave - Class - Zac-Slave. Faction - None. Ideas - Create more interesting slaves you plan to keep with a cool back story. None of these are beast races.

12 Zac-Smug-Fr - Class - Smuggler. Faction - Zac-Smuggler-Friendly. Ideas - Maybe they will sell you cool stuff smuggled from exotic locations. They won't attack you at least.

12 Zac-Smug-HM or HF - Class - Smuggler. Faction - Zac-Smuggler-Hostile. Ideas - Bad guys. They will attack.

12 Zac-Trav-ComCpl - Class - Commoner. Faction - Zac-Trav-Com-Cpl. Ideas - Traveling Commoner Couples. Wives follow husbands whose AI Wander is set high so they won't always be found in the same place as last time you passed by. You could script them or whatever. But more travelers seems needed.

12 Zac-Trav-Ent - Class - Bard. Faction - Zac-Trav-Entertainer. Ideas - Traveling Bards. What a concept.

24 Zac-Trav-Merch - Class - Trader Service. Faction - Zac-Trav-Merchant. Ideas - Traveling Merchants. They have barter gold. Could use more to sell though.

12 Zac-Trav-NobCpl - Class - Noble. Faction - Zac-Trav-Nob-Cpl. Ideas - Traveling Noble Couples. Wives follow husbands whose AI Wander is set high so they won't always be found in the same place as last time you passed by. You could script them or whatever.

12 Zac-Trav-Pilg - Class - Pilgrim. Faction - Zac-Trav-Pilgrim. Ideas - More Pilgrims.

48 Zac-Trav-Thf - Class - Thief. Faction - Zac-Trav-Thief. Ideas - They do not attack the player. Meant to appear like other travelers, but much like the Zac-Bandit-Cons mentioned above. They may offer to camp with the player and try to steal their stuff, con them out of money, pick their pocket, lure them to the bandits that do attack, offer fake quests, etc.

48 Zac-Vampire - Class - Sorcerer. Faction - Zac-Vampire. Script - Vampire Clans. Ideas - These Vampires are much tougher than those the player would normally encounter, so maybe add 1-2 per lair and add some of them alone in other tombs, leveled lists, etc.

24 Zac-Warlock - Class - Warlock. Faction - Zac-Warlock. Ideas - These Warlocks are much tougher than those the player would normally encounter.

24 Zac-Witch - Class - Witch. Faction - Zac-Witch. Ideas - These Witches are much tougher than those the player would normally encounter.




Cleaned with TesTool. No GMSTs. No Scripts or new Objects Added or changed. Just NPCs and a few Creatures for the Herders added. As clean as I know how to make it.

All suggestions are welcome. Keep in mind, comments that you don't like a name or whatever, keep in mind, this is how I would make them. You're welcome to change anything you like.

This mod is intended to help others make mods and to inspire some ideas. Even an inexperienced modder can make a mod that adds these NPCs to the game fairly simple. Any questions, feel free to contact me, but I'm not nearly as experienced as many in the forums like CrankGorilla, PenLord, Quarl, Princess Stomper and so many others whose mods have helped me learn to use the construction set to alter the game to my own tastes. So asking your questions in forums might be more helpful. That being said, I'll do my best to help if asked.

If people like the idea of a drag and drop NPC Base Mod, then I'll make a version with all of them added to the game as is for those that really like a challenge. The game would be pretty tough from day 1. It's a harsh world out there with lots of bad guys and even good guys who are tougher than the player. :)

If I made some terrible errors here, let me know. I can't see any problems. I have checked the box in the data files and loaded a new game as well as a saved games and encountered no error messages. If anyone does encounter a problem, please let me know at [email][email protected][/email] with subject line DnD Esp Problem.