Legend of Grimrock 2
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  • Legend of Grimrock 2
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  • Falagar - A Journey

    Falagar - A Journey

    Last Update: 26 Jul 2020
    Author: Bunkerknacker
    Uploader: Bunkerknacker

    Falagar is a huge mod (+40h) that aims at bringing the player an actual adventure, a journey, comparable to good old games like the Might and Magic series or Wizardry. Party character development in various new ways, exploration of the vast world and discovering of the many secrets which grant much needed bonuses, are at the core of this mod.

    • 63.9MB
    • 70
    • --

    Falagar - A Journey

    Last Update: 26 Jul 2020

    Falagar is a huge mod (+40h) that aims at bringing the player an actual adventure, a journey, comparable to good old games like the Might and Magic series or Wizardry. Party character development in various new ways, exploration of the vast world and discovering of the many secrets which grant much needed bonuses, are at the core of this mod.