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  1. 0star1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sadly, using this mod crashes the game as soon as I choose New or Load. Using newest MWSE, not OpenMW.
    And use, GH is loaded as well.
    1. Nibenon76
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I can confirm that the same thing happens to me. Warnings.txt says that
      "Expression Error Unable to find global variable "MU_GH_DaysToRegen" in script MU_GH_Ash_Yam_xx.".
      I suppose that this Add-on is not compatible with the latest Graphic Herbalism - MWSE and OpenMW Edition mod by Stuporstar and Greatness7, which I currently use and I also don't use OpenMW engine.
    2. Nephatrine
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Correct, this is an add-on for the original Graphic Herbalism mod as listed in the requirements.
  2. Aruhamel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Using this mod, whenever I pick up a plant, any plant, even those in the wild, I get an in-game window with an error saying:

    Trying to RunFunction index greater than function count
    The script will not run anymore.
    Continue running executable?

    If I choose 'yes,' the game continues and I pick up the plant, but it's obviously annoying to put up with, to put it mildly. I made sure that the load order was correct (ownership was loaded after the other graphic herbalism mods).

    I don't get the error when I disable it and just use the main Graphic Herbalism Mod and the extra mining add-on.

    Do you have any idea what might be causing this, and what the solution could be?

    Thanks for your mods, by the way.

  3. DeJuanNOnley
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    Great mod. This always annoyed me about GH. I love immersion mods, and it didn't make sense to me that I could pick the items off of plants right in front of a shop owner/faction member without repercussions, yet I also don't like having to click through the container menu as I have to with that other herbalism mod. One question though. In addition to the issues pointed out by ZZZ02, could we get these ownership changes incorporated into your other GH mods? For example, I currently have to choose between the Expanded Sounds patch and this one.

    I may end up just making my own mod which combines the functions of both scripts, but of course I would never upload it without permission.
    1. DeJuanNOnley
      • supporter
      • 23 kudos
      Merging the two mods turned out to be fairly easy. A simple modification to the changes made to the scripts by this mod allows it to be easily integrated with the Expanded Sounds patch. The only issue of course, is that it would have to be changed for all four versions. I've started doing this for my own use, but in doing so I recognized another issue with this mod that nobody has reported. It is incompatible with the mineral mining (Extra) version because these scripts do not contain the appropriate checks for the required items (pickaxe, shovel, etc).
      Here are the technical details if you want. I do NOT guarantee results, but they seemed to work in my testing. For every script in every ESP in the Expanded Sounds patch, do the following to make this work with it (it is easier to edit those scripts than it is to edit the ones in this mod, since the code changes are identical whereas the sound changes differ depending on the script, plus this way you maintain compatibility with the extra version):


      float timer


      long GetOwner


      if ( OnActivate == 1 )


      set GetOwner to 1


              if ( DaysPassed >= RegenDate )


      if ( GetOwner != 0 )
      setx GetOwner to xGetOwner
      if ( GetOwner )
      "GH_criminal_entry"-> ExplodeSpell "GH_criminal_act"
      set GetOwner to 0

      Note that the last section is important. It is slightly modified from the code used by this ESP currently. The reason is to skip the "return" statement, ensuring that the Expanded Sounds patch will function regardless of ownership. At least, that's how it should work in theory. I haven't tested this much.

      Update: I have made some edits and this comment should be viewed on the forum.
      Update 2: in theory, the best method would be to create a small script that handles the ownership checks and add a single line to each of the patched scripts to call it. I don't know much about TES scripts, but in the few minutes of research I did it appears this is not possible (limitation of the engine I assume?). If you could do this, it would make it far easier to address the issues ZZZ02 mentioned and any others as you would only need to edit/compile a single script rather than dozens.
  4. ZZZ02
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    Just saw this, will download and try tonight
    1. ZZZ02
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      It works well and I will definitely endorse as it is a very good addon but I noticed 3 small details while testing

      1 the crime does not get you expelled from factions if seen.

      2, no alarm from anyone who is not an official guard even if they would normally attack.

      3, the items taken is not flagged as stolen in your inventory.

      these are no big deal now as plants are not worth much but they will need to be fixed before you try to incorporate it into the ores to avoid exploitation.
    2. Skrawafunda
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      Thank you very much for your feedback ZZZ02! It will be put to good use
  5. ARHIZ
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Good idea