Mass Effect Legendary Edition

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  1. beccatoria
    • premium
    • 98 kudos

  2. SollozzoTheTurk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I seem to be having an issue with the direct application of the mod. None of the changes apply in my game when I start a new game (Kaidan doesn't even show, he's just a floating helmet for example). I'm guessing I have to restore the game from my backups but I just wanted to make sure.
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      okay so taking this step by step. firstly, it's obviously an issue if kaidan isn't showing up. that bug is typically indicative of a conflict with an incompatible mod, but i can't see that you have anything that should be causing this. i have replicated your setup (per this log) completely and cannot replicate this. i've played through with kaidan, ashley and liara in that role and all of them appear correctly. i'm not doubting you experienced this because, as i said, that's exactly what i'd expect to happen if you had a specific kind of mod conflict. but it does confuse me because i can't replicate it. 

      can i check whether this problem is replicable? can i check whether this happens if you start a brand new game instead of importing? (shouldn't make a difference but to rule it out). can i check whether you made any changes at all to your game before you generated that log? 

      secondly, you "none" of the changes apply, then give kaidan as an example of the worst issue. this leads me to believe you think there's a problem beyond kaidan. what is that? because as far as i can see you do not have any mods which should be changing anyone's appearance in this part of the game so i think this may be a misunderstanding of the nature of the mod. 

      this mod doesn't itself change how anybody looks, it just makes it easier for mods which may want to do this. you have casual hubs installed but it largely does not affect the appearance of characters during the prologue because those are mostly combat, rather than casual situations. jacob and liara are not in casuals during the prologue by design. miranda can be put into her cerberus uniform for the opening scene (but you didn't select this option). i don't think that the "default alternate appearance" option has ever affected that opening scene - though i think she should appear wearing this when she shows up in person later.

      so as far as i can see, while you need this mod installed because several other mods depend on it, you aren't actually making use of any options that ought to lead to a visual difference in your early game experience, at least until miranda shows up and shoots wilson. if that's the case, then i think your only issue may be the invisible person running down the corridor...?
    2. SollozzoTheTurk
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It was likely because the game itself was missing some files. I verified my file integrity after, restored and reset the game. It now works just fine. Thank you very much for the help!
    3. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      okay good to hear it. though as a general point, if you're modding your game and want to reset to a clean vanilla state, verifying your files is not a good idea. it will reset all the vanilla files to their original state, but it can leave some modded files in place, which can cause some issues. the better procedure is to fully uninstall or delete, then reinstall. if you made backups with the mod manager, using that feature to restore from backup also works really well (and is generally much faster than redownloading/verifying). 

      of course, you may have done a full reinstall already - was not sure from your comment. but wanted to warn you in case it comes up/you have issues. 

      otherwise glad to hear the mod's performing properly on a clean install.
  3. charthom8
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will this mod work with an existing save file?

    I'm already ~12 hours into a game and just discovering these wonderful mods. Several I'd like to install require this mod, which mentions loading at the beginning of the game. The warnings have sufficiently scared me from just trying to install and use on an existing save. Thanks!
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      this mod only impacts the start of the game though yes there are mods which will require it be installed even though they affect the game more broadly. install requirements are usually written with the idea that you are installing stuff for a whole playthrough. 

      if you're already past freedom's progress you can install this and not worry about the conflicts (as long as you don't go back to an earlier save - at which point you might experience a softlock in that save, but it wouldn't ~escape to infect your other saves~ or anything). 

      nothing from this mod will load after you've arrived on freedom's progress (the first combat mission with jacob and miranda where you briefly encounter tali). if you're 12 hours in you're certainly past that point. 

      the only caveat is the rule for all mass effect modding - don't install content mods after textures (textures are files with the .mem extension). if you've installed textures you'll need to wipe to vanilla and reinstall from scratch. you can then continue with your existing save. if you haven't installed textures, have at it you should be fine.
  4. DrecyualVren
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I keep having an issue where it keeps crashing when the screen switches to kaiden running to shepard on the crew deck of the SR1 in the prologue. I've uninstalled any incompatible mods but it still does this.
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      you've only uploaded half the log. it's got the log portion but not the diag so i can't see anything you have installed which means i can't help. please try again and follow the animated gif exactly. you need to select an application log AND select a game target for diagnostics. i think you forgot the second option. 
    2. DrecyualVren
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      sorry about that, forgot that step. I hope this is it.
    3. DrecyualVren
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I've also tried launching with just the unofficial patch installed and it still crashes at the same scene. So maybe it's something on my end. Could it be possible I need to role back the mod manager? 

      Edit: Launched with no mods and i get past the scene so it has to be a mod manager thing possibly then.
    4. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      yeah, you're on the february 2024 build of mod manager which has known issues with mods that include merge mods (which includes the patch) and causes crashes. i suspect that's the issue you've got and you'll need to roll back to the december 31 build which is available here:

      unfortunately you'll also need to restore your game completely to vanilla and begin your modding process again to fix this. if you made a backup, you can roll back your mod manager, then use the old mod manager build to restore - this will be quicker than redownloading or reinstalling from origin/ea app/steam etc. if you didn't, you'll need to fully uninstall then reinstall the game. you can't use the repair function, it won't remove all modded files. 

      one other thing i noticed in your log is that you installed a DLC mod after doing textures. while this doesn't usually cause crashes, it can cause texture bugs and in edge cases more serious problems. basically DLC mods (mod manager mods) go first. then you install texture mods (.mem files). you can then keep installing more texture files, and you can disable and re-enable DLC mods for testing purposes (or if you don't want to keep using them). but you can't install *new* DLC mods from that point on. since you have to revert to vanilla anyway, this should also get fixed for you. but just as a piece of information for the future since mass effect unfortunately has quite strict requirements with the order in which you have to install the textures for a smooth gaming experience.

      i can't see any issues re: the framework and incompatible mods, so hopefully once you've rolled back mod manager you can replicate your setup successfully. if not, come back with a new log/diag.
    5. DrecyualVren
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Alright I'll give that a try. Thank you very much for the detailed response. That really helps me better understand how I can fix this. Just finished my ME1 insanity playthrough and was bummed that ME2 was acting up. I'll update if anything changes.
    6. DrecyualVren
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      also by the way Is it Build 132 I should roll back to cause it looks like im running build 133 which is the first file in the link

      Edit: nevermind read one of the pinned comments on the mod page. Duh.
    7. DrecyualVren
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Well it definitely was the mod manager build. Fully modded the game with the old MM build and low and behold it works beautifully. Thank you so much for the help. I can finally enjoy ME2 in all it's modded glory.
    8. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      no problem - glad we could sort it!
  5. Hybr11s
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After updating my Mods and reinstalling some of them, I got the expected result of not making it past the Splash Screen. I therefore should just reinstall the Trilogy and install all the Mods from scratch, I guess.

    If I read the Instructions correctly, I should install the Unofficial Patch before this one? The Line "This mod requires the Unofficial LE2 Patch, version or later. You must install this first." is not completely clear to me.

    Sorry if this is a dumb Question, but I'm not the most experienced Person when it comes down to installing Mods.

    Thanks in advance.
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      "this" refers to the unofficial patch. you must install the unofficial patch first. i'll rephrase the description for clarity.

      for your other problem i can't really offer any advice as it's not clear what game you're even launching. if it's crashing on the splash screen that seems...unusual and kinda broken yeah. reinstalling from scratch is usually a safe bet if you have the time and bandwidth to do so. but don't use the restore/repair function. this will fix vanilla files but will leave additional modded files and won't give you a clean starting point fully uninstall or delete the game, then reinstall it.
    2. Hybr11s
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the Reply. I already checked the Comment Section to read a couple of your old Posts. I made sure it's going to be a Fresh Installation with the Mod Manager Build from December 2023 (according to your old Post, the February Release was bugged).

      Apart from LE2 Alternative Bodies, which I'm going to install but activate after the Prologue, the Mod List should be ok. I hope the general Number of Mods is still going to work. I read that to many Mods can break the Game.


      Again, thanks for the reply.
    3. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      yes, that's correct, stick with the december 2023 version for now. activating alternative bodies later should be fine (i mean, at least with regards to avoiding massive softlocks in the prologue). 

      using a lot of mods isn't - as far as i'm aware - something that in itself will break the game. it's more that the more mods you have the less easy it is to isolate the issue, and the more things may conflict. you might get unstable behaviour and it might be hard to work out exactly why. if that happens i'd generally recommend going to one of the modding discords and posting a log+diag to ask for help. a log+diag is much better than screenshots because it will show what's actually installed (people accidentally skip stuff more than you'd think) along with the patches you chose for a truer shot of where your game installation is at.

      especially if you're gonna be texture modding (which unfortunately prevents us from seeing some base game changes) i'd always recommend keeping a full backup if you can. it's a lot of space but a huge timesaver. the mod manager's restore from backup feature will get your game back into a vanilla state quite quickly.
  6. salemwinter14
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I am having an issue where I get softlocked after Prologue: Save Joker. I am able to get up until the character customization screen, but once i confirm appearance the game screen goes black. It skips the cutscene with Miranda/Wilson, but I am able to move around/pause. I can move forward and grab the gun from the locker, but none of the dialogue plays and I am locked inside the room. I have uninstalled all incompatible mods, alongside a few others that I felt might be incompatible, but I am still having this issue despite restarting 3 times. My log & diag is below, but if there is nothing there with any issues i'll likely just do a blank install of the game.
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      you're using thematic squadmates version 1.0 -

      this mod isn't currently available and has been broken down into standalone components by its mod developer, which are compatible with the prologue framework. but this older version is not. this is almost certainly your issue. 

      you'll want Off Duty and Armored Squad i think. possibly some others, i'm not completely sure what was in the original. since it doesn't look like you have texture mods installed you can just deleted thematic squadmates, and install off duty and armored squad.
    2. salemwinter14
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry, I accidentally posted someone else's log that I looked at earlier to see if it was similar to mine. I've updated the link with my own.
    3. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      you're using cerberus and alliance uniform consistency mods that are out of date and predate the framework. you need version 3.0 or later.
    4. salemwinter14
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! I had already downloaded the update, but I suppose I forgot to update it properly. Works just fine now, thanks again!
    5. Teigole
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having the same issue, my only outdated mod is the liara consistency mod that only recently got updated. The only way I could get past is if I disabled this mod for the entire prologue. Even after the initial wakeup scene, reenabling this mod would make wilson, miranda, and jacob disappear and the conversation with the illusive man wouldn't start.
    6. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      you have a file conflict on LE2 practical bodies for shepard mod which is overriding the framework and breaking it. practical bodies is overriding a key file that this mod uses to tell the game to stream in the character files. so they aren't getting streamed in. so the scene won't start. this is why there are lots of warnings on the mod about hard compatibility requirements.

      the reason practical bodies isn't on the incompatible list is that the mod is no longer publicly available and hasn't been for over a year at this point. this means the files no longer appear on the filesearch function i used to attempt to compile a list of compatible and incompatible mods. so i missed it. i'll add it to the list now.

      at the moment, i don't think you're using any other mods that rely on the framework. the newer version of liara consistency mod does in order to make her visuals consistent in the prologue but i think the version you're using just doesn't edit the prologue at all (because of the compatibility nightmare). this means that you don't really need the prologue framework, so you can probably yeet it from your setup. if in future you have mods that use it (or you want to update liara consistency) then you'd need to disable practical bodies until freedom's progress.
    7. Teigole
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah, thanks! I downloaded this since liara consistency said it was a requirement, then decided to swap once I realised this was causing issues. I'll keep that in mind!
    8. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      yes, that's why liara consistency mod was recently updated. previously it didn't address her appearance in the prologue at all. so you installed the requirement for the new version of LCM but not the new version of LCM itself. ;)
  7. panchasell
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    Stumbled across what might be a "cannot continue game" issue with the Framework and Liara Consistency Project (LCP) over at Genesis Begone (LE2)'s posts. (In case you can confirm the problem) dunno whether it would be a good or bad idea to list LCP under Incompatible Mods.

    Leaning slightly towards listing it. LCP with over 1,200 endorsements seems to be placed right about place 100 of the 100 most endorsed LE mods of all time, meaning it might continue to turn up for other future users who browse Nexus by endorsements.

    Liara Consistency Mod is compatible, but [...] Project isn't. Might cause occasional headaches even when listed. :-D

    On the other hand, why bother listing mods that current ME3Tweaks Mod Manager already warns against using when you import them into mod library? Decisions, decisions... :)
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      thanks for the heads up, i've added it to the list of incompatible mods and a heads-up re: the similar naming in the compatible list in case people misread it. 

      i do want to keep as complete a list as possible here. i used the mod manager's file search tool to compile this, but i can see that because of how liara consistency project was shipped, it's a zip within a zip so it wasn't found. i appreciate you letting me know.
  8. Alphie9
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    EPIC!! <3
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
  9. SparrowShrike
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My Game keeps crashing and I don't know why, I've tried doing it with just this and the community patch. but that doesn't work
    It might be completely my fault, but I deal with hardware not software most days, so please help
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      this log shows you are using the 25 February 2024 build of mod manager. there's a known issue with that build which can cause games to crash after applying merge mods (and there are many in the le2 patch). that's likely the cause of your problem. if you head over to the mod manager page on nexus, you can see confirmation of the issue in a pinned comment and also grab the December 2023 build (it's build 133 - the latest download):

      you will need to roll back to this version. you'll also need to restore your game to vanilla by either restoring from backup or manually deleting your game and redownloading. (because repair function from steam/ea/origin won't remove all modded files.)

      that will likely resolve your issue. 

      there is a fix for the problem but - as the comment on the mod manager page explains - it's gonna take a few days to get it out as an update so in the meantime, i'd suggest rolling back.
    2. SparrowShrike
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      My backup isn't working on the Mod Manager isn't working, or at least, I'm seeing no signs that it is.
      Would Uninstalling and reinstalling from steam work? I'd like to keep my saves at least from ME1.
    3. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      i'm sorry i can't offer specific advice on how to get the backup working - you'd need to get help from the me3tweaks discord on that i think. but if you can see where your backup is saved and the issue is just that me3tweaks isn't restoring it for you, then you can manually delete LE2 and copy your backup across. you will need to be sure to delete the cmm_vanilla file that is at the top of the file structure once you've copied it across, as this is a flag for mod manager not to edit the installation (i.e. that it's marked as a safe backup). if you leave that there, mod manager won't apply mods.

      if you can't find your backup at all, then yes, uninstalling completely via steam and reinstalling should be fine - just don't repair

      your saves are kept in My Documents and will be unaffected. 
    4. psychoadept
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for this! I'd done an update a couple of weeks ago but hadn't done anything with it til today. I was tearing my hair as to why it was crashing even with minimal mods.
  10. Necrofade
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The game skips the dialogue between Wilson and Miranda and jumps to a black screen that doesn't clear until I walk to the locker and softlocks me into the room. It feels like the solution is really simple but my brain capacity is spent. I didn't reinstall GIDUM and had the Brooks hair mod disabled prior to installing this, sorry in advance if I goofed.
    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      no worries, it's because you're using an old version of repugnantpear's thematic NPCs mod. this one here - - as you can see it's down either because he's working on the new version or because the features in question have been broken into other mods. 

      i think what you're probably looking for are pear's armored squad, armored NPCs and off duty mods, which will work fine with the framework as long as you get the latest versions:
    2. Necrofade
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      ...oh. Works like a charm now thanks! 
    3. Necrofade
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      ...oh. Works like a charm now thanks! 
  11. Avosimus
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Wilson is straight-up missing from the room you first encounter him in. I can open the door but the cutscene will not play and it's just empty. Crashlog:

    1. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      you are using new suit for miranda and a miranda hair replacer which are both clearly marked as incompatible in the mod page description. 

      as the mod page explains, using incompatible mods alongside the prologue framework will lead to softlocks and crashes. if you really want to use those mods you will need to disable them until you reach freedom's progress. 
    2. Avosimus
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm gonna be honest, I read that completely backwards. That one's on me. Regardless, thank you.
    3. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      no worries, glad you got it sorted and good luck with your playthrough!
    4. oddgodd
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I just encountered the same issue. 

      Log is here:

      I don't see any of my other mods on the list of incompatibilities, but I am using a few armor/outfit replacers.

      The issue resolved after I disabled Armored Squad, Expanded Squadmate Armory, and Miranda's Armory. 

      Thanks for the mod, beccatoria. God's work, et cetera. ;)
    5. beccatoria
      • premium
      • 98 kudos
      it's because you're using outdated versions of those mods from before they were updated to be compatible. for instance you have expanded shepard armory 2.5.1, but the latest version is 2.5.3. you have cerberus uniform consistence 2.5.1, but this needs to be version 3.0 or higher. alternate squad casuals needs to be 1.2. armoured squad needs to be 1.3. i think that's all of them. 

      if you downloaded these via a batch list - batch lists don't download the latest version of a mod. they download the version that was set up in the batch list. i suspect that may be what's happened here?

      since you haven't installed textures, you can just update and reinstall those mods and that should fix it for you.