Mass Effect

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Audemus and ALOV Team

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  1. JazzRings
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hey, I was curious... Do you know what the min requirements be for 4k upscaling? As in can it run on a shitty pc that has a f*#@ ton of ram (6 compared to original of 4) to compensate? Cus thats what I got lmao
  2. LordDravek
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    The 4K version looks incredible! This game was lucky to come out in the early days of high definition. If I recall correctly, this game was released with 720p resolution videos. If that is the case, you had a decent source to work with. Sad that games like Thief or Thief 2 will never have beautiful HD videos, as the originals are not only low resolution, but have excessive compression.

    Having finished the game tonight, the 4K version of the videos worked fine for me, very smooth, far more than I'm used to actually. Ran the game in 1080p full screen. Only had one hiccup- video froze on the shot of the Turian officers during Sovereign's attack on the Citadel. Not sure what caused this. Restarting the game fixed it. My CPU is an AMD Ryzen 5 2600, with stock settings.

    Edit: Steam version of Mass Effect, installed on mechanical drive. I copied the game install folder over to an SSD and was running the exe from there. Perhaps that's what could cause an issue? Running the game on an SSD didn't even fix the main purpose I did it for- circumventing the mid level loading screens.
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      I have no idea what’s causing that issue I’m afraid. My best guess is that on some systems the video can’t load fast enough (it’s the largest video in the game). But I’ve had people continue to report the issue even when uninstalling the mod so who knows? It might just be a side effect of having 4K textures and other mods. 
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Hi, I just wanted to check, is the FTL loading screen included in the 3.0 package? Thanks
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      Yes. Though if you want the plasmaFLOW version, you'll need to download that file as well
    2. IDOLxD3VIL
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Great, thanks! Is the Eden Prime distress call upscale included also?
    3. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      Nope, it's a TextureMovie so has to be installed as a texture mod. It's under misc files
    4. IDOLxD3VIL
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Oh does that mean I can't install it now as I already have ALOT, MEUITM and MERLIN installed?
    5. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      No? It's a texture mod. They're designed to be installed last. Just drop it into the ALOT installer and install that on its own
    6. IDOLxD3VIL
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Fantastic, thanks so much! Great work by the way, game looks really good with everything installed, really appreciate your work
  4. immortalkaos80
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I hope someone can help me. I am having a major problem with this. During the Normandy arrival at the Citadel cinematic (the first one at the beginning of the game) it is way out of sync, the audio is far ahead of the video then the audio finishes before the video but the video isn't done when it's que'd to flip to the scene in Udina's office so it cuts off and gets stuck like it's trying to fade back out from a cut scene (you can barely see Shepard through a dark haze along with their team) but you can't move or access the pointer or the menus. Please please help, I just spent 12 hours reinstalling everything for ME 1 just so I could use this and now it's doing this. I did btw follow the directions to the letter before anyone asks. FYI if it is relevant: I am using the 1080p version, installed with ME3ModManager and am NOT using ALOT. 

    *Edited for further info and clarity*
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      What frame rate are you running the game at?
    2. immortalkaos80
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      60 , enforced through bioengine settings (I was advised this would help with audio cutting out, can't say I've seen much difference).
    3. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      I'd suggest making sure you've got Vsync on, your monitor refresh rate is definitely at least 60hz. All I know about this bug is that these videos can't skip frames, so if anything prevents them from playing at 60fps then they will play slower than normal and desync.
    4. immortalkaos80
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Vsync is definitely on. I will check my Adrenaline settings to see if I can improve it and possibly revert the bioengine file, see if that fixes it.

      Update: Reverting the Bioengine file did not help, reducing the graphics did not help. Yes my monitor has a 60 hz refresh rate. Adrenaline settings don't seem to be affecting it nor the frame rate. Apparently that means I can't use this. So I guess it's another twelve hours to uninstall everything and reinstall it all without it. However, I would like to note that the video itself seems to be too long, you can see the Normandy from the moment it is on screen and it takes longer to reach the points where the audio plays 'movement whooshes' and the Relay effect. Since this is a CPU rendered video (essentially 'prerecorded' like a movie not being rendered in real time), it's like the video is too long for the audio file. It's not like the video stutters or lags nor does it jump frames, what of it does play, plays beautifully it just doesn't play in sync with the audio and never completes cutting off too soon. It does not however play the portion where everyone looks out the window (which I assume IS rendered in real time by the GPU since it uses the character assets of your Shepard.)
  5. PureDragonVessel
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, thank you for all your hard work - this is an amazing mod.

    Just a quick question, my monitor is 3440x1440p and the ultrawide edit is not up to date with this mod. Would the changes still take effect if I use this mod instead of ultrawide?

    Thank you.
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      No, if you use this mod then you will get 16:9 videos. You’ll have to choose between the up to date 16:9 or outdated 21:9 
  6. mirhl
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Did you know that they had uploaded the eden prime cutup screens to youtube as a marketing campaign? (maximum quality probably requires forcing H264, given the only codec they supported back then)
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      Cool to see, though the quality there doesn’t really seem much better than the better compressed one that shipped in LE1. Plus there’s additional distortion effects added on top of that version that make it less usable.
    2. mirhl
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Well, I don't know how they shipped BIOA_GLO_00_B_Sovereign_T there, but to be sure it's not like your 2020 ALOVforME1-ALOT_Addons_3.0 could have included that anyway.
    3. mirhl
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Ok the TextureMovies can be found in the "sub-package" of the same name inside BIOA_NOR10_04_DS1.pcc.
      Indeed LE has way more details than everything else (even though they must have screwed something with sharpening/grain imo). 
      Emergency Transmission is instead midway from the original (you can see quite more than the abysmal 426x240 resolution, but the web codec can introduce new artefacts too here and there).

      I just noticed something though. The lighting is quite different from both versions that shipped with the game.
      At first I thought Ashley's armor changing color could be just due to compression (it wouldn't be the first time 4:2:0 chroma subsampling ruins a red hue), but after squinting my eyes I could see the whole level is different, including for example the rocks in the background.
      And to be honest, the warmer tone feels the actually right one, as opposed to the super cold environment of the default (AFAIU Eden Prime is supposed to be attacked in the afternoon, not at noon while it's orbiting a blue giant).
  7. lazerbat111h
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when i add this to ALOT installer, it tells me that the manifest is missing
  8. SWGBeastFromTheEast
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    The tiling is noticeable, especially when there's a lot of stars on the image, but overall good quality.
  9. Munuxi
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Testing this mod on older saves and I have to say the first scenes I've watched look gorgeous, especially the initial flyby into the Citadel. 

    That said I've encountered twice already an issue with one of the cutscenes that plays during the final battle. After entering the elevator in the burning Presidium and Saren starts to close the Citadel's arms there's a brief scene and then it cuts to a brief in-game shot of two turians inside one of their cruisers pointing at Sovereign. Well, the issue here is that in the next frame where the prerendered cutscene should resume, the screen is filled with an extreme, frozen  closeup of one of those turian's armor that remains until the cutscene is over. Sound plays without a problem. 

    This happend on a two year old save that was using an older version of ALOV (now using 3.0, 4K) and ME1 Recalibrated and ALOT and MEUITM. ALOV 3.0 was installed after ME1R but before the retexture mods. 


    UPDATE: The 1080p version of UplinkSEQ02.bik works perfectly so it seems like it's only the 4K version that is broken at the moment.
  10. NorthmanBomber
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I downloaded ALOT 3.0 and noticed something that looked odd with the intro Mass Relay sequence. In the first and last camera shots of this sequence, the glowing orb in the middle of the relay is very tiny. I don't know if this is intentional or if mods are conflicting with each other. 

    Here's a screenshot:

    I have the following mods installed:
    ALOT (With ALOT update and improved static lighting), ALOV, MEUITM, MERLIN, ME1 Recalibrated, Faster Elevators, Galaxy Map Trackers, Saren Stages, XP Rescale.
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 274 kudos
      This has nothing to do with ALOV. That scene is not prerendered.
    2. NorthmanBomber
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for the answer. It must be some of my other mods then. 
    3. MaxzEightFive
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Did you figured it out which mod caused this issue? Same problem on my end.
      I have ALOT(+update and lighting)/ALOV/MEUITM/MERLIN/ME1R/Charted World + Keepers Finders installed
    4. UsernameGeri
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This is a known issue of the PC port. MERLIN is supposed to have a patch for this, though it might not come out for a while yet, since Catachrism is currently working on fixing the terrible lighting in LE1.