Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Following on from the reddit thread recently, I'm launching v0.01 of More Sensible Weapons & Armour into the world for feedback & further improvement.

Current changes are outlined on the mod page, basically improving a few light pieces of armour like Couters, Cuman Harness, and so on, and slightly weakening some OP weapons like the Stinger and Spears.  

All saddles now have durability!  No more having a saddle completely destroyed in 1 hit requiring hundreds of groschen to repair.
Future changes are likely to include:

  • Clearly rebalancing all of the mail hauberks so they have clearer use cases and progression, as well as different stats based on appearance (e.g. long sleeves or not).
  • Rebalancing some of the stealth gear so that pure black items have the lowest overall vis but somewhat higher conspic,  vs grey/green/brown items which have slightly higher vis but the lowest average vis and conspic.
  • Improving the Tusk sword from Pribyslavitz swordsmith.
  • Improving Cuman cloth gear to make it more useful for reasons other than fashion alone. 

More changes to come following your feedback. 

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