Kingdom Hearts III
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  1. MegaRayIII
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love the update. Works great with Project Embrace, thank you for that.
    1. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Enjoy ;)
    2. Ironfist689
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      how do you get it to work with project embrace?
    3. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      It's in the description, you need to add "pakchunk97" at the beginning of project embrace pak file name 
    4. Ruby96
      • member
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      how exactly am I supposed to name it cause I have been trying to get it to work with project embrace right now and I named the file:
      pakchunk97pakchunk98-kairikh2allinone.pak = doesn't work
      pakchunk97-pakchunk98-kairikh2allinone.pak = doesn't work
      pakchunk97-kairikh2allinone.pak = doesn't work

      the way you explain it in the description doesn't really make it clear how the file is supposed to be named.
    5. Richy5
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      You need to rename Project Embrace pak file, not mine. I apologize for my english (it's not my first language), but I don't know how to explain it better
    6. Ruby96
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh that makes sense I didn't get what the PE stood for.
      Thank You for responding.
  2. CountJoelcula
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    • 2 kudos
    This is delightful, thanks for making it! My only nitpick is that the physics with Kairi's hood are a bit funky, as it seems to flap around a lot like a flag in the wind. Mind you, I only tested it as Playable Kairi. But overall, great job!
    1. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Thanks! About the hood, I still haven't found a way to fix it
    2. CountJoelcula
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      That's alright, mate. You do good work btw! Kudos to you!
  3. DawnOfFate
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    • 3 kudos
    what's the difference between allinone and base
    1. Richy5
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      • 9 kudos
      Base version is overall better in physics and other minor details, but in some Remind cutscenes it crashes the game; "allinone" is meant for those who want to play Remind or/and the base game without warring about the crashes and change between the two versions of the mod 
  4. Cryptonix01
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    The new update with physics does some funny stuff in Data Greeting! When editing her character, her Keyblade will flail around, some poses have her hands moving and such... it's really funny to watch, but I'm not sure that's what you intended, lmaooo.
    1. Richy5
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      • 9 kudos
      Yeah that wasn't intended, but at least the hands stop after a while lol
  5. SatanasLuciferi666
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    First of all thank you very very very muchI couldn't stand her short hair in this game and also i think her new outfit looks dumb so im happy that you fixed that 
    Also i was wondering if the clipping issues with the skirt/ hair are still there? I waited with downloading this mod until a later release before to hope if it will be fixed if not, is it even possible to fix?

    Have a nice day
    1. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Thank you for the comment! Unfortunately, the clipping is still there, there isn't a way to get the physics to work yet but I hope there will be some day
  6. I dunno why, but I was using this mod for when Kairi is shown in the Secret Garden cutscene as an experimental test run (y'know, when she shows her new outfit to Axel?), but no dice. Am I correct to assume that her appearance won't change in that specific cutscene???
    1. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Yes, because that's a prerendered cutscene
    2. I figured as much. Just had to be sure. Thank you!
    3. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Don't mention it ;)
  7. LittleElfishGirl
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    Does this mod make her playable throughout the full game?
    1. Richy5
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      The base game should be covered. Speaking for Remind, I'm not sure if the last update (the one for data greeting) fixed some cutscenes where her KH3 model appeared anyway (I'm talking in specific of the cutscene before the battle of her and Sora against armoured Xehanort). If you could test that scene and report what happens, you would do to me a favour
    2. LittleElfishGirl
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      Would it be possible to make this work with other playable kairi mods?
    3. Richy5
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      • 9 kudos
      Unfortunately it doesn't work that way: using this mod with another one that makes kh3 Kairi playable, won't make kh2 Kairi playable instead of Sora as well; that's because the mods modify different files (mine modifies kh3 Kairi files, playable Kairi modifies Sora's files). I know that there was someone who was working on a playable kh2 Kairi, but the mod in not released yet for what I know.
      You can always free roam with kh2 Kairi using other mods like the C-mod menu if you're interested
    4. LittleElfishGirl
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah I see, we'll anyways I'm loving your Kh2 Kairi and Riku mods so keep up the good work! :)
    5. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Thanks! ;)
  8. NickDimas
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    • 0 kudos
    Really awesome work on the mod man. There are definitely no more bugs with the mod and it looks amazing. But could you please please try to make the mod work for data greeting? I really want to take some pictures of the gang in their kh2 outfits.
    1. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Thank you! For data greeting, does the game crash to you? Or does it show the vanilla characters?
    2. NickDimas
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      • 0 kudos
      no no definitely doesnt crash anymore but it just shows the original kairi model. which i find weird cause it works for riku. Like riku's kh2 mod works fine in data greeting.
    3. Richy5
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      • 9 kudos
      Well that's really strange, I'm pretty confident that I swapped the right model (KH3 Kairi has just one, n_ex005_0 is the reference). I really don't know what's wrong for the moment, but if I came up with some ideas I'll definetly update the mod to make it work with data greeting. For now, I'm working on an update that would probably fix some little clipping, don't know if I'll manage to fix her skirt though
    4. NickDimas
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      • 0 kudos
      yeah i know it strange cause literally anywhere else she appears in her kh2 outfit but thanks for looking into it!!! : D
    5. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Hey, something that just crossed my mind, have you tried keeping just the kairi mod in the mods folder? Maybe something is interfering with it, or with data greeting
    6. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      I've just updated the mod btw, maybe you want to try again with data greeting. As said before, try putting just Kairi's mod in the mod folder (or in the Paks folder)
    7. NickDimas
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      • 0 kudos
      ok so i tried both just to be safe and it still doesnt work. First i used the updated mod while using other mods as well but then tried again this time only using the kairi mod and it didnt work again. 
    8. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Really don't know how to help then, at least for the moment, sorry :(
    9. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Hey there! Now Kairi should show properly in data greeting too, check out the new update!
      And, if you have a Remind save file, could you make me a favour? It would be great if you could test the cutscene right before Sora and Kairi's fight against armoured Xehanort, wonder if the update fixed it too (her KH3 model showed up some times)
    10. NickDimas
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      omg data greeting works thank you so much man. I checked to see the cutscene before the xehanort fight and there were like 3 or 4 instances where she opens her eyes and flies over to sora that she switched from kh2 version to kh3 but after they hug each other the mod stays there. But honestly its barely noticable since it happens quick. 
    11. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      I see, thank you for the report. Probably there's even another model of Kairi, I'll try to find it.
  9. kyestar48
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    A tip for these is for Riku put more weight painting into the front of his jacket and put more weight into Kairi's skirt.
    1. Richy5
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      • 9 kudos
      Yes but it's hard to know the right amount of weight to put on the bones of Riku's jacket and Kairi's skirt, and I can't use their kh3 models as references: first, because they're different, and secondly, because they use the bones tied to physics (which really makes the difference on making the clothes move properly with movements). I've already done several trials, and this is the best I could do so far, so at this moment I think I will just wait that modding physics would be possible, unless I come up with other ideas or become a genius of weight painting before it happens
    2. kyestar48
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      It's weird that you guys can't use dynamic bones as it's natively supported.
    3. Richy5
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      • 9 kudos
      Square used bonamik, which is an integrated technology in their custom version of unreal for characters physics simulation. Custom physics apparently doesn't work, the bonamik must be use, but since we don't have Square tools or something similar at the moment, getting the physics to work it's not possible
    4. kyestar48
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      Makes sense, that sucks man I guess KH3 modding will always be extremely limited.
    5. Richy5
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      • 9 kudos
      The weird thing is that apparently, in data greeting characters doesnt use the bonamik and there physics actually works. I've recently discovered that Sora's copies (the ones in Final World) too don't use bonamik, and physics works with a custom model (if you want to see, install my KH2 Sora mod and look to their hair). That means that if we manage to find a way to exclude the bonamik at all, maybe physics would work, but this is just an hypotesis since I couldn't manage to do this at the moment. Maybe we'll figure it out someday
    6. kyestar48
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      Yeah I downloaded the KH2 Sora mod and I have to say it's pretty impressive. I hope you find the answer you are looking for you seem very adament on making things right in the KH3 modding community and I hope you succeed. your doing good I hope you finish it. I really want to see the Riku and Kairi models get done. I love playing this game in different ways :)
  10. JENOVAbsolute
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    This is great. Definitely prefer her KHII design. I'll track for now, and download once the clipping is fixed. I guess it needs physics for that to happen?
    1. Richy5
      • supporter
      • 9 kudos
      Thank you! Yes, to make it to not clip anymore, physics are required. Probably the new update of the asset editor could make it to happen but it wasn't released yet