About this mod
Dreaming of flying your favorite FSX plane in modern Flight Simulator? This utility is what you need! No compilers, no code skills. Ten clicks and you will get your (half working) dream! Development still in progress, so stay tuned.
- Permissions and credits
EXE file of this application is unsigned, so Windows Defender/some other antivirus software may be triggered. Sometimes it even blocking EXE file as malware (before or after archive extraction), it happen because of signatures comparison technology that does not analyze real program functionality but searching matches in binary data.
Each update build was submit into Microsoft Security Intelligence service to make sure it will be not blocked by Windows Defender, but it take days until cloud database, and then your client, will be updated. If you experience such issue - you may try to apply security intelligence manual update following this instruction [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/defenderupdates] and then try to run application again.
If you are using some different antivirus software - you can send file for detailed analysis manually, such service available for most services. Usually it takes 2-4 hours to complete, as result EXE file will be whitelisted after next signatures update.
If it still does not work and you do not trust program developer - don't use it for now and wait for the release version.
Virustotal scan report
This is complex tool for importing Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX, 2006) aircraft into Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS, 2020). It does apply all required actions for successful import (like files copying, JSON files generation, critical issues fixing, 2D gauges conversion and other useful stuff). Two levels of import available - Basic and Full. First one providing list of fixes for various critical issues, lights and textures conversion, 2D gauges import. Second also have tools for CFG files manipulations and AIR data migration.
Program still in development stage, but you can participate in testing and report about any issues you have. MSFS engine has its own limitations and issues of Legacy aircraft support, be sure you are importing native FSX aircraft (not FS2004, FS9 or P3D-only) before reporting issues.
- copy files from FSX to MSFS Community folder with proper structure
- generate layout.json file with list of files
- generate manifest.json file based on loaded from aircraft package data (manual edit possible)
- load existing legacy or native MSFS aircraft
- split AIRCRAFT.CFG on relative CFG files
- insert missing values into imported CFG file(s)
- insert missing CFG file sections on user choice
- populate missing performance values from description
- fix ui_typerole invalid value
- insert external view gauges
- set speed indicator limits from cruise_speed value
- detect buggy engine values (engine_type and afterburner_available)
- adjust engines output power
- fix runway issues (gears raised, fuel pump disabled, parking brakes disabled)
- fix contact points duplicates (stuck landing gear issue)
- notify about contact point formatting issues
- convert exterior/interior lights
- insert taxi lights
- bulk convert of BMP textures to DDS
- import AIR values into CFG files
- import 2D gauges (WIP)
- toggle aircraft sounds
- insert/remove variometer tone
- backup and restore editable files
- inform about available program update, perform self update if triggered by user
- game crashing to desktop (ensure aircraft contain both exterior and interiors files inside of MODEL folder)
- cockpit instruments do not work (not displayed or inoperate, conversion script status is WIP)
- aircraft appear in the list, but model is invisible because of unsupported model format
- engines switched off when player taking control of some aircraft on the runway (try Ctrl+E)
- turbine engines under powered at thrust level more than 40%
- inaccurate flight model
- window glass texture without opacity (you can try to adjust glass material properties in ModelConverterX)
- download the latest version archive from https://www.nexusmods.com/microsoftflightsimulator/mods/117
- unpack files into some folder, launch "msfsLegacyImporter.exe"
- delete folder
- Windows 7/8/10
- .NET 4.5
Inspired by Klas Björkqvist's "planeconverter"
Developed with assistance of MFS SDK Discord channel and MS Flight Simulator Gliders FB group members
For AIR data import conversion table was used made by OzWookiee
Many thanks to Brett Plays and FlyFS YouTube channels for promotion
Thanks everyone for bug reports! It really save my time on testing.
Translation credits are inside of About tab of the program