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Fair Strides

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    • premium
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    do i place anything in the game directory? its not showing my games at all
  2. tom2112
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    This Nexus "mod" page is pretty out of date. I don't think FairStrides is updating things here anymore. She has a github page where there is more recent info (2 years ago). She seems to be working on a v4.0 of the editor, but there doesn't appear to be a released version.

    Also, there's another programmer that has forked her work and seems to have a more recent update available: v3.5.0:

    This second one appears to work just fine with my Steam version of the game and has some extra features.
    With nadrino version you have to edit the kse.ini file with the paths to your games and save folders manually.
    For example, here's mine:
    [Path Definition]
    K2_Path=G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II
    K2_SavePath=G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\saves
    K2_SavePathCloud=G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\cloudsaves
    Just replace the G: with the drive letter where you store your games (assuming you're using the Steam version).
    1. Mardoin69
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the links. I wonder what's happened with the original author--FairStrides? They have that 4.0 in the works but, nothing available for download. At least we have that second option though... for an updated version 3.5. However, I still have the 3.3 version which works fine for me... so far. Would be cool if they finish up 4.0 though.
  3. darthhamos
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    Related-to an issue with Chainz2da's Revan Items mod with the character default model being overwritten (page 1 of posts) -- I realize some of the questions I asked there may be better suited to this page and asking about KSE directly;

    • Does using the "Appearance" option of KSE set the player appearance to a static value, such that changing armor (still) won't change the actual player visuals?
    • I open the Appearance section of KSE, and I see a laundry-list of unfamiliar variable names. How do I know what "P_MAL_I_MED_04" (for example) actually looks-like, or what item it's tied-to? 
  4. namelsbob
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    can someone provide an explanation on how to use this mod
    1. crackgrahamer
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      i got the urge to play the game after a long time too.

      I downloaded and installed vortex (nexus mod manager)
      I downloaded and installed kotor savegame editor.
      I got the "MSVCR120.dll is missing message"
      --- i went to the redist folder in this mod and ran the vcrredist x64 and x86
      i then ran the KPF file as admin or regular and created an ini file path
      i then ran kse_337 and on there i clicked the plus sign and saw my save games.

      This should be enough to help i think, as i just did it myself.
  5. gabygaviota
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    Damn, i ran KPD, export the ini and run kse_337 but my saves just don't appear
          |- Knights of the Old Republic
          |- The Sith Lords
    and no columns for savefiles appear, this is literally it, btw it is the GOG version
  6. Werrulfbane
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    Found a solution to the MSVCR120.dll error

  7. IceBlazeWinters
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    but does it work for switch?
  8. MaisUmJoao
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Work great, Thanks!
  9. OogieKNight
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    Cant get the kse_337.exe to run. Keep getting the application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Have tried running in admin mode save result.
    1. OogieKNight
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Got it working. Forgot that with most mods a system restart is required.
  10. GreenlightRing
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    I was just made aware of this thing this morning. Anyone know how to unlock all the companions from the start of a new game?