Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword

Current issues with site performance and downloads

  • Comment
We are aware of the issues currently occurring with some Nexus sites being slow and downloads being hard to start and are working hard to fix them. You do not need to file bug reports for these issues as we are well aware of them and just as frustrated as you are with it.

If you are a Premium Member we will look to add on some extra free days to all current memberships once we've got a fix rolled out.


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  1. captainoftheobvious
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    hi, I get very slow download (like 5-9kb/s, sometimes 0kb/s) only from this server, be it via NMM or manual download, and at first I thought it was my ISP, I wrongfully lambasted them about it but it turns out my ISP can bump up to 512 kb/s (steam update proved that). Been having this trouble since 2nd week of January. I did all tweakings I could resort to, software upgrades, cache cleaning, improving pc performances, DNS configurations, all sorts of stuff but nothing worked. Experiencing slow connection only to this server. Any thoughts or solution I can do? Thanks

    I'm in the same boat here.  It normally picks up a bit after 30 seconds or so (going up to +- 200kb/s) but then sticks at that kind of speed.  As far as I know there are no background downloads of any kind going on. 
    If I get more than one download going through NMM, the other downloads will behave the same as the first, staying at around 200kb/s but no higher.  As they finish, the others will all stay at 200kb/s.
  2. witcherlake
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi, I get very slow download (like 5-9kb/s, sometimes 0kb/s) only from this server, be it via NMM or manual download, and at first I thought it was my ISP, I wrongfully lambasted them about it but it turns out my ISP can bump up to 512 kb/s (steam update proved that). Been having this trouble since 2nd week of January. I did all tweakings I could resort to, software upgrades, cache cleaning, improving pc performances, DNS configurations, all sorts of stuff but nothing worked. Experiencing slow connection only to this server. Any thoughts or solution I can do? Thanks
  3. Thandal
    • Moderator
    • 184 kudos

    Oracle releases emergency Java fix after US gov't warning about security flaws

    Read more:

    Could this be the problem? My java updated and since then I haven't been able to download?

    Don't think so. I don't even allow Java on my machines, and I haven't had any problem (although I don't use NMM...)
  4. ShaggyMonster
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    Hi Dark0ne,

    Current issue I have is a partial download on download 1 and then successful on download 2 as a general pattern, post the weekend of the 19/01/13. To clarify This is being outside of NMM (I prefer download to a library and import via NMM from there).


  5. lera213
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Oracle releases emergency Java fix after US gov't warning about security flaws

    Read more:

    Could this be the problem? My java updated and since then I haven't been able to download?
  6. Spoon3r
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    I can't download ANYTHING, if i try to download something, i click on the server location and the browser turns white.
  7. masterpoe
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    The NMM needs to have dated or time stamped additional info per each mod downloaded
    so that when you arrive at mod conflict status and tes edit doesn't/cannot discover it
    you can more easily identify your suspected problem.
    i think it should be color coded or there should be a color selector for
    always worked fine... green -> to newly downloaded not sure red
  8. ecirbaf
    • premium
    • 509 kudos
    Something I've noticed that could save you TONS of requests is that the AJAX content in the mod pages are not cached. You could save lot of requests by loading the content in unique DIVs and then when the user switches back and forth between downloads, description, images and so on, it should only toggle the visibility of the container and no longer request the content if it was already loaded.

    The only reason to request the content multiple times is when it is somehow out of date, such as a rapidly updating comment feed. Or when you build complex ajax apps where editing profile data in one tab; affects the displayed data in another. It does not seem to be the case here. Otherwise you can use a "dirty" flag, to force reloading the tab's contents, but most of the time it's not necessary.

    It's been an issue for me because I often toggle between description and discussion, and files. Often times you want to see wha tfile the modder is describing as there are so many complicated install/uninstall instructions. And then sometimes you switch back and yo uhave the loading wheel... and nothing.

    Anyways, thanks for the awesome site. I hope I don't sound too pedantic I love Javascript
  9. Taos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    still cant dl anything, it all times out. any word yet?
  10. scrapperrm
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    You do not need to be a premium member to download the mod manager
    probably busy, try again