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  1. ZZZ02
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    Darkelfguy submitted a video and it is very well done and a must see for both new modders and experts alike be sure to check it out.
    1. iceman42dave
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much for recommending this patch to me. It not only fixed the problem I was having with the tables, it fixes other problems I hadn't even noticed yet. And also thanks for the heads-up regarding the other patches listed on the description page. They were easy to implement and I look forward to many hours of enjoyment replaying Morrowind with this amazing Morrowind Overhaul, which you have so kindly helped me iron the wrinkles out of.
  2. ZZZ02
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    Sorry if I haven't responded here, I almost never check this page if you need anything it is better to post on the base MGSO page or if it is urgent send a PM. any advice for users, comments, or leads on additional bugfixes are more than welcome.
  3. lSerenar
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having a issue with the daedric armor, my game was crashing every time I tried equipping the daedric cuirass, looking online I found this mod as well as Spirit's MGSO fix and now I can equip the cuirass without any trouble, the issue now is the gauntlets, the game crashes when I equip one and this is what shows up in the warning txt:

    "Meshes\A\a_daedric_gauntlet.nif cannot load file in Meshes\A\a_daedric_gauntlet.nif.
    Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF."

    Could someone help me?
  4. Player20000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I downloaded this because I was encountering the table glitch but now I can't get the game to launch! Any ideas??
  5. fingerschnipp
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Thank you very much for your contribution.
    I have completed all the steps, and recieve a error message in mlox.

    > 'MW Containers Animated.esp'
    > [ANY
    >'MISSING(Advanced Herbalism - MO.esp)',
    >'MISSING(Advanced Herbalism - TR & BM.esp)',
    >'MISSING(Advanced Herbalism - TR.esp)',
    >'MISSING(Advanced Herbalism - BM.esp)',
    >'Graphic Herbalism.esp',
    >'MISSING(Syc_HerbalismforPurists (Pearl Bug Edit).esp)',
    >'MISSING(Herbalism Redux 1.12a.esp)',
    >'MISSING(Herbalism Redux 1.12a - Bloated MW.esp)',
    >'MISSING(HR 1.12a + EW 1.5.esp)',
    >'MISSING(HR 1.12a BMW + EW 1.5.esp)',
    >'MISSING(Ultra Light Herbalism.esp)']
    | "[qqqbbb's "MW Containers Animated"] modifies kollops so it will conflict with herbalism mods."
    | (Ref: "MW Containers Animated readme.txt")

    Also two plugins seem to have a different master.
    from warnings.txt:

    One of the files that "Poorly Placed Object Fix SN Walls+Rock Patch.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
    but not necessarily fix any errors.
    One of the files that "Poorly Placed Object Fix SN Walls Patch.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
    This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
    but not necessarily fix any errors.

    Any idea? Thanks for any help.
    1. Dragon32
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      That mlox message means that, as you're using Graphic Herbalism, either the herbalism mod's changes to kollops or MW Containers Animated's changes to kollops will take effect, not both. Whichever mod loads later in your load order will "win" and its effect will be seen in game.

      I didn't put any ordering rules into mlox as I didn't want to dictate which mod wins for people. You can set one for your preference using a custom mlox_user.txt

      The errors in your warnings.txt are caused by you using different ESMs to the ones used by the mod maker. You can fix them with Wrye Mash:

      (1) On the Mods tab all mods should have a green checkbox.
      (2) If any mods have a yellow checkbox, select them and then look for the Save button in the bottom right. Click that and the mod file will be updated and the error removed. The error just means that the mod was created with an earlier version of Morrowind to the one you're using. Saving in Mash will update this version info.
      (3) If you have any mods with red checkboxes then you do not have a ESM file needed by that mod loaded. Check the mod's readme.
  6. Twin2kaay7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You're a godsent ZZZ02 , thx for submitting JohnMoonsugar's work here on the Nexus.
    I recently purchased Morrowind to see what all the fuss is about from all those ppl complaining how Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls and all others are dumbed down. Couldn't get myself to play the game though with its vanilla graphics but luckily I am a veteran Skyrim Modder so I went to work and quickly discovered that the best mod for this game - graphic wise that is - would be MGSO. But with its fixes came alot of other errors like vampire embrace showing an error due to foreign references and the all too anyoning missing tabes yada yada yada , and the Plugin sorter , LOOT , BOSS or whatever the Morrowind name for it is , came years out of date.
    This was when I stumbled over this hidden gem of a mod!

    Thx man for submitting and making all my problems go away so I can finally give Morrowind a try to see if it indeed does live up to what ppl make it out to be. But on the first look it looks way more in depth than Skyrim and reminds me of old RPGs I played back in the days.

    Edit: I've heared about needing to tweak the ini for some mods to function propperly. Is it needed to tweak your ini after the recommended patches like the deadric armor fix etc. Or do I need only to edit the ini after installing mods like vampire Embrace and Vampire Realism? Or perhaps it is like in Skyrim where ini tweaks are only used to make special graphical mods work correctly and I just missread and got too paranoid. Could you clearify what the ini tweaking does and when to do so pls?
    1. Twin2kaay7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The animated Morrowind Mod comes as a merged , for anyone encountering porblems or who just wants the serperate files. Here you go:
    2. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Sorry haven't checked this for ever. The links you pointed to are not showing the mods perhaps someone violated permissions and they got removed. The big issues are fixed in abots version that I linked to.
  7. lordromel
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    I finally try this fix out and it did works thank you for this hope next version of MGSO fix those problems
    And i did looking in too of my (( 14 warning / error )) they are all a bout (( lantern / table / barel / basket / etc )) in other hand most of them was clutter and furniture .

    Also i found this problem :
    Balmora tree having a problem like it make a landscape a round balmora have some cliping issue also Mlox give a warning a bout a esp. when you use that option .

    Anyway ...
    Thank you for all of your help and see you a round !
    1. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      I believe for the MGSO version of the balmora trees you can ignore that mlox error. some clipping with buildings will happen due to how close they are to said buildings. Unfortunately the creator of this patch is inactive so I hope the MGSO team will merge the bugfixes into version 4 as well as squash any new bugs.
    2. Dragon32
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      mlox shows a warning if you don't have "Vality's Bitter Coast Addon.esp" loaded with "Vality's Balmora Addon.esp":
      ""[Vality's "Balmora Addon"] is an addon to ["Vality's Bitter Coast Tree Replacer & Bitter Coast Addon"]"
      Whilst you do not have to have the plugin from "Vality's Bitter Coast Tree Replacer & Bitter Coast Addon" loaded you need to have the meshes and textures installed."

      Seems pretty understandable to me...

      If you're seeing something different, you're running an old version of mlox. The one bundled with MGSO is years out of date.
    3. lordromel
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Yeah mlox give me that warning sorry i didn't say that on my post i for got to point it out .
  8. armadilloloco
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Glad this helped but just so you know, I did not make or edit this at all I just re-distributed it for easy access. The author is John Moonsugar he is the god that deserves the thanks not me...
  9. darktwin1
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Thanks so much for this! These are very useful links and patches. I have been contending with these problems for some time now. The Daedric Armor problem has been especially irksome and now i have a fix!
    1. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Glad you like them, I am sure the authors that made them felt the same way when they first saw these errors. I hope that if a MGSO 4 gets made that the fixes get included.

      If you or anyone else know of a good patch that is not listed please let me know as most of these that I found were mentioned in scattered posts on the forums or just by accident and I think it would be nice to have them listed in one place for easy reference.
    2. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      They are listed in one place!!!!!! *SIGH* It is all on the OFFICIAL FORUM THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      This is not even your work! Why this place allows people to upload other people's work is mind boggling.

  10. Dragon32
    • premium
    • 70 kudos
    In response to post #22283924.
    Glad you like them, I am sure the authors that made them felt the same way when they first saw these errors. I hope that if a MGSO 4 gets made that the fixes get included.

    If you or anyone else know of a good patch that is not listed please let me know as most of these that I found were mentioned in scattered posts on the forums or just by accident and I think it would be nice to have them listed in one place for easy reference.
    Have you checked the OP of this thread: Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics 3.0 Thread?
    1. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      I updated the description and added more info thanks Dragon32, I forgot about the dunmmer lanterns and the object fix the rest seems to be on the list already.