Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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UPDATE: This video is pretty outdated, for a better demonstration of how combat looks now, see this video, or watch the TUTORIAL video.

Showcasing the flaws of normal KC:D late game combat and comparing this to the combat when using the mod: "Better Combat and Immersion Compilation".

It's basically just a demonstration in the first part of the video; to show how abusing clinch and MS isn't possible anymore. If you want to see how fighting really looks like, see the end of the video when I start making combos etc. at about 5:20 - and the last exchange at 6:55 takes about 20 seconds.

NOTE: It says "No mods" in the first part, but actually there is one very obvious one: "No Mo' Slow Mo" which removes the slow motion effect from Perfect Blocks and Master Strikes. It's activated throughout the video!

I would've showed you the tournament, but as you may notice, even outside of Rattay I get stutters when recording...