Recommended - Allows for easy weapon/equipment delivery.
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Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Version 1.5
Increased limit per item to 15
Added search for items and weapons
Added sort by amount for items/weapons header (to easier find what you've selected)
Added item cart text list
Added weapon tier filter
Added Instant Delivery in Mod Options, bypasses timeline events to avoid issues in coop
Changed how weapons/equipment are added to inventory, should be more stable, larger inventories will still be slow
Changed delivery fee calculation, expedited should be more reasonable
Changed mech delivery date calulation, should avoid longer dates for people with higher base multipliers
Mechs are now in a used state and stripped of weapons and equipment, mech prices updated to stripped chassis (option to not have stripped)
Changed how mechs are retrieved, gets whatever mechs appear in instant action
Changed how hero mechs are filtered for duplicates
Changed how tonnage is retrieved, should show proper values for YAML
Completely overhauled how items and mechs are displayed using UE4 listviews. Should be more performant and less memory intensive
Unavailable items are now shown with info on rep and date restrictions (can filter these out)
Added event logs for purchases
Lowered markup clamp for you .ini editors
Version 1.1.1
Changed Mod Options file to work with latest categories update
Version 1.1
Fixed bug that caused special order button to show up in non industrial hub systems
Added % chance of damage to expedite option for mechs
Added new item ordering service
Version 1.0.5
Added Weight Class filter
Added sorting options
Version 1.0.4
Removed market widget override for mod compatibility
Version 1.0.3
Added separate multiplier for Hero Mechs
Added extra checks to reduce invalid mechs from other mods
Version 1.0.2
Fixed space bar buying mech while searching
Version 1.0.1
Added extra valid checks to help with other mods that add Mechs
Download and unzip the main file. Place the unzipped folder containing a mod.json, Paks folder, etc. into the Mods folder of your MW5 installation (discard the Nexus created folder that has numbers at the end of the mod name). You can go in-game to Mods at the main menu and click the Manual-install folder if you're having trouble finding it. Final install path should look like Mechwarrior5\MW5Mercs\Mods\MechDelivery
Adds a Special Order button to the Mech Market screen where you can order any Mech right to your Leopard
Adds another button to the Weapon/Equipment market screen to order weapons/equipment
These services are only available at Industrial Hubs (systems connected with lines in the starmap)
Mechs will arrived stripped of weapons/equipment (option to disable/have them come with everything)
Only one order can be active at a time
No cancellations or refunds
Takes several days for the items to arrive, expedited shipping is available upon request (by a third party shipping service)
Instant delivery option available, bypasses timelines events for coop or other issues like impatience
Markup and fees are a lot more than the regular Market (adjustable for base and Hero mechs)
Search bar for browsing the catalog
Intro dates and Merc Rep are used to determine what items are available (options to disable)
Option to allow duplicate Hero Mechs in the same save
Only host can see button and order, not designed for co-op
Download Mod Options to configure options in-game
Options stored in: %LocalAppData%\MW5Mercs\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Game.ini For users not using ModOptions or having other issues