Mass Effect 3

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  1. Zipep
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! Does this mod work with the Multiplayer ?
  2. MMaya
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    Can someone confirm if it works with multiplayer with no problems?
    Descriptions only said it does but that it's in Beta stages and needs more testing. It's been years since than so just wondering if anyone had more info/experience with MP?

    EDIT: since I decided this mod it too complicated for me to install I decided to use Flawless Widescreen. if anyone is interested it's a tiny app you run simultaneously with the game and set FOV you want, no mods needed and doesn't mess with game files. Super simple and works on many many games. :)
  3. dioxyde0
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    does this work with interface scaling mod?
  4. poortable
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    To whom it may concern: so far so good installed after ALOT.

    Unverified so use at own discretion.
    Make sure to backup sfxgame.pcc somewhere outside the game directory!

    - Get ME3Tweaks, and go to Tools > Mass Effect Modder
    - Use Mass Effect Modder to convert the FOV90.mod to FOV90.mem
    - Install the newly created .mem via Mass Effect Modder

    Video instructions

    Make sure you're not a goof like me and shut the game down prior to doing this.
    I'll edit this out if it's a no-no, as I know next to nothing when it comes to modding.
    1. mrbackproblem
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      To add on to this, you can actually just toss the converted .mem into the ALOT installer and it works fine. Idk if that's a good way to do it but it works
  5. Kashyyk
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    What version of ME3Explorer/ModMaker do I need to use to install this?
    All versions I've tried tell me that this mod is too old.
  6. SoM3
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    The mod works perfectly in combat, but when I arrived at the citadel I have the default FOV. Any idea what am I missing?

    Thanks again for the great work.

    EDIT : Fool me twice, shame on me. Seems like the FOV setting is working but the re-adjusted camera threw me off. Shepards butt is not as visible in my game as on the screenshots with same FOV settings, hence this post.
  7. Dave7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, very nice mod, I use it in combination with flawless widescreen and it works great.

    One thing though. Is there a way to change the zoom in FOV while aiming?
    It's pretty hard to aim shotguns at close range. I use FOV 90.

    Thanks a lot for any info.
    1. paradoxaction
      • member
      • 4 kudos

      Weapon zoom and FOV in Mass Effect 3 is obtained from weapon related definitions, differently from the usual camera modes that take care of FOV stuff. Right now, this mod only changes the FOV for camera modes globally, without touching weapon related stuff, to avoid incompatibility issues with other mods.

      However, zoom and FOV settings for weapons can be edited on the coalesced file or through console commands – and it is even relatively easy to edit. In future versions of the mod, I will probably consider to include changes to the weapon zoom FOV (possibly as an optional feature, to avoid incompatibility issues with other mods).



      1 - Open Coalesced.bin file and open BioWeapon.ini file.

      2 - Go to SFXGame.SFXWeapon section.

      3 - Change the value ZoomFOV to the FOV angle you want.

      If you did the steps above, you changed the FOV for all weapons, but you can also change it just on specific weapon classes or models. To do that, for specific weapon classes, look for sections that start with "SFXGame.SFXWeapon_" (for example SFXGame.SFXWeapon_Shotgun_Base) and change its ZoomFOV value (or add it if it doesn't exist). You can do the same for specific weapon models, but with sections that start by "SFXGameContent.SFXWeapon_" (for example SFXGameContent.SFXWeapon_Shotgun_Claymore).


      1 - Open the console and type the command:
      set SFXGame.SFXWeapon ZoomFOV 55

      In the command above, the last number is the FOV angle you wish for all weapons. A value between 50 and 60 should look nice. NOTE: Using this command, if specific weapon classes or models have their own FOV angles, they will be overridden by the value you just set.

      NOTE: I did not test the things I'm writting here before posting, but I already done them in the past, so there may be misspelings.

      By default, for what I've seen on my Coalescen.bin file after a quick a glance, there is just one single ZoomFOV value that is set on the base class, which is used by all weapons. The default value for ZoomFOV on my file is 39.43.


      I hope this can be useful to you and someone reading this. :-)
    2. Dave7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, thank you! This works perfectly.

      I moded the coalesced.bin and changed aim FOV for all guns to 60 and shotguns specifically to 90 (don't know if I'll keep it that way).config below:

      <Section name="sfxgame.sfxweapon">
      <Property name="aimmodes" type="2">(ZoomFOV=60,bScoped=false,FrictionMultiplier=1,AdhesionMultiplier=1)</Property>
      <Property name="zoomfov" type="2">60</Property>
      <Section name="sfxgame.sfxweapon_shotgun_base">
      <Property name="aimmodes" type="2">(ZoomFOV=90)</Property>

      Do I assume correctly that by not specifying FrictionMultiplier or AdhesionMultiplier for shutguns they will be inherited from sfxgame.sfxweapon "aimmodes"?

      Also, having changed the aim FOV, now I see there is very noticable difference in mouse sensitivity while aiming.
      This is only really a problem for shotguns since for other weapons the lower mouse sensitivity is compensated by the 'zoom in' effect.
      Is there a way to change mouse sensitivity for the aim mode?
    3. paradoxaction
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I'm happy that it works! :-)

      Do I assume correctly that by not specifying FrictionMultiplier or AdhesionMultiplier for shutguns they will be inherited from sfxgame.sfxweapon "aimmodes"?

      Honestly, I don't know. But my bet would be no, because you are overriding the inherited value with a new array, so I would specify them explicitly anyway just to make sure.

      Is there a way to change mouse sensitivity for the aim mode?

      I never looked into this before. However, after searching for a bit, I came across some properties that might be useful for this situation.
      The camera seems to be controlled by a class called SFXCameraInput. Each class that inherits from SFXCameraMode has a property called s_Input that is of type SFXCameraInput.

      SFXCameraInput class has some properties with some nice names, like the following ones:
      bClampMouse (Boolean)
      bSwitchSticks (Boolean)
      MouseClampMax (Float)
      StickDeadZone (Float) (a value from 0 to 1)
      MaxCameraRotationSpeed (Float) (default is 1)
      TimeToReachFullSpeed (Float) (in seconds)
      CameraSensitivity (Vector2D)

      I would play with the values of some of these properties, specially MaxCameraRotationSpeed and CameraSensitivity on the desired camera mode. For the aim mode, that would be, for example, SFXGame.SFXCameraMode_TightAim.s_Input.MaxCameraRotationSpeed. The problem (for me at least) is that I don't know how to set the value of a sub property of another property through the console (if that is possible at all). This can be done on the PCC file easily, though.

      However, you can use the following command to change the camera rotation speed globally, on all camera modes:

      set SFXGame.SFXCameraInput MaxCameraRotationSpeed 2

      The default camera rotation speed is 1, if I am right. Not surprisingly, increasing this value seems to increase the camera speed. You can also change the camera sensitivity, with a command like:

      set SFXGame.SFXCameraInput CameraSensitivity (X=0.5, Y=1.5)

      The values for the camera sensitivity are min sensitivity (X) and max sensitivity (Y).

      Although this method seems to work, it is changing these properties for every camera mode in the same way, giving the same speed and sensitivity for every camera mode, which might not be desired, but at least it works. You can also edit these values on the Coalesced.bin file, under biogame.ini -> SFXGame.SFXCameraInput.

    4. Dave7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, Thanks a lot for all the info! I think I got the game into a state that I can play now :)

      For the aim sensitivity I ended up going into SFXGame.pcc and changing Default__SFXCameraMode_TightAim s_Input CameraSensitivity x=70, y=70
      I think the values are percentages of the overall sensitivity. default was x=30, y=25
      This changes tight aim sensitivity of all weapons, EXCEPT for sniper rifles so it doesn't break them with way too high sensitivity.
    5. paradoxaction
      • member
      • 4 kudos

      Hey, Thanks a lot for all the info! I think I got the game into a state that I can play now :)

      I'm glad I could help! Your post ended up making me pay more attention to the aim mode in particular. I will keep all these things in mind for the next versions of this mod, to avoid that people still need to dig into game files to get the game working the way they want in the future.

      I think the values are percentages of the overall sensitivity. default was x=30, y=25

      You're most likely rigth. I was wrong about the meaning of CameraSensitivity. Shame on me LoL. :-)

    6. aznanimekid
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hey thanks for posting about the pccs containing camera info. that was the key to being able to remove the scope overlay and zoom from the scope weapon mods.
    7. SoM3
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Hi! This is a great mod, thanks for an nice and easy way to modify the FOV settings.

      Im trying to change the FOV settings while zooming with weapon - unfortunately, changing the ZoomFOV value in Coalesced doesn't affect the game in any way. Using the set SFXGame.SFXWeapon ZoomFOV 55.00 doesn't work either. Any idea what am I missing?

      EDIT: I managed to get it working! Seems like the old editor i wasnt using wasnt saving the changes properly. Using the Coal editor from ME3Explorer did the trick - for people with similiar issue to mine, to convert .xmls back to one .bin file u need to choose the coalesced.xml file as source

      Kind regards
  8. Inokentych
    • premium
    • 274 kudos
    I try make combat camera more far from hero but change offset on Default__SFXCameraMode_Combat not change it, but it count in sprint mode, camera become much more far. How change combat camera actually?
  9. Rothwardon3
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just can't install this mod. Okay, I never used modmaker before, but I thoght it would be easy. My problem
    I unpakced the "Extra" folder and also the FoV 90 data to the desktop.Then I decided to use "sideload mod" to find it there. I chose the data, but then the Mod Maker says "file exists but is a directory". I don't know what this means.
    Could you please explain? Should I unpack the data to some other place or maybe is there a code that I can simply use?
    1. paradoxaction
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Hi! Do the following:

      1 — Download this mod and extract its file somewhere. This mod comes with several files, but you will only need one of them (you only need one of the *.MOD files).

      2 — Open ME3 Explorer and then select 'Utilities' -> 'ModMaker'.

      3 — Within ModMaker, click 'Load' and select one of the *.MOD files that come with this mod. ModMaker will now load the file you just selected.

      4 — Click 'Run Alll' on ModMaker to execute the instructions this mod contains. ModMaker will now begin installing the mod. Wait until it finishes and you're done.

      The 'Extra' folder you're extracting is not part of the mod itself. It is just provided with the mod to allow people to use console scripts that do the same this mod does, so people can test the different FOV settings before installing them permanently. You only need to load, for example, the "FOV 90.mod" file onto ModMaker and run it.

      I admit this is not the most intuitive way of installing these stuff and I hope to make it easier in the future. Sorry about that. :-)

      Anyway, I hope you can install the mod and have fun playing with it. If you keep having trouble installing it, feel free to ask again. I'll do my best to help.
  10. barry13
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there any other way to install this without using ME3Explorer as I'm using ALOT and it explicitly says to not use ME3Explorer for installing other mods.
    1. paradoxaction
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Unfortunately, there is no other way, right now. However, The last time I looked into it, there was no problem in installing this mod with ME3Explorer's Mod Maker. What Mod Maker will do with this mod is change some values on the SFXGame.pcc file of your game — specifically, values related with the camera, which ALOT doesn't use. On the time this mod version was released, there were no problems I could found with ALOT. I also use ALOT. I'm not familiar with the source code of ALOT, but I've seen the source code of Mod Maker and, for what I know, there should be no problem with this mod in particular.

      To make sure you are safe, backup your SFXGame.pcc file before installing this mod. Then install it and play the game as normal. If you find a problem, you can restore your SFXGame.pcc file to the state it was before you installed this mod and, in that case, you can also report it here, so I can look into it.

      If you need more information or help with the whole process, please let me know.