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About this mod

There's always gonna be recolours for all characters so I made a few and included is an easy way to make your own.

Permissions and credits
Lots of colourful aquas lol

also hd assets because yes.

All of them come pre uncensored too, because it just looks better in my opinion.

How to make your own:

1. Download the "resources" main file
2. Extract it to a folder somewhere
3. Open that folder and inside you'll find 
All the Aqua BBS files (all the files related to aqua's model in the structure needed to patch them)
Exploded Assets (useful for changing the colour of specific things, like clothes, skin, or ribbon)
4. Edit away
5. When you're finished make sure that all the files are in the same structure as the "BBS Files" folder, then drag the folder (containing bbs_first, second, third, and fourth at the root) onto KHPatch manager.
6. Rename the file it generates (or not if you dont plan to share)
7. Patch it like a normal mod
8. Enjoy

How to install various KHpatch mods Instructions:

I. Archive download and extraction
  •   Download the archive in Files
  •   Extract the archive

II. Patch PKG files:
  •   Drag and drop "ModName.bbspcpatch" on "KHPCPatchManager.exe" ( Download )
  •   Drag the "en" folder (the one that contains bbs_first, bbs_second, etc.) located under "Kingdom Hearts HD 1 5 and 2 5 ReMIX/Image/" into the command window when prompted to do so
  •   Press the "Enter" key
  •   Wait for the patch to finish (should take up to a few minutes, based on your PC)

Additional information:

Source code of the repacking tool here: