Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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The Iron Rose

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  1. likmereet
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    "3) Extract the .lua files from data0.dat and 00.dat. Run the following in the command prompt and make sure to include the -r flag, as it decrypts the .lua: MGSV_QAR_TOOL.exe 01.dat -r or MGSV_QAR_Tool data1.dat -r"

    For people who don't know how to get the command prompt: hold down shift, press the right mouse button some where on an empty space in the folder (not highlighting a file) and then select "Open command window here" from the popup menu. When the prompt pops up type in MGSV_QAR_TOOL.exe 01.dat -r then press enter to execute. Now you are able to read the lua files in notepad ++
    1. Lukong1515
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Can you go over that again, it seems to me like your skipping the difficult steps and explaining with great detail easy steps

      1. Open Command Prompt (I'm on Window 7)
      - If I Hold Shift-L + Right-Click on Empty Space in Folder = I don't get "Open command window here" (Arrange by, View, Group by, etc)
      - If I Hold Shift-L + Right-Click on data1.dat = I get "Copy Filepath"
      - If I Hold Shift-L + Right-Click on MGSV_QAR_Tool.exe = I get "Copy Filepath"
      - If I Hold Shift-L + Right-Click on QAR Tool's Folder = I get "Open command window here"
      - If I Hold Shift-L + Right-Click on master's Folder = I get "Open command window here"
      (So I think your using a different OS or made a mistake on your steps)

      UPDATE: SO I TRIED OPEN CMD ON QAR TOOLS & TYPE IN TOOL's Name & data1.dat Filepath + "-r" = STOP WORKING

      2. Both you and author mention to Open Command Window Here, but on what?
      A. Both the Tool and .Dat file
      B. on .Dat File & Type in Tool -r
      C. on Tool, with -r & Type in .Dat Filepath
    2. grapjasss
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      You can also just click the adress bar in file explorer and type cmd.
  2. Lukong1515
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    According to the TPP.lua in 00.dat's Assets\tpp\script\lib there is suppose to be a TppClock.lua

    I can see other LUA accounted for, but not TPPClock.lua
  3. Lukong1515
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    To all those having trouble with Step 3, follow the steps below
    also I put instructions in Images...Author please Update Tool (Add .Bat to QAR Tool's Folder and simply have people run it)

    1. Go to MGSV QAR Tool's Folder (Where MGSV_QAR_Tool.exe is) > Right-Click on any Empty Space > New > Text Document
    2. Change the Name & Extension from "Text Document.txt" to "MGS5 - Easier LUA Extract.bat"
    3. Right-Click on MGS5 - Easier LUA Extract.bat file > Edit (Opening in Notepad)
    4. Copy & Paste the Script (@echo off... ...GOTO start) into Notepad > Ctrl + S to Save

    @echo off
    echo I would make it so the Master Folder open, but it opens a useless CMD
    echo Makes Step 3 of Sergeanur's (Vazeron1 on NexusMod) QAR Tool easier
    echo To find data1.dat...
    echo ...Look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MGS_TPP\master
    echo To find 00.dat or 01.dat...
    echo ...Look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MGS_TPP\master\0
    SET filepath=%~dp0
    echo Use Hold Shift + Right-Click on File (.dat) to 'Copy as Path'
    echo then Come back here, Right-Click here and Paste the
    set /P filepath= Full File (.dat) & Path:
    echo The Author of QAR Tool says to use -r to Decrypt .dat Files
    set /P suffix= Input -r, -u or -eX as instructed by author:
    Start "" MGSV_QAR_Tool.exe %filepath% %suffix%
    GOTO start

    4. Double-Click on MGS5 - Easier LUA Extract.bat to Run > Read & Follow (For more Info their is a Readme.txt in QAR Tools Folder)
  4. UnpatchedCat
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    "1) Download the MGSV QAR Tool from the files section.
    2) Update your dictionary.txt file from the files section.
    3) Extract the .lua files from data0.dat and 00.dat. Run the following in the command prompt and make sure to include the -r flag, as it decrypts the .lua: MGSV_QAR_TOOL.exe 01.dat -r or MGSV_QAR_Tool data1.dat -r
    4) Use Notepad++ to make your changes
    ---4a) Optional: Download JSON Viewer from the Notepad++ Plugin Manager (highlight the entire document before using) for easier reading
    ---4b) Required if you have followed step 4a: If you have formatted the .lua, use regex to revert back to unformatted .lua. You don't need to do this if you have not formatted the .lua."

    Hold on there, friend. It says here it's for beginners, and I'm one myself.. Where on earth is the data0.dat and 00.dat?? Like, the instructions went from okay to where-the-hell-am-i step? I've been trying to work this out for hours now. Someone please help.
    1. Lukong1515
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Created a .BAT Script to use do third Script
  5. Lukong1515
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Nevermind I created a .Bat, please add it to your Tool please.
  6. vithepunisher
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    help please iv no idea how to install this iv never used lua mods ever please help :'( & i dont have a 00.dat file in my game directory
    1. Vazeron1
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Buy the game, don't pirate it.
    2. Lukong1515
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Instead of assuming good sir maybe people don't actually know...your instructions aren't completely clear or thorough...even took me while to realize that 00.dat isn't in the same folder as data1.dat also their is no data0.dat (Unless that was an example).

      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MGS_TPP\master\0 = 00.dat & 01.dat...which to use?

      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MGS_TPP\master\1\MGSVTUPDATEV0110\0 = 00.dat & 01.dat...which to use?

      Also I have a .modded & .original?
  7. MLGSWAG1337
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So, even if it is LUA, would it be possible to replace one of the weapons, to make skull face's mares leg?
  8. 80smetaldude
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Removed my comment.
  9. Voltron89
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    I extract and update dictonary and try to edit lua files with Notepadd ++ but instead of something clear when I open LUA file I get messy strange letters and numbers and symbol without sense... Why is that?

    Here is how it looks like:

    Help please
    1. Stalkerhyena
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Looks like you forgot the -r at the end of the unpack command
    2. likmereet
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Like stalker said, I you don't understand try to follow the step I posted just a minute ago.
    3. ErrantBunny
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm going through the process myself right now. I noticed that if you useMGS_TPP\master\0 you get a variety of file types including .lua files. If you use 01.dat from MGS_TPP\master\1\MGSVTUPDATEV0110\0 you only get .ftexs that are unreadable. Hope that helps. Sorry I'm here a year too late xP
  10. Zander_the_one
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i am having trouble with modifying the inf of 00.dat file to repack could you put some more instructions on how to modify the inf file because i am trying to add 2 mods to my 00.dat file and nothing i do works and no where i look has any info on modifying the .inf file and every jury rigging solution try or see works. thanks!