Library Of Ruina

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CodeMaster Or The Red Balance

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  1. Tyhond
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm not sure but is this mod abandoned? :(
  2. SonnyzombieII
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    The Books of Arnold and hook fixer gives me Taein pages
    1. MemesReborn
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      I have the same Issue. Did you manage to fix it? I downloaded LOR v. to install "Basemods" and installed it. I downloaded "New Game Plus 0.11...", "Urban Plague 0.13..." and "Love Town NG Plus 0.11..." and put them as folders into LibraryOfRuina_Data/BaseMods. Everything works fine until I defeat Arnold, Mo and Consta but when I unpack Arnold's book it gives me Taein's Page for some reason. I try to continue the game but in the Hook Office fight in Act 2 the Taein's model is gone both in preview and in battle (the passives are ok). When Taein tries to act the game soft-locks.
      There's 3 error logs currently in "BaseMods" folder:

      "CCCnewerror.txt" -
      The given key was not present in the dictionary.
        at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <c79628fadf574d3a8feae0871fad28ef>:0 
        at Workshop.WorkshopSkinDataSetter.Init () [0x00047] in <17e9e31194c64be3b3f5ec8732e09dca>:0 
        at Workshop.WorkshopSkinDataSetter.SetData (Workshop.WorkshopSkinData data) [0x0000c] in <17e9e31194c64be3b3f5ec8732e09dca>:0 
        at BaseMod.Harmony_Patch.CreateCustomCharacter_new (System.String[] sarray, BattleUnitView view) [0x002b1] in <17e9e31194c64be3b3f5ec8732e09dca>:0

      Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        at BaseMod.Harmony_Patch.BattleUnitView_CreateSkin (BattleUnitView __instance) [0x000d9] in <17e9e31194c64be3b3f5ec8732e09dca>:0 

      Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        at Workshop.WorkshopSkinDataSetter.LateInit () [0x0000b] in <17e9e31194c64be3b3f5ec8732e09dca>:0 
        at BaseMod.Harmony_Patch.UICharacterRenderer_SetCharacter (UI.UICharacterRenderer __instance, UnitDataModel unit, System.Int32 index, System.Boolean forcelyReload) [0x003f1] in <17e9e31194c64be3b3f5ec8732e09dca>:0

      I think I might fix it by using Bong Bong Enterprise and the current version of the game but I'm not sure.
  3. daxfer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So is this mod, just dead? Or are considering/working on a workshop version instead? Because I'd like to enjoy a version of this mod reaching at least Star 3
  4. DungeoncrawlerCarl456
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    Can I verify something?I played through most of urban plague but once I defeated Kurokumo Clan and Musicians of Bremen  but their books don't seem to drop?  Is that intentional or is that due to the mod still being developed hence why those pages haven't been added yet?  . 8.5/10 mod. Need those Kurokumo Clan /Bremen key pages lol.

    First impressions:                                                                                                                                                                      All bosses were great save  love town xd. The fact that they slap you up for you doing a favourable  option feels like a lose lose . Other mechanics ensure the fight isn't very fun. The Mars boss fight   was a  personal favourite fight of mine. Apart from those remarks  the difficulty so far is fine even late into urban plague save for two fights. It's pretty hard balancing difficulty and you've done a stellar job and I can tell you put a lot of love into all the passives you put into the game.
    Adding more  cheaper  recovery passives(light or hp) would also be  nice   considering  the enemies in later reception seem to spam non-stop mass attacks which is very irritating. Unique combat pages that excel in dueling is also another consideration. It also wouldn't hurt to add more floors available for later receptions if your going to ramp up enemy stats to compensate for rising difficulty. I'm basing such remarks of course  off  the love town fight btw. Also there comes a point when you can't keep ramping up enemy health without improving the stats of lootable key pages. Yuna's key page would also be a potentially nice drop  with a modified lone fixer passive  to encourage solo's.

    Sorry I mistaken some of your receptions with  the city extras which adds different variations of Shi and Warp
  5. DungeoncrawlerCarl456
    • member
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    Can't wait for next update. Rip space is next baby as well as sweeper pages. Also is there plans of porting this to steam workshop?
  6. turisk
    • member
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    When is the next update? I'm waiting your update like project moon's official update. Cheer up
  7. prokiller288
    • member
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    such good mod shame that it seem it stopped being updated
    1. turisk
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      Codemaster said there are 3 weeks for balance and fixing bugs 3 weeks ago. So I think today there is an update.
  8. turisk
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     Why does mars have speed 4? I think it is too overpower. And it is weird that Philip or Salvador doesn't have speed 4. They are stronger than mars, but they have speed 2.
  9. Punnni
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    Whats the book order for the dawn office battle because on the map when I try to fight them it kept giving me the zwei
  10. Cvalion
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    The Zewi Crew+ have the passive "Molar Leadership Power", which im not sure 100% if its a bug or just something.
    1. CodeMaster11
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes it is we going to be fixing that sometime soon