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About this mod
A "total world overhaul mod" including all other overhaul and feature/content mods created by TreadLightly77.
A new game start is recommended after installing this mod.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
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- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
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- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
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File credits
Credit goes to @Arkhiel for allowing for the use of his Ark weapon pack mod,Fur and Hide Sets, Arkhiel's Fishing, and Bugmaster reloaded (bloody version) as a complement to this mod
Credit goes to @HatsuneNeko for allowing for the use of her Animal Bags as a complement to this mod and the Farming Expansion: Cornstick mod, along with permissions from @Space_Lettuce_OG
Credit goes to @Vampireteddygram for allowing for the use of Full Body Chainmail from one of his mods as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Baleq Qhan for allowing for the use of his map to illustrate the created town locations in the mod images.
Credit goes to @Shidan for allowing for the use of Faction Pacifiers from one of his mods as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @oi__io for allowing for the use of medium and light samurai armor, eyepatch, medium holy chest plate from his mods and for allowing for the use of some of his assets, along with that also allowing for Minor Mesh Fixes,Mediocre Faces, and Mediocre Hairstyles as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @OMOCHI for allowing for the use of Patchwork Armour from one of his mods as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Ohlawdz for allowing for the use Gusoku Armour Set from one of one of his mods as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @3DConductor for allowing for the use of Impaler Armor Set from one of his mods to complement this mod.
Credit goes to @Seth_Knight for allowing for the use of Bandit Weapons from one of his mods and Ronin Weapons from another as a complement to this mod. .
Credit goes to @RustledJimm for allowing for the use of White Eyebrow Clan from one of his mods and Unique Settlement Placementas a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Seelenschwarz for allowing for the use of his The Dra'ak mod,Faces Plus+, and Faces+ Addon1as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @jbra1 for allowing for the use of his Shek Ranch and Hunters mod and More Names! mod as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @noppy for the use of his Wolf Headgear mod as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @StupendousMan for allowing for the use of two of his mods, for the Lord Phoenix's Armor and Black Dragon Ninja Armor as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @rohan for his mod Light Holy Breastplate.
Credit goes to @Mega for allowing for the use of his brown crab re-texture as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Deuz for some refined asset icons.
Credit goes to @Forks for the Hack Stopper Helmet and the Plated Longboots overlap mesh from Fork's Hack Stopper Helmet mod.
Credit goes to @Azazellz for the armor from Azazellz's Make Holy Nation Great Again mod and the models from the Advanced Camping mod, along with @Atlas. @Atlas has also been a very gracious host, on the GMG Discord and a helpful pillar of the community at large.
Credit goes to @Wunkay for Better Crop Fences, Hive Robotics Expanded, and Expanded Lighting
Credit goes to @Circumsoldier for Hives Expanded, Cannibals Expandedweapons and armor assets and the Shrieking Bandits Expanded mod, as well.
Credit goes to @CreatorGalaxy for his "Mechanical Hiver" races from his "Mechanical Hiver" mod.
Credit goes to @Hugo the Dwarf for assisting in the update of the Mechanical Hiver and Mechanical Hiver MKII meshes and textures, along with his robotic limbs and weapons from his Crab Raiders+ mod, as well as allowing for the use of assets from his Old Empire Enforcers mod, as a complement to this mod. As well as contributing on the Bonecats.
Credt goes to @Magnanimous for his creation of the Mechanical Hiver MKII mesh and their contributions on the Bonecats.
Credit goes to @timor1234 for allowing for the use of his mod Fixing Clipping Issues as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Onitetsu, for allowing for the use of his mod Heavy Scrap Helmet and Armour as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Vice, for allowing for the use of his mod Vice's Hair Pack as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Daemonic Spoder, for allowing for the uses of his mods Grievewraiths, Foulhounds, Mist Ghouls, and Shinobi Armor as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Hoser, for allowing for the use of his mod More Dogs as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Miseriae Cordis, for allowing for the use of their mod Deus Vult Crusader armour&start(s) V4 as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Headhunter, for allowing for the use of their mod Burned Alive /Burn Your Enemys as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @s-man-d, for allowing for the use of his mod Argonians in Kenshi as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @recatek, for allowing for the use of his mod More Plate Options as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Kindrad, for allowing for the use of his mod Less Buggy Bughouse as a complement to this mod and for their contributions on the Bonecats.
Credit goes to @nyansdead, for creating the "Moon Map" of the areas surrounding the playable landmass in Kenshi, along with writing the bounties/lore for a majority of the unique bounties, created within UWE. Credit also goes for the writing of some lore for the "Chitrinites," and creating faction banners for "The Sturmijaz," as well.
Credit goes to @Comrade Rou, @Amardj, and @spaghetti for also writing some lore for the "Chitrinites," and a few other factions as well.
Credit goes to @LordHapless, for allowing for the use of assets from his mod Old Ironsides: Creature Mod as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Kit Kitters, for allowing for the use of assets from their mod The Outlanders as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Cattrina, for allowing for the use of assets from their mod Faction Furniture as a complement to this mod.
Credit goes to @Mogwai, for allowing for the use of the assets from their mod Alternate Default Samurai Helmets as a complement to this mod.Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Changelogs
Version 22
- Overhauled NPC AI to stop neutral factions from abruptly breaking into battle seemingly for no reason, usually within a town.
- Properly set "upgrades to" on all carbon mines
- Made all carbon mines properly buildable the player
- Created an "automatic carbon mine" as an analog to the iron ore ones...
- Altered the FISTS weapon type for more damage output, so that they deal damage across all armor classes.
- Adjusted the lock levels of some shop storage.
- Increased MA Training to 8, 16, and 24 on the training dummies(instead of 5,10,15)
- Dustberries icon size adjusted
- Leafbeds made to have a proper cost, so that they can be properly removed after being built.
- Added in corn, from Neko, permission was given. Ensure to credit Neko and the Space Lettuce maker! ^Make whiskey from it(with 2000 corn, instead of 1200 straw material...) Vodka and Tequila as well... ^^Used corn as a replacement ingredient for rice in the recipes for the various malts (made a "bowl of corn" as an analog to the "bowl of rice") ^^^Added in a camp farm and camp storage for corn ^^^^Added in some food dishes with corn in them(Meat and Corn; Meat, Corn, and Brown Veggies).
- Added in Millet, as a new crop(grows 100 in arid, 40 in green, 0 in swamps) ^Can make Whiskey, Ale, Lager, Grog, Pale Ale, Pale Lager ^^Created a Porridge dish, akin to mashed potatoes, and use as replacement for rice in dishes ^^^Used as a replacement crop for Multi-grain Bread production
- Porridge and Bowl of Corn had their own item icons created
- Added Millet and Corn to their respective building replacements for farms
- Made brandy brewable from dustberries, rice, corn, brown veggies
- Setup oats to make "whiskey"... ^Create a new beer, as well... The "Stout" with oats as the main ingredient...(Barley, Wheat, Hops, Rye can also make it, as replacement crops) ^Created storages for it, along with a still ^^Ale, Lager, Pale Ale, Pale Lager, Grog
- Ensured all sneaky chain gi stuff is craftable by the player ^All the padded, reinforced, and sneaky chain stuff was made into it's own research, or have it setup in all the proper vendor lists as blueprints ^^Entirely overhauled all aspects of padded, reinforced, and sneaky chain articles of armor.
- Added in Steel Refinery IV, at lvl 6 tech lvl
- Adjustment to ensure all storage inventories fit the screen properly
- Shrunk the size of the "raw produce" storage, so that it isn't so large and objectively better than the singular crop storage
- Fix for camp rock carrot farms to not create a player outpost
- Added lanterns on all caravan leaders, particularly their corresponding faction’s preferred lamp color
- Overhauled the "wears faction armor" setting for all corresponding characters
- Make Tech Hunters bribe cost 20k and raise relations by 10, to bring it more in line with the cost of other ways to raise relations with them.
- Fix for Rye Ration Pack to be properly cookable, by the player
- Adjustment for Black Dragon Ninjas and White Eyebrow Clan raids to only target player towns that reach level 1 or higher, to stop them from raiding new player outposts within the Borderzone biome.
- Made a bait item for both traps, instead of meats. Also, made it so that building materials are needed to keep the trap going, as well, to simulate the need to replace the trap after catching each “vermin”
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 21
- Added in all the proper entries for the newly added stuff from modders resource ^Created a “vermin trap” as a “foul raw meat source” ^^Added in storage for batrat and froggo items, so that they can be stored before being cooked ^^^Setup research for "trap creation" for the new traps and butchering rocks…
Version 20
- Fix for some of the slave ai, such as at Stone Camps, that was causing some slaves to tweak out and repeatedly attempt to run away and then try to work.
- Put proper bounty factions on the Shogun...(UC, AS, Reavers, Crab Raiders, all noble factions)
- Added "get out of bed when in trouble" to all races (priority 4), including animals ^This was done to stop an exploit from being possible
- Adjusted the MA damage significantly, so that it no longer just outperforms ever other weapon type by leaps and bounds. MA is still the highest potential damage output, but will no longer be all one-hit death strikes. These changes will make MA more in line with the damage output of other weapons.
- Dropped the bow damage multiplier, ever so slightly (minimum, 1.0[from 1.1], maximum 1.2[from 1.2]) and an increase in reload time by 25% across the board. Kiting is still possible, but it will not be quite as effective as it was prior.
- Dropped the turret damage multiplier from 1.2 to 1.0. This has proven to effectively stop one-hit kills from occurring as often.
- Altered stumble damage from 80 to 85(at max toughness, it takes 85 damage to stumble a character now, instead of 80). Stumbling still happens in battle, just not with the same intensity.
- Tatiana’s dialogue for "Tatiana sees Cat" was adjusted to be used properly.
- Tweak for some random Tech Hunters, HNO, Inhuman Hunters, and Highlanders squads that made them get into random brawls, even with factions they were set to co-exist with.
- Fixed the Banners exterior on the Y-House(they were much too low and setup shitty)
- Made MA training dummies craftable by the player.
- Add in dialogue to the Tech Hunter Salesman, telling the player to *never* rename the town they buy from them. As it will just cause all kinds of *issues* and *headaches* for the player...
- Black Scratch trade culture was made closer to all other Tech Hunter town trade cultures...(especially for tech items)
- Made bandanas of differing variants properly craftable(Padded, Reinforced, Sneaky Chain)
- Added in the Shinobi Armor from the Shinobi Armor mod. Credit goes to Daemonic Spoder, for allowing for the use of assets from mod to complement UWE. Created Padded, Reinforced, Sneaky Chain variants of all applicable armor.
- Set a category for the "Chitin Armor Crafting," so that the armor is now properly researchable
- Set Eyegore properly, with his own stats, so that he can't easily be stealth KO'd.
- Adjusted the gate at the waystation closest to Ark, so that it no longer improperly points inwards.
- Added relation-boosting dialogue to the UC police chief for the noble factions(with the condition of being a member of the noble faction), so that they raise relations if you bring in their rival nobles for bounties. NN: Ohta, Nagata WN: Yoshinaga, Inaba SN: Daichi, Merin
- Adjusted Shek gate guard dialogue, so that it is no longer possible for them to follow the player ridiculous distances.
- Set it so that the Buglords actually utilize the medic job and have advanced med kits and splint kits
- Attack slots adjusted to 3x. A player will have to utilize a 1x or 5x attack mod, should they want a different setting
- Balanced the production multiplier, level, and time of all "research"
- Southern Hivers and Midland Hivers need to have their "combat anatomy" balanced with the rest of the hivers. Deadhivers were also slightly increased.
- Set the hivers' bleeding to: 35 minimum and 65 maximum, for the workers; 35 min, 70 max, for the princes; 35 min, 80 max, for the soldiers
- Added to the faction pacifier, proper dialogue that does not allow the factions included to let you reconcile relations with said faction, if you killed their leader or are allied to their enemy...(aka the DR don't let you reconcile, should the player have killed Jeremiah)
- Ensured all the NPCs having a chance to utilize ranged weapons are setup with the proper stats for ranged weaponry...
- Fix for Mireda and Comera town override spawns
- Fix for "Manual Iron Refinery" properly upgrading to "Iron Refinery"
- Adjustment for bandits to have first aid kits properly. Also added in splint kits to bandit bosses
- Made all robot animals take a very, very long time to grow to adulthood. This was done to help balance out not having a need to feed them...
- Adjustment for Squin, adding in a barracks to an empty longhouse.
- Put a condition on the Highlander dialogue where they will follow a bounty, to not include HNO, HN, SK, WH, MH, NH…(All factions whose towns the Highlanders may visit.)
- Adjusted Fishmen to balance them out after adjusting MA damage, since they only utilize MA as their weapon of choice. Also gave them different MA fists, in their race, which allows them to have more cutting and bleeding damage than human fists.
- Made sure skeleton squads don't go to Rebirth, in any fashion.
- Made Terron's Lair, Skeleton HQ, public during the day
- Created "FISTS" for all major races(humans will use the regular one, Shek[More Blunt Damage than regular], Hiver[More speed oriented and quick])
- Added electrical components to the forbidden items list, for the HN
- Added in large storage containers for "raw produce" to be placed in the kitchen/cooking area...
- Added in new research that allows for wind generators' power output to be upgraded, in the same way biofuel generators and batteries can be upgraded through consequential research
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 19
- Added assault phase to the end of all the dialogue for the minor faction ally reinforcement campaigns. Effectively, all reinforcement campaigns now properly trigger to help the player, instead of just running away.
- Southern Hive was looked at for possible expansions... ^South Hivers had campaigns from Hives Expanded added in for them ^^Made it possible to become neutral or allies with the southern hive.(through giving them "tributes" for King, which raises relations by 1) ^^^The player will need to pay off the Southern Hive Pacifier, in Flats Lagoon(or a smaller chance to spawn at any Waystation), to be able to properly give “tributes” for King. ^^^^Created a Southern Hive weapon and armor shop, present only in their capital and at the armories. Set it so they only sell to the player if they are allied with the Southern Hive… ^^^^^Created a Southern Hive Exile gamestart, that has the relations set to 0 between the SH and the player faction and can give “tributes” to King from the start of the playthrough.(without having to pay off their Southern Hive Pacifier.) ^^^^^^Put more Hive Commune Huts in the Hiver-reclaimed armory that has none.(5 in total) ^^^^^^^Created Southern Hive "bars" only in their villages and capital, that have plenty of Southern hivers present, including possibly recruits, if you're not enemies to the SH. The bar will sell to the player, as long as they are not enemies with the SH. ^^^^^^^^Added in three more hive commune huts in the capital and one in each village/reclaimed armoury ^^^^^^^^^Southern Hive had it’s own trade culture setup
- Fix for some prisoners/slaves having the goal of "going home" which seems to cause them to run to the entrance of the town they're freed from and stand there "aimless" forever. They all now properly run away from the town.
- Bele'coz' prisoner at Sakar is a Hundred Guardian of Holy Nation faction, was adjusted to be of Shek Kingdom faction.
- Added in the caught sneaking dialogue to all the hiver dialogue packages.
- Created backpack items were adjusted to no longer have placeholder text.
- All items, armor, and weapons had their descriptions overhauled, to ensure they were all set properly.
- Made the Hiningenteki Hantas and Holy Nation allied.(This was done to avoid them eventually falling into being “enemies”)
- Dustberry Jam was properly setup at the cooking stoves, along with having it's own storage made for it
- Lowered how many fishing nets come with the caravan traders…
- Fix for security and iron spiders at ruins in the Grid, so that they don't just stand there aimlessly.
- Make it so that bloodspiders, in the Swamps, start in their building only and do not patrol the town to easily be maneuvered around...
- Protector of the Flame had a higher level(Holy Forge) weapon level[Okran's Choice] setup for him
- Add in Multi-grain and Poppyseed variants of Dustberry Pie, Rock Carrot Cake, and Shepherd's Pie and added them to the appropriate storage and cooking functionalities.
- Cooking fire pit w/pot altered to no longer create a player outpost
- Fix for shopkeeper dialogue triggering only every so often, so that they will properly call out a thief, regardless of whether the player just talked to them recently.
- Took "chosenfrom list" off of all squads it was added to prior.
- Set it so that all hive soldier drones and praetorians are immune to gas.
- Set Craig the Fishmonger to be unique on his character tab
- Had HN territory thief group setup to properly buy illegal goods too.(along with the malnourished variant too)
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 18
- Shek Heavy Weapon Shop needs to be adjusted to 3 priority, on all spawns.
- Officers/higher ups in bandit factions setup to have basic medkits(the cheapest ones) [Specifically like the Dust Boss, Hill Marauder Boss, Swamp Ruffian Boss, etc.)
- "Hack Stopper" armor set needs to have "pierce defense multiplier set higher than 0(Set both the pants and the jacket to 1)
- Add in Reaver Slaves picking up weapons if they don't have one and looting corpses.
- Shogunate Assault jiroji (trigger) setup with proper display name
- Made the Kobura Syndicate stay inside their dojo only. Also, gave them better gear, so that they can fight tougher. ^Created (sneaky chain) martial arts bindings, just for the KS
- Created a Fishmen faction campaign raid that only relies upon the health of the created King Gurgler, in the Floodlands, as well.
- The Floodlands Lab given a proper town override setup, based upon the health of the local King Gurgler
- Made all the masks from Patchwork armor mod craftable by the player
- Made the Soldier Drone Heavy Armor only wearable by Soldier Drones, of all races.
- Set a Fishmen Floodlands squad that spawns regardless of their local king's health
- Lower dodge from 130% to 115% on claw armor pieces. Also, lowered their unarmed bonus by half...
- Setup all enemy campaign raids to have the proper trigger player ally setup
- Added in "trigger player ally" for all appropriate campaigns... ^"Trigger player ally" campaigns all had their announcement dialogue set correctly.
- Setup with the Reaver with a system where you can give them slaves as a "tribute" to raise relations by 1 (Have the Reavers with two options when bringing them a potential slave. One where they pay more than anybody else, for a slave(600 cats) The other is an option to heighten faction relations with the Reavers by 1, instead of any cash. If allied with the Reavers, they will no longer pay the heightened slave fees, due to having a "faction discount" and will in fact only pay ~100 cats a slave thereafter. ^^Made it so that Reaver patrols, from Ark, return to Ark, to gather more slaves or such.
- Added Old Empire Enforcers and Ironsides with Cat-Lon, as bodyguards ^Beefed up Cat-Lon's defences, as well...
- Added in some Chitrinite lore books and new snippets of their lore and possible notes from leaders of other failed expeditions, in the Shun biome. Also, had additional lore written by nyansdead, Rou, Amardj, and spaghetti.
- Made the Mech Hive and Tech Hunters/Slave Traders be set to co-exist with one another.
- Have the Mech Hive not go into Skimsands
- Gave shop guards personalities and had their dialogue trigger based on that. Added in more shop guard dialogue for the npc's(especially the "dumb" personality ones)
- Meat and Barley recipe fixed(it is now craftable at all cooking stoves/pots)
- Made all unique bounty squads not approach towns...
- Stopped Cleanser Unit squad from approaching towns.
- Added in a bunch of lore for unique faction bounties, written by nyansdead
- Shinobi Thieves setup with their own trade culture
- Fix for Cold Bloods Village Shopkeeper
- Fix for Highlanders dialogue calling everyone a fugitive.
- Fix for floating pontton bridge in Border Zone.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 17
- Wrote new "personal shopper" dialogue that has a small chance to trigger for NPCs, as well Also, lowered the chance to trigger for the player at 65%
- Fixed the Black Dragon Ninjas campaign raid ai, so that they only steal from the player's food supplies after defeating the player, instead of isntantly just running for the food. Do note, some stragglers may go after the food after knocking down one of the player's characters. ^Various other bandit factions also utilize this campaign raid type.
- Had to delete a storage shelf as a possible interactable item for the player to utilize, due to /xml limitations.
- Made it so that every shop guard is setup to be in squad 1 and a squad 2, with differing sleeping times, to make it so that somebody is up at night, standing watch, in the building/shop. Also, doing this also helps spread out guards better, on their guard positioning, even during the day.
- Deadhive Praetorians were made to be able to wear hive bone armor.(This was the only armor they could utilize in the original Hives Expanded mod)
- All kinds of fixes for the Holy Nation campaign raids. (For instance, they had raids for when you killed or kidnapped the Phoenix, but had no world state to atually tie the raid to said actions. Effectively, "Wrath of God" riads would trigger erronerously, sending major raids towards the player, for no valid reasons) ^These changes were also made to the Order of Chitrin, as well.
- All Holy Mines had their overrides tweaked to make them correspond with their local High Inquisitor(including the two newly created ones) ^This includes the Holy Mine Ruins, as well.
- Made it so that the Holy Phoenix can be replaced in Blister Hill, after the original one dies... (Moll and Harenga must be dead, with at least one surviving High Inquisitor, in order to "anoint" a new Holy Phoenix) ^Added in corresponding spawns related to the health of all the High Inquisitors and the Holy Phoenix himself.
- Fix for arm shoulder pad armor for the Order of Chitrin, so that they don't have coverage on the legs.
- HNO farm hq 2 had it's faction properly set to Holy Nation Outlaws.
- Created game starts for the Bloodraiders and Sand Ninjas.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 16
- Put "target in talking range" on all gambling callouts and responses.
- Set shop guard dialogue that basically just follows the player around the shop, almost like a "personal shopper."
- Added small fishing net as a building in the "default start" research, just like the campfire is in vanilla
- Tengu's toughness was increased, so that he cannot be so easily killed anymore.
- Adjusted some "Yoshinga is alive" dialogue to be appropriately setup to hinge upon whether the player killed him
- Adjusted Esata's dialogue, for when she gives her daughter, so that the dialogue can only trigger once. Hooch and Kraz also had their corresponding dialogue updated as well.
- Adjusted squad makeup for cannibals at all cannibal villages, due to spawning issues causing fps drops(This was due to utilizing the "chosen from list" for the entire squad, which seems to take a long time to choose at such a large sclae)
- Beefed up the cannibal capital
- Created a Yabuta Outlaws game start, "Prison Break"
- Set the cannibals to start taking the fight to the Floodlands, The Wend, and then onto Okranite lands, in the event that the Deluged King has been killed.
- Created a map in-game of the moon beyond the Kenshi landmass. Special thanks to @nyansdead for helping to make that happen.
- Set the Canyonlands Killer to spawn in the world. (He is on the "eastern trade route", between the Border Zone and Venge
- Added in one shop guard everywhere they are present, to make up for the one guard whom will be the player's "personal shopper"
- Added in town overrides for the "Deadhive Overrun"(also renamed it to "Holy Outpost") based around the health of a Deadhive Praetorian located there.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 15
- Overhauled Squins’ Mukai's town override...
- Beak Things were set to not ever go into the Border Zone.
- Created Copper Drills 1-3
- Lowered Beak Thing Eggs' prices.
- Setup the Cannibal Hunters to pay 100 for a regular cannibal, instead of 80(which they will pay for a scrawny cannibal). Then put a bounty on cannibal chiefs, for the CH, as well. Also, have a small chance for actual CH bounties on all cannibals.
- Adjusted MA off of all races where it is present in the races' bonus/malus
- Western Hive, Midland Hive and Shek Kingdom were all properly setup to co-exist with one another.
- Set all Empire Lords and Ladys to have "Empire Noble" as their "unique replacement spawns"
- Abandoned Town N had HOC town override put into the final Hook Raiders town override
- Rusted Ridge had the "loot spawn" items at the buildings in ruins overhauled, to not have rare items being able to be freely grabbed off the floor.(so that 20k-30k can't just be grabbed off the ground, with no problem or hassle of "stealing" them.)
- "Skel Repair Beds" were replaced in all Skeleton Camps, with the prototype camp version.
- Herdsmen and Natives were made to co-exist with the local fauna near them
- Included More Names! in UWE, credit goes to Jbra1
- Patched in "More Plate Options" to UWE, credit goes to recatek
- Included Cannibals Expanded in UWE, credit goes to Circumsoldier
- Adjusted the Fogmen recruitment dialogue so that there is still a very small chance for recruiting all hive races, even after they are beyond the "recruitable character" lvl... (By utilizing a "stronger than me" condition)
- All "long lost recruits" had their items' icon size altered again(adjusted back to the original 1x1)
- Set the "farm water usage" of all "biomes->spawn area" biomes. Effectively, having farms in more arid regions will cause your crops to utilize more water.
- Overhauled all Longen, Seta, Valtena, and many other world states, so that they trigger not only if the player killed them, but if they are dead in general...
- Made thrones buildable by the player
- Properly setup NPCs to spectate at the "Swampers' Run Racetrack"
- Overhauled Holy Mine Ruins, in Skinner's Roam, be able to be reclaimed by the HN, if Esata, and the Hill Marauders King are all dead, with Valtena still being alive Holy Outpost and Tiny Settlement were given proper overrides, as well
- Altered the "Shek Warrior Last Stand bar #" to have their "Ancient Samurai Helmet" should be set to -1 and not 1...
- Created a campaign for the Bloodraiders
- Setup the AS and Reavers to properly be enemies
- Added in Dominion civilian ai package to all civilian squads/residents, within UWE(Especially HN, UC, and Shek)
- Created shelve storage for all food items(akin to food store, with 1/3-1/2 the capacity) and then for food recipes too.
- Moved all shelves to "storage" building category
- Setup the shop guards in Narko's Refuge to be able to withstand acid rain...
- Overhauled the "skill bonus" on (light) and (medium) variants of armor…
- Setup the bonedog racetracks to match the world state and owner of their local town
- Made a (medium) Samurai Helmet, with no face mask
- Bast town override fixed so that shop building is no longer inaccessible.
- Name the Shek Ruins town,Hezrath, so it gets displayed on map, when they take it over
- Create HOC pacifier at Shark, BDC(made it a skeleton)
- Setup the Dominion to take Lost Town, if the Crab Queen is ded ^Have the UC take it, if the Crab Queen is ded and Tengu is alive (Same with the Archive Town and Looted Ruins [Renamed Old Empire Outpost])
- Added in town overrides for Band of Bones and Ashigakari
- Added in the medium and light variants of Gusoku and Impaler armor to crafting locations
- Created medium and light variants of the Impaler Armor for the bandit factions to utilize.(Especially the Bastards, the Deluged, and the Desolate Plunderers) ^Mediums for the bosses
- Changed all "Hive Kings" to be of the praetorian race
- Set "stats" for all HOC characters
- Included the Bughouse Fix mod, credit goes to Kindrad
- Added in Bugmaster Expanded race for the Bugmaster and his Buglords, credit goes to Arkhiel
- Fix for Mist Creatures’ campaigns to trigger town assaults properly
- Various small tweaks and fixes
Version 14
- Added in unique bounties for the factions from Minor Factions Amplified.[In much the same way other unique bounties were created for the major factions] Added bounties onto the main factions, with the MFA factions having a chance to have bounties on them.(Ie. Have HR and DR bounties on certain UC characters. Have HNO and ND bounties on certain HN characters. Have HH and BC bounties on certain Shek characters.) HR: Drifter's Last, Clownsteady DR: Sho-Battai, Stoat HNO: Stack, Bad Teeth Skels: Okran's Shield, Blister Hill ND: Narko's Trap, Okran's Shield HH: Hive Village(right near Admag), Squin BC: Great Fortress, Last Stand
- Overhauled all general bounties, as well
- Created names for newly created unique bounties, from the main factions("Samurai Sargeant …" or "High Paladin …") Created wanted posters for all newly created unique bounties. Then placed them in a vendor to be placed in the intended factions' towns. ^Also placed all wanted posters from the bounties expanded in vendors to be present at the appropriate factions…
- Every single character had their weapons looked over, so that the weapons aren't all set to 100(as doing this effectively just has them spawn with the first weapon set at 100, as anything over 100 will not count, basically)[Set some that can be MA to have a chance to have no weapon, with the chances adding up to less than 100]
- Overhauled where a player can sell stolen and illegal stuff. (Basically, only bars and the thieves guild will reliably buy stolen stuff now.[Shek bars do not] No other shop types will buy stolen stuff…) As for illegal items, only bars and the thieves guild will buy them, as well…
- Made sure all items that are listed as "trade goods" in their item card are also included in the "all trade goods" vendor list.(in order to be included in regional price differences)
- Adjust the "gear artifact max value" and "item artifact max value" for every created town(so they spawn the appropriate gear and items into the vendor lists, which can only be purchased once) ^All Waystations had "item artifact max value" set appropriately, for them to spawn some rare stuff(set them accordingly to their location/proximity to ruins). Set all the other appropriate residents(shops/bars) with the appropriate "gear artifacts max value" and "item artifacts max value"
- Setup every single town with "roaming squads" to have them be setup as "bar squads" instead...(roaming squads may not spawn properly, due to the towns roaming population level already being reached.)
- Added in Arkiel’s Fishing mod with variable chance to catch fish… ^Added in "Fishing Rod" advanced versions... ^^Added in some "fish farms" to the fishing villages.
- Set the ai package of "farm shop" to have the squad actually properly "guard" places...
- UC Clothing Shop in Heft increased guards by double.
- Crusader Top placed in the "armor plate" building functionality...
- “Long Lost Recruits” had their held item made into a “dummy item,” so that it still triggers dialogue, but does not take up inventory space.
- Krug's talk to neutral dialogue had proper conditions set on it, so that of the player is their ally, his talk to ally dialogue triggers properly...
- Krug’s dialogue package was cleaned up and polished.
- Adjusted the Bugmaster's ai, so that he properly stays inside the building. [Added in a few "Bug Lords" in his squad and beds in his tower.] ^The Bugmaster and the Buglords were setup with “False Scorpion” gear, in order to make the Bugmaster harder to knockout in combat.
- Set Mud Town to have a town override after the Blue Cleavers, that turns to ruins if the Blue Cleaver Boss is no longer alive
- For "A Master and His Minions" game start, created an item to start with and have it be possible to trigger on any Blood Spider or Skin Spider, a much smaller chance on Skimmers, and with an almost impossible chance on False Scorpions.
- Setup all trader caravans to have 0 cats vendor money(at least the non-campaign squads)
- Overhauled all items set as a food item…
- Made it so that "tanning," "making armor plates" and "making chainmail" use the labouring stat and not the armor smithing stat...
- Added Robot Spider bags to BDC and Rusted Ridge bars, along with Mechanical Hive Villages, as well.
- Added two extra attack slots on all hive praetorians. Also added in more attack slots to the mist creatures, as well.
- Added in “uniform imposter” dialogue to all factions that wear uniforms.
- Put a personality on the player's faction(Nameless)[It is the personality setting with any possible]
- Swamp Turtles had their health raised heavily...
- Order of Chitrin had it's trade culture setup properly
- Beefed up Tengu's security severely... Since the UC collapse hinges on his health only…
- Created a sneaky chain variant of the Noble's Robes and Noble's Trousers for Tengu(put it on Longen too)[Created padded, and reinforced versions for the various Lords and Ladys too]{Created padded and reinforced versions of the Dyed Robes and Dyed Trousers, as well. Then put them throughout the appropriate Lady and Lord spawns...}
- Put a housemate squad in every faction HQ that just basically sits around within the HQ building(prior, no seats were ever being used)Effectively, faction HQs now feel much more “lived in” and utilized. A “side effect” of this would be that faction HQs are now much harder to attack.)
- Added corpse furnaces to all larger bandit faction towns
- Created a "Bone Merchant" amongst the Fogmen, whose dialogue will only trigger for either Fogmen or allies. Had them sell Bone Weapons and Bone Armor and allow the player to adjust their appearance like a plastic surgeon would.
- Put "is recruitable," as a conditon, on the Fogmen, Cannibals, and Fishmen recruitment dialogue…(That way too if they are too strong, they will not be recruitable)
- Added in a version of cannibal characters that utilize "primitive weapons" only.
- Set Rebel Farmers and Cannibal Hunters to co-exist with one another.
- Added in "defeated squad" dialogue for all recruitable characters...(like when beep says he's the greatest warrior) This was also done for various other “situational dialogues,” as well.
- Created the Scorpion bandit faction in the Spine Canyon somewhere...(Scorpion Roughnecks)
- Overhauled crops' water use, both created and vanilla. Crop harvest rates have also been linked to their relative farm plot size. Effectively, making larger farm plots cost more water to grow and then, in turn, harvest efficiently.
- Fix for unique bounty squads attacking neutrals, due to an ai issue.
- Took off certain weapon stats as a racial bonus or malus for created races and vanilla. (It seems to work inverse of intended)
- Increased the “faction importance” of all caravan trader bosses and caravan guards.(Effectively, taking out a faction’s caravan can now be enough to make you their enemies.)
- Various small tweaks and fixes
Version 13
- HOC Leader Dialogue: Gave Krug dialogue telling you to take down their enemies(with the Okranites, Narkoites, and Hiningenteki Hantas most important) All other officers, have dialogue telling you to go to Krug... as he is the leader of the expedition.
- Wrote dialogue for Rodrick(Krug’s right hand man), including dialogue where he informs you on which factions to take out(Mainly focused on the Okranites, Narkoites, HH, and Shek), and ally dialogue for when you become their allies.
- "See carried character" dialogue was written for all significant enemy leaders of the Order of Chitrin.
- Fixed the layout of some Order of Chitrin bases.
- Created a "Weapon Smith IV" for up to Edgemaster 2(with very high requirements[90 iron plates] and power use [-80 power consumption] plus very high requirements for the research to unlock the building) ^Then created a "Weapon Smith V" for up to Edge Type 3, with Meitou possibly on a critical success, ~33% max at level 94 weapon smith,(with insane requirements[250 iron plates] and power use[-200 power consumption]plus insane requirements for the research to unlock the building) ^^Also, set it up so that Weapon Smith 3 upgrades to Weapon Smith 4, and then to Weapon Smith 5
- Made it possible to craft Meitou quality weapons, indirectly, through a critical success, ~33% max at level 94 weapon smith, when attempting to craft an Edge Type 3 weapon(also newly made craftable in UWE, at the Weapon Smith V)
- Created “Ancient Weaponry Texts” and “Ancient Weapon Research” then disseminated them deep in the Ashlands, on Bugmaster, on Cat-Lon, and placed the item into the artifact spawn system, as well. ^”Ancient Weaponry Texts” and “Ancient Weaponry Research” will be needed items for the research of the Weapon Smith IV and V to be built…(At Tech Level 6) ^^”Ancient Weaponry Texts” and “Ancient Weaponry Research” will be needed items for the research of the Edgemaster and Meitou Weapon classes.(At Tech Level 6)
- Set the new weapon crafts to the building functionality for weapon smiths, as well (such as Order Forge 1-3...)[Effectively allowing for the player to craft the “restored” weapon textures]
- Added Edge Type 2,3 and Meitou(indirectly and only as a critical success when attempting to craft Edge Type 3) as weapons that can be crafted by the player, in the homemade weapon manufacturer... Also set them in the building functionality for the weapon smiths, as well.
- Research was setup for all the created weapon models included within the Homemade weapon manufacturer.
- Made it so that the Shek HQ with Esata does not move to other places, as it does in vanilla, due to certain worldstates. (Towns effected: Stack, Bad Teeth, Squin)
- Adjusted the availability of Engineering Research that is purchasable in Waystations.
- Adjusted the town overrides for the Scout Posts, so that if Moll is no longer okay, they fall into ruins with cannibals camping out there...
- Made the cannibal base in the north of the Floodlands(Suspicious Lab) buyable or purchasable/usable by the player… After clearing it of the inhabitants…
- Shinobi Thieves and Shek Kingdom were set to co-exist with one another(The Holy Nation, as well) [Shinobi Thieves also had their relations set to +30, with all factions in which they have a building in town]
- Properly put Dried Gristle Flaps in Mud Town(They have the best, supposedly, based on vanilla dialogue)
- Big Fang was setup to be defended much better in the HQ and the town of Swamp Village S...
- Made Chitrinite Armor and Weapons available to purchase, but only for player factions not allied to their enemies... Their weapon/armor shop doesn't sell to factions allied to their enemies Setup all Chitrinites with First aid kits, as literally none of them had any prior...
- Slave Trade pacifier had it's dialogue setup as if it were a minor faction, so that the bounties with them can be paid off.
- Fix for UC and Shek guards grabbing someone already serving a prison sentence and putting them back into it... Basically resetting their sentence, in the process
- Mechanical Hive properly had animals setup to sell, in their hive villages...
- The Natives and Herdsmen properly had dialogue setup for them. Along with that, they also had leaders created for their factions, as well.
- Mech Hive MKII had it's race chance lowered on the Empire Peasants faction...
- Made Skeleton Animal Traders a camp instead of a homeless spawn…
- Adjusted the Agave Nectar Still so that the items needed craft Agave Nectar is properly Agave and Water.
- Made "freeing prisoners" a higher priority within any ai goals it is included(In effect, prisoners will be freed properly and on time)
- Made the Kopek town override for the Slave Traders fall into ruins if Slave Mistress Grace is no longer alive...
- Added ration packs(all variants) as researchable food items to craft
- Added in 15 more ai cores to the artifact system's loot system(This was done due to the expanded need for ai cores, in order to research advanced weaponry)
- Created a "food storage for recipes" where the characters can grab or place items in it…(In effect, the player can now automatically craft more advanced food recipes, such as Ration Packs)
- Created a recruit with a missing limb Make him a paranoid conspiracy theorist; Kenshi's resident conspiracy theorist.
- Created a Nomad game start(Shem), a Dust Bandit game start, and a Mongrel game start.
- Added the ability to research and craft training swords.
- All weapon stats were balanced properly… (All weapon stats have been made to be in-line with the minimum and maximum constraints established by vanilla Kenshi weaponry[For instance, the Ronin Talons previously had +40% armor penetration instead of the maximum vanilla weapon constraint of +30%] ^Weapons' stats were also balanced and polished with their weapon class' minimum and maximum constraints in mind, as well)
- Put Meitou weaponry throughout the faction leaders in-game
- Updated Rock Carrots to properly automate food production associated with the food crop item.
- Added cannibal shacks to the Deadcat Fishing Village, for if/when the Cannibal override occurs
- Adjusted the Deadcat overrides of cannibal villages and such…
- Adjusted homeless spawn and camp/nest numbers in Cannibal Plains
- Made sure all bandit faction hqs are setup to have their leader not go outside…
- Various small tweaks and fixes
Version 12
- Added in "see bounty" dialogue where the character then attacks and raises the crime alarm , but stays close to home for all minor factions and their created dialogue packages...(have the personality not be fearful)[The 3 Major factions were also polished up so that their “see bounty” dialogue triggers properly, as it was not in vanilla. ^That way factions actually notice a bounty and they won't just let the bounty walk right into their town without trying to gather said bounty. ^^It is set for each faction and the condition is set so that you are in the town of that faction… or you are within no town at all.(A faction will not attack you within a town of another faction, to avoid triggering large battles over some random bounty)
- Created being healed, get up fight, and defeated squad dialogue for all animals. (Now, when healing a dog of your own, they may cry or whimper… while a dog in the wild may howl at the moon after taking down an enemy squad…)
- Barley farming was adjusted so that Barley can now somewhat grow in the Swamps.
- Properly gave the Blackshifters Casino a name…
- Adjusted the River and Swamp Carni-Raptors to properly be red or black…
- Added corpse furnaces to the Holy Nation Mines.
- Added a well to Waystation Highlander BZ
- Properly renamed the Holy Forgemaster and the Machinist Forgemaster building names. Also, properly setup their Forgemasters to have dialogue as a shopkeeper. Created two weapon manufacturers for the Shek(Kral’s Armoury I +II)[The Shek weapon manufacturers’ weapons are slightly rare to see/come by.] Along with creating a Shek Forgemaster, as well.
- Nomads faction was properly set to co-exist with all factions(non bandits)[Prior, battles could break out against the Nomads in various towns for myriad reasons.]
- Midland Hive was made to co-exist with the HNO and Nomads, to avoid all-out battles within The Hub over seemingly nothing.
- Adjusted Esata’s "talk to" dialogue setup to occur one time only on each selection, instead of the entire dialogue setup only triggering once.(Now there should be no problem getting Esata to properly give you her daughter, Seto, if you bring in a bounty to her, for instance)
- Setup the [padded], [reinforced], and [sneaky chain] variations of armor to have differing fabric counts. Set all [sneaky chain] variations of armor to only be made at a chain armor station and not the regular clothing stations...
- Adjusted all "spot intruder" dialogue to only trigger for the player... ^Also set them to attack, but stay close to home, instead of chasing the player forever and away from their town.
- Adjusted all mercenary characters to ensure they have no bounty(Bounties on mercenary characters were causing unnecessary bloodshed, especially in places like World’s End)
- Altered the Inhuman Hunters dialogue to have priority on seeing humans, that way if a squad does have a human, there is a higher chance of the Inhuman Hunters properly spotting them and not attacking.
- Dust King, Hill Marauder King, Swamp Ruffian King, White Eyebrow, Dimak, Blood Raider Boss and Sand Ninja Oni was properly setup to not guard outside of their HQ building.
- Created a cannibal cook pit that can be utilized by the player. (With the model of cannibal cook pit and the function of a “limb remover”)
- Made the lizardmen “swim” under water instead of swimming, just like robots/fishmen
- Engineering Research was made sightly easier to get, by making it a very small possibility to be purchasable in Tech Hunter, Skeleton, and Mech Hive towns.(It is very rare and not consistent to restock)
- Adjusted the guard locations at the library in Black Scratch, so it's not easy to steal from any longer. Also gave the library 3 more guards to keep you honest…
- Set the Mega Skin Spider, Mega Blood Spider, Elder Skimmers, and Elder False Scorpions as spawns outside of the Bugmaster tower only.(Fighting into the Bugmasters’ Tower will now be much harder, however, the interior of the tower will not be packed so full of animals that the pathfinding becomes basically broken.
- Adjusted skin spider nests and blood spider nests to stop them from being immediately wiped out...
- Fixed the Cold Bloods Village to not have a hole where ppl can walk through.(next to tower and lagoon building) Also, setup a bar, headgear shop, and bar squads within the village, as well…
- Setup defenders at the ruins containing engineering research(specifically post ancient workshops)[Basically just 2 security spiders or such, similar to other ruins.)
- Cold Bloods and The Order of Chitrin had faction pacifiers setup.(Cold Bloods - Catun, Waystations; Order of Chitrin - Flats Lagoon, Waystations)
- Created a Shek Kingdom game start at The Great Fortress, with the player being tasked with taking out the Bele'coz, Kral's Chosen, Berserkers, and Band of Bones(Shager’s Dream)
- Set a faction color for the Deadcat(Dark Purple and Light Black). Created faction colors for Band of Bones(light blue and gray) and Kral's Chosen.(black and green) Also, altered their spawns to give then (colored) and (colored) [alt] version of all their gear…
- Created and implemented Hive Praetorians of all hive races...
- Bonedog backpacks have been setup so that all dog races can properly utilize them now…
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 11
- Created a new “emergent” late-game faction, called the “Order of Chitrin”(Chitrin was the god that many in Kenshi believe broke into two gods, Okran and Narko, to save mankind.), that only begins their overzealous “crusade” across the island-continent under certain circumstances. They will make their landing on the coast of Shun and begin their crusade across the entire landmass. They have their own faction armor, faction hierarchy, law system, punishment, etc. “The Order of Chitrin” basically hate all that are not Chitrinites, but they hold the Okranites and Narkoites above all others, as examples of heretics that need to be purged. Those that are unlucky enough to find themselves captured or imprisoned by the Chitrinites are in for a surprise, as the Chitrinites burn their prisoners at the stake, to cleanse their heretical ways. The Chitrinites also have two of their own faction weapon manufacturers(Order Forges and Chitrin’s Blademaster), making their spawns very balanced with low to high end weaponry. As a faction, “The Order of Chitrin” has many town overrides going all the way up into Holy Nation territory and all the way over into southern and southeastern United Cities territory. Along with that, a gamestart was created, with the player being a member of “The Order of Chitrin” sent on a mission to secure the landing area for further invasion.
- Added in 3 new races from the Argonians in Kenshi mod.(The Dragoloids, Reptiloids, and Sharkaloids) The races colors were refined to be much more dull and less flashy. The faces of the races were made to be properly edited, as well, by adding in facial sliders for the various facial features of the races. 6 eye colors were added in for all races. A few hairstyles were added that fit the new races. A faction, “The Cold Bloods” was added in with a base in the Swamp, as the defacto racial faction for all Reptiloids. They are considered bandits, but are not outwardly to aggressive towards others, due to their ever-dwindling numbers. Along with that, a new gamestart was added in to specifically roleplay as one of the last remaining “Lizardmen” as the other races call them…
- All animals were made to properly have dodge stats.
- Fixed the hiver shop dialogue to have /RACENAMEHIVE/ instead of /RACENAME/… Also fixed the /RACENAME/ word swap to not default and say human to every race...
- Created "A Master and His Minions" gamestart w/ 3 blood spiders, and a skin spider for the Spiders faction/Bugmaster
- Made the Bugmaster's faction(Spiders) have campaigns whereupon "Buglords" will singularly lead a strike force of spiders to take you out...(1 human leader, 20 blood spiders, 10 skin spiders) ^The campaign raid is based upon location… ^^Made it so the player has at least a lvl 2 base and 10 ppl before they begin attacking with the"Buglord" and spider squads. ^^^The player can pay off this raid as a “tribute” to the Bugmaster.
- Added in 4 new weapon manufacturers, along with a resident building making the weapons, in their corresponding factions’ capital. 2 weapon manufacturers were created for the Holy Nation(Holy Forges and Okran’s Choice), to help aid in balancing their spawns a little better. Along with that, the Machinists(Machinist Forges and Machinist Smiths) faction had 2 weapon manufacturers created for them to basically arm the Tech Hunters that protect them. weapon textures... (Tech Hunter one with the Tech weapon textures)
- Added in a very small chance to have a +1 relation gain when healing others...
- Created "priest dialogue" for all priest characters, with them saying "May /GOD/ be with you..." to neutrals in talking range.
- Fixed certain faction leader talk to dialogue to not trigger for allies either(it is already setup to not trigger for enemies...)
- Adjusted animal squads in Bugmaster’s HQ to eat ppl and have the Bugmaster imprison/eat ppl
- Rebel Base town overrides were made to match The Hub’s...
- Made "predator" raptor squads(called “Carni-Raptors”) that actually "prowl" for meat and smell corpses and blood... Adjusted the dialogue package for Hamut, for when he is an NPC.(This was done so that Lena can properly trigger their “reunion dialogue” should she be recruited before Hamut.
- Increased the health of all defensive gates.. (The gate HP was set to 3x and the rebuild speed was set to 1.5x…)
- Adjusted all the "loss triggers" on the "leader kidnapped" campaigns, so that they don't keep triggering, even if the leader is then dead...
- Fixed it so Big Fang actually spawns somewhere properly, and not behind a town override. He will now be based within the Swamp Village S, along with all his Twinblade faction mates.
- Adjusted Glurgh's dialogue to not cause him to attack NPCs randomly.
- Adjusted all created “padded,” “reinforced,” and “sneaky chain” armor variants to have their proper body part coverage, to actually give a benefit to the intended upgraded versions of the article of armor.
- Corpse furnaces were added into all Shek Kingdom towns(Admag, Squin, Great Fortess, Last Stand, Old Frontlines) so that they properly dispose of corpses building up in their towns.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
- [hotfix]: Adjusted Order Army Force squads to have the proper world state conditions.
Version 9
- Fixed Regina's dialogue to properly initiate for the player...
- Updated Cat's dialogue and then created Tatiana to be Cat's date that he seeks upon being freed by the player from the Dust King's Tower.
- Adjusted all "long lost" recruits' dialogue to trigger properly if the player is their faction's ally.
- Added in more dialogue entries for various player chacracters to see animals...
- Restored "Crow Face" as a recruitable character in Mongrel...
- Fix for "Heads or Tails" gambling game not paying out properly.(Only if the player bet on tails to win one time... all other payouts were working properly otherwise.)
- Added in/restored "Swimmer," "Sabina," and "Atticus" to the Machinist University within World's End. (They are all lore book writers for the Tech Hunters, in Kenshi vanilla.
- Restored "Tinhead" as a sort of bodyguard for faction leader "Elder" within the Iron HQ for the Skeleton Bandits.
- Restored "Swantoon," "Garp," "Kumo," "Peace," and "Hangover" as recruitable characters to be found throughout the world of Kenshi...
- Updated the Dra'ak race textures. (Thanks to SeeleenSchwarz for informing me of the updated textures from his great mod, The Dra'ak Race, included within UWE.)
- Added in new dialogue for the Highlander(Dexter, Jason, Mitch, and Shane), Skeleton(Fuji and Terron), and Deadcat(Daymond and Craig) leaders. They will now allow the player to buy into an alliance, in the case of th Deadcat, or advise them on which characters they value most, as a bounty, to gain positive faction relations.
- Added in a feature to see all towns(created and vanilla) from afar, on the latest experimental build update.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 8
- Added/restored Zed, Trepp, Fish, and Idad into the Machinst University in World's End. All of whom are credited, in the vanilla game, with writing lore books for the Tech Hunters.
- Added created recruits into more appropriate generic dialogue references.
- Made the Fogmen stronger as the other hiver faction queens are killed.(stat-wise and eqiupment quality) They are not "defeatable" back to their vanilla "stomping grounds"(Fog Islands), along with the biomes where the hivers with a dead queen used to occupy, until their "Fog King" is killed.(aka, once you kill one of the hiver faction queens, you have already started a chain reaction of powered up Fogmen.) "Fear the Fog"
- Gave one of the unique recruits "senses" to see the following animals from far away(as a kind of warning system of sorts, similar to Miu's "spider sense" in vanilla.) Beak Things (Gernonimo) False Scorpions (Oron) Gurglers (RIddly) Bonedogs (Chad) Cannibals (Talmadge)
- Fixed crab replacement limbs to be properly craftable by the player.
- Added in "see animal squad" dialogue references for the Player Civilian, Player Thug, Player Tough Merc, Player Character Default, Player Flotsam, Player Hiver Ronin, Player Shek Warrior, and Player Skeleton... They are all setup with very simple, generic dialogue and can only be triggered if the animal is within talking range...
- Overhauled Rane the Giant, Kang, Ells, Oron, Headshot, Hobbs, Sinklyde, Chad, Digna, Infinite Wingwang, Stubs Momoso, Burn, Green Finger, Espher, Lumi, Luquin, Ruka, Seto, Silvershade, Sadneil, Jewel, Reva, Riddly, Yamdu, and Ani players' dialogue references to further personalize and develop unique recruitable characters.
- Bars across the map were made to buy illegal goods, with the exception of the HN...
- Adjusted a few armor/clothing items to be properly craftable by the player.
- Created Crumblejon's wife, Regina, as a recruitable character. She can only be recruited if Crumblejon is in the player's squad and visits Inaba's home.
- Added in the created races and factions from the "More Dogs" mod, along with implementing the ability to utilize the bonedog bags within UWE, for the newly added bonedog races.
- Wrote some short new Tech Hunter notes about biomes inhabited by created factions. Northern Coast (Northern Hive) Bast (The Bastards) The Floodlands (The Deluged) Shun (Desolate Plunderers) The Dreg (Midland Hive)
- Wrote dialogue so the player can bring in the Blackhound's Pelt to the Western Hive Queen, seemingly as the original mod had intended. The Western Hive will purchase it from the player... or give positive releations, based on what the player chooses in dialogue.
- Added in some biome entry dialogue about Swampers' Run Racetrack and the Blackshifter Casino in Shark, for the Swamp biome.
- Made Highlander bar squad spawns conditionally based upon the health of their local Highlander leader. (Just as homeless spawns already had been setup)
- Setup "see enemy" dialogue for Highlanders within towns of the NPC and of the player, so that they don't launch an attack on enemies within the town, regardless of bounty amount.
- Adjusted "Salvaged" Crimpers' hunger rate to properly be in line with other robotic races. That way, the race doesn't inexplicably become hungry during gameplay, for the player.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 7
- Created a gambling "dogtrack" at Clownsteady(Clownsteady Downs) and Drifter's Last(Drifter's Raceway). Appropriate gambling dialogue was written for the race runner and corresponding characters.
- Adjusted all bar squads of each town to all their corresponding/appropriate override towns.
- Gave Shryke a "sense" for when Fogmen are nearby, akin to Miu's reaction to spiders being close by.
- Added Swamp biome entry dialogue for Green, Blue Eyes, and Red... to give the player a further look into their backgrounds.
- Fixed Forked Cleaver and Mother's Lament weapons not showing up properly.
- Full body chainmail was made to have penalties, corresponding with it's coverage. (Such as having a severely hampered dodge stat)
- Fixed the Hive Medium Plate and the Hive Soldier Plate to utilize their proper models.
- Fixed Fabric Loom (Agave) to properly require Agave to create fabrics.
- Adjusted all appropriate factions that interact within The Hub to all coexist with one another.
- Made the Highlanders work their slaves in their Waystation towns properly... Added in crops/stone mines to work at within Highlander towns. Built a wall around the Highlander Prison Camp, with gates, along with building slave worker resources there, as well.
- Adjusted "Boneyard Wolf Den" nest to actually indeed be Boneyard Wolves and not just Bonedogs... The nests can only be found in the Bonefields and High Bonefields.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 6
- Added new skin tone settings for the Fishmen races, both vanilla and created.
- Adjusted Western Hiver skin tone slider, to be hued towards "greenish-yellow" instead of "purplish-pink"
- Adjusted the Midland and Northern Hive races' textures to be slightly "lighter," to compensate for the recent addition of a new skin tone slider, for all hiver races.
- Added in Heavy Armor and Helmet mod assets. Made the Shek Kingdom their own version of the body armor, with faction logo included. Otherwise, added all the armor into corresponding spawns and vendor lists.
- Added in the ability to pay off a faction's bounty at their faction's pacifier. (All factions have a chance to spawn a pacifier in the Waystation towns...)
- Added in Vice Hair Pack hairstyles.
- Adjusted all created hiver armor, from the Hives Expanded mod, to be utilized by the deadhivers.
- Adjusted the "see player approach town..." dialogue for each faction's gate guards to trigger weekly instead of every two days...
- Adjusted all created and minor faction gate guard dialogue to now properly check for illegal goods. Along with that, other changes and adjustments were made. For instance, if the player claims that they are a doctor, there is a check within the dialogue for the player to actually even have a first aid kit... The player can avoid the bag checks and interrogation dialogue by becoming an ally of the corresponding faction.
- Overhauled all Shek faction armor's faction logos.
- Adjusted "personalities" for all factions.
- Adjusted pacifier squads to regenerate, to avoid having the inability to pacify a faction or pay off one's bounty.
- Also, adjusted mercenary squads to regenerate, as well. They will regenerate in the town they can be recruited in and not a squad recruited by the player.
- Properly set the "Trade Culture" for all created factions and a few vanilla factions, as well. Now trade prices and illegal goods are set by each faction.
- Added in 3 new crops: Agave-> Tequila, Agave Nectar, Fabrics, Pain Ointment(healing item) Coca-> Cocaine, Chewable Leaves(healing item), Coca Tea (healing item) Tobacco-> Cigars, Chewing Tobacco, Pain Ointment (healing item) Along with that, created all the corresponding research and buildings.
- Added in all the created lore animals from Daemonic Spoder's mods.
- Added in an MKII version of the "Mechanical Hivers." Along with that, the races were added into all the corresponding spawns and dialogue references.(Thanks to Magnanimous, for the creation of the mesh, and Hugo the Dwarf, for the creation of the texture, for the new races)
- All "Mechanical Hivers'" racial bonuses and maluses have been adjusted and tweaked.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
- [hotfix]: Adjusted the minor factions' gate guard dialogue to properly trigger all dialogue paths.
- [hotfix]: Adjusted "hiver armor" to be properly craftable at the "Heavy Armour Smithy" craft station.
- [hotfix]: Adjusted the Hive Prisoner Shackles to properly be utilized by all races again...
Version 5
- Adjusted Midland Hivers' faction armor, to be properly colored.
- Patched in Minor Mesh Fixes and Fixed Clipping Issues mods to UWE.
- Patched in Mediocre Faces and Mediocre Hairstyles mods to UWE.
- Patched in Unique Settlement Placement mod and adjusted corresponding towns/cities within UWE. In doing so, any other mods that utilize this mod as a base for their towns will be much more compatible.
- Added "slightly" glowing eyes to the Deadhivers/Fogmen.
- Patched in a personal-use, previously unreleased bounty mod, to diversify the manners of which bounties can spawn into the world, along with expanding the roster of unique bounties to find.
- Added in weapons and armor, from Hives Expanded mod, to the Fogmen and South Hive's corresponding spawns.
- Tweaked some created armor stats, to be more in line with vanilla.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 4
- Added in “glowing eyes” for the regular Skeleton race, the Screamer MkI Skeleton race, the P4 Unit Skeleton race, the Soldierbot Skeleton race, and all MkII Skeleton versions, as well. Along with that, added in 8 new eye colors to complement the eyes’ newly setup glow.
- Created a new Skeleton race, “Skeleton MkII”(regular skeleton head on the MkII skeleton body), along with creating the corresponding eye colors and glow. Also, added the new race into 200+ proper dialogue references.
- Added in “Mechanical Hivers” created races(from the “Mechanical Hivers” mod by CreatorGalaxy) and later overhauled the races. A “Mechanical Hive” faction was created for them, along with their own villages and capital. A new variant of the “Hiver Hut” was created, for use with the newly created “Mechanical Hiver” faction and races. Their faction was given their own campaigns and law system, along with a faction leader and corresponding bodyguards. All races of the “Mechanical Hivers” were overhauled(new meshes and textures, along with being given a proper colormap for use with the character editor) and given glowing eyes, similar to what the Skeleton races were given, in this update. Created face sliders for all the “Mechanical Hiver” races, to match up with the changes available with the facial sliders on vanilla game hivers.(Aka: You can change the size of the “horns” and “antenna” or such on the face of the “Mechanical Hiver” races) Also, created a “Mechanical Hiver Worker Drone” version of “Beep,” called “Cyber Beep,” along with all the dialogue references as the regular beep. He can be found roaming in the Mechanical Hiver Villages.
- Added all “Mechanical Hiver” and “Southern Hiver” races(excluding the queens), to more than 350+ dialogue references of the vanilla hivers. In effect, their races will be much more immersed in the world around them. With npc’s and playable characters alike noticing and addressing them as their corresponding race, within the dialogue.(ie. They will be referred to as “hiver” in dialogue where a Western Hive Prince would be addressed as such) Also, added in “Southern Hiver” races into some spawns of recruit-able bar squad characters in the southern part of the map, up to and including the Swamps. The “Mechanical Hiver” races were also placed into some spawns of recruit-able bar squad characters in parts of the map surrounding the biomes the inhabit.
- Added in armor and weapons from the “Hives Expanded” mod, by Circumsoldier. All hiver factions were adjusted to properly utilize the armor and weapons. A “Northern Hiver” version of the “Southern Hiver” weapons were created, along with manufacturers and all. Created new armor variants for the “Midland” and “Northern” Hivers, to correspond with the “Western” and “Southern” Hive factions armor from the “Hives Expanded” mod.
- Made all hiver races color-able with the “skin tone” slider, within the character editor. Effectively making for much more subtle differentiation between members of the hiver factions and hivers, in general. This was done to every hiver race in-game, vanilla and created.
- Created a “Swampers’ Run Racetrack” town right next to Shark. The town features “Swamp Raptor Race Betting.” Within the new town is a newly created racetrack with a betting office, grandstands, and night lighting. Swamp Raptors can be seen running around the track actively, during the day.
- Created the following gambling games(11 games to gamble on in total) and implemented them in the corresponding towns: Find the Lady (Thieves Guild Towers) (Bars Throughout Map) Roulette (Blackshifters Casino) Cho-Han (Blackshifters Casino) Janken (Thieves Guild) (Bars Throughout Map) Kitsune Bakuchi (Blackshifters Casino) Gutter Bonedog (Thieves Guild) (Blackshifters Casino) Over-Under 7 (Blackshifters Casino) Heads or Tails (Thieves Guild) (Bars Throughout Map) Craps (Blackshifters Casino) Higher Lower (Blackshifters Casino) Swamp Raptor Race Betting (Swampers’ Run Racetrack)
- Overhauled Shinobi Thieves’ towers, to fill them with some small organized gambling, along with adding in the possibility for “shinobi” recruits to spawn and hang out in their towers, as well.
- Restored 11 weapons of “cut” content, from within Kenshi’s game files, and disseminated them throughout corresponding spawns.
- “Bounty Captain” dialogue was completely overhauled, for every faction in-game. In effect, many more bounties will be recognized and called out upon the NPC noticing the character you are carrying. (For instance, even created minor faction leaders or bandit leaders will have call-out dialogue and corresponding dialogue for handing over specific, unique character bounties.)
- Completely overhauled civilians seeing a carried bounty, for every faction in-game. (For instance, the “Holy Civilians” will scream in terror and shout targeted insults if you bring in Tora the Fearless or Flying Bull as a carried bounty.)
- Bounties were expanded on important characters, where applicable. (For instance, the Traders Guild has a bounty on Esata the Stone Golem , in vanilla. Now the Shek have a bounty on Longen, leader of the Traders Guild; or the Holy Nation having a bounty on Flying Bull(which they did not in the vanilla game).
- Added in “Better Crop Fences”mod assets to Universal Wasteland Expansion. Now all crops in-game will have the improved, modified fences.
- Added in “Hive Robotics Expanded” replacement limbs. Spread the robotic limbs throughout the hiver spawns, where applicable.
- Added in replacement limbs and weapons from Hugo the Dwarf’s “Crab Raiders Plus” mod.
- Created Hamut’s “wife” (that he always talks about getting taken by slavers, in the vanilla game), into the game as recruit-able character. “Lena,” as he refers to her, is capable of being recruited with or without Hamut in your squad, however it is much easier with Hamut. Either way, they have “reunion” dialogue written, as well. She has a small chance to spawn in any Slave Trader faction mine or “stone camp.”
- Created Knife’s “mother” that she refers to as living in Stack, in her vanilla game dialogue. A new squad was created to inhabit a house in Stack, including Knife’s mother “Mariah.” They have reunion dialogue and the mother has a gift for the daughter, Knife, upon her visiting. Knife’s mother will also engage the player in dialogue, even if Knife is not in the squad, however, she will send the player on a mission to find her daughter and bring her daughter, Knife, back to her.
- Created Shryke’s “long-thought dead” brother that she refers to as not making to to Mongrel in her vanilla game dialogue. Being saved by a caravan of Nomads, Shryke’s brother “Norman,” set up shop nearby in a Deadcat Gatherer Village, while healing up and saving for replacement limbs(bought from nearby hivers). ”Reunion” dialogue was written for the brother and sister, with a chance to recruit the brother, Norman, if his sister, Shryke, is in the player’s squad and answers the questions in dialogue correctly.
- Created Soman’s “brother” that she refers to as running a failing family fish shop, since her Dad was killed. “Abraham,” Soman’s “brother,” had a resident squad created in the Fishing Village, within the Northern Coast. Whereupon, he acts as a regular fish shop seller, with the exception that he will join the player’s faction, if they have a decently established player base(Above level 0). If not, he will dismiss the player/Soman as a dreamer without a plan in life.
- Entirely overhauled the Kezok race’s textures and coloration(male and female). They were given a dark gray bone-plate now, instead of a darker green, as before, Eye colors were entirely reworked, as well.
- Gave the Highlanders a town override at Rebirth once the Holy Phoenix and High Inquisitor Seta are dead, as long as their local leader is still alive.
- Adjusted and tweaked all recruits’ “player dialogue packages” to aid in having more diverse dialogue and biome entries being used. (For instance, some skeleton recruits were set with the same regular dialogue package as any other race would be, instead race-specific skeleton recruits were made to utilize the “player skeleton” player dialogue package.)
- Gave the Western, Midland, Northern, and Mech Hiver(newly created) their own “King” Crimper, in each of their respective capitals.
- Tweaked and properly balanced “spawned -in” replacement limbs on NPCs. (This was a tweak and balance to a change already made in a previous version)
- Adjusted all prisoner ai, to have them properly try to run away and escape, instead of just standing there outside the gates of their “captors.”
- Tweaked the Inhuman Hunters’ town, Ashigakari, to fortify it somewhat more. Also added in more cages and adjusted their ai to kill prisoners.(Since they are so xenophobic, they do not believe non-humans even worthy of Rebirth)
- Overhauled all created and vanilla dialogue that gives out a “seal” of some type and adjusted all faction leader “talk to ally” dialogue, to properly initiate all parts of the dialogue, instead of the same dialogue repeating ad nauseum, due to worldstate triggers.
- Fixed the female mesh for the “Padded Leather Jacket,” thanks to Hugo the Dwarf for creating the female version of the mesh. Also, added in the ability to craft the “Padded Leather Jacket” and spread it through corresponding vendor lists.
- Added in many more new word swaps.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 3
- Added in the ability to talk to all faction leaders of the created MFA factions. Some of the factions can simply be bought into, while others will need enemies to be taken out/strength to be shown, in order to raise relations. Secondary faction figures were also created for all created MFA factions to facilitate the faction leader's dialogue.
- Fixed MFA factions' "gate check" dialogue for the gate guards of each faction with an interrogation setup. They will now interrupt and interrogate the player properly, without the player having to initiate the dialogue. Along with that, created "gate check" dialogue for all created MFA factions(a few had it already), a few more prominent vanilla minor factions, and the two created hiver factions along with the Western Hive. The player will now be confronted when walking into a non-player town, if not the faction's ally.
- Adjusted the dialogue to pay off minor factions, including the bandit factions, (instead of having them attack the player) during a campaign, out of territorial concerns. The announcing campaign war leader will now initiate the "pay off dialogue" properly when the player comes out of the town gates, within the talking range of the war leader, instead of the player being the only one able to initiate the "pay off dialogue."
- Added dialogue references to Holy Nation, United Cities, and Shek Kingdom leaders to give them dialogue talking about taking down the MFA factions that were created to rival them. (ie. the Holy Nation Outlaws and Narko's Disciples are now a part of the Phoenix's dialogue choices, just as the Flotsam and the Shek Kingdom are.)
- Main vanilla bounty characters (Police Chief[United Cities], Inquisitor[Holy Nation], and Hundred Guardian[Shek Kingdom]) had their dialogue overhauled to include the MFA faction leaders and the faction leaders of corresponding enemy vanilla minor factions. Also, added in much more dialogue for seeing the player carrying a bounty.
- Dialogue of bounty captains at all created factions were tweaked to create dialogue for more bounties related to varying minor factions, both created and vanilla. Dialogue for the major factions police/bounty captains has been tweaked to include every relevant mention of the MFA faction leaders that were created to rival them. (This was already mostly done, for the most part. Just needed some polishing.)
- Added more worldstate dialogue to the "bar patron" dialogue throughout the map. Created MFA faction leaders, created hiver faction leaders, as well as the vanilla main faction leaders all had dialogue added with their health being the condition.(ie. whether a faction leader is dead or not.)
- Created "base reactions to world state" for all created factions and the main vanilla factions. (Creates dialogue for the average character to have about the current worldstates, inside their town, but outside the bar/shop.)
- Added in Hack Stopper Helmet and the Plated Longboots overlap mesh from Fork's Hack Stopper Helmet mod. Along with adding in a colored and alternate colored version of the Hack Stopper Helmet, as well.
- Added in armor from Azazellz's Make Holy Nation Great Again mod. The armor was dispersed throughout the corresponding spawns, in Holy Nation spawns and various factions utilizing the Unholy version of the armor.
- Added building replacements to all factions that use crops, for created farms, from Farming Crops Enhanced, to properly spawn within towns via replacement.
- Every single created roaming/homeless spawn was made conditional upon a local leader or faction leader's health status. (This was already done to a large extent, however, now every single spawn is confirmed to be conditional, in some way or another, unless left without a condition due to necessity.)
- Had all the MFA and hiver created factions turn into basically "bandit homeless" spawns (they will attack non-allies in sight) if their leader is killed.
- Adjusted Skeleton faction biome spawns and nests to be conditioned upon their local leader being alive and not just their main created leader, Fuji the Ancient.
- Setup biome spawns for after a faction starts encroaching into a new biome, due to town overrides and worldstates. This was done for all the MFA created factions along with all the major vanilla factions.
- Created Tech Hunters' leaders(with created models) for their towns and facilitated town overrides, based on each leaders' health, for each Tech Hunters town. Along with that, Tech Hunters were given biome spawns that were made to be conditional upon their local leaders' health. A new campaign was also added to the Tech Hunters, for when you are an enemy of the Tech Hunters.
- Fixed some created factions' dialogue that could cause a rare bug ending up with the player getting randomly attacked by a neutral or even allied faction.(Such as the Holy Nation Outlaws attacking the player out of the blue, due to dialogue that was triggering improperly.)
- Added in dialogue for civilians and low level soldiers of all factions to notice when the player is carrying an enemy of theirs into town for a bounty.
- Added "bonedog head" death drop item for all types of bonedog-type animals. "Bonedog Head" is an item needed in the crafting of the colored variations of the "Wolf Headgear" article of clothing.
- Added in more created character models for a few created faction leaders, "secondary" faction characters, and bounties that needed it.
- Added bar talk dialogue for Shek bars. Along with that, added in specific dialogue references for the Shek Kingdom.
- Midland Hivers had dialogue setup properly for addressing a player within their towns.
- Longhouse Barracks building exterior was fixed, so that banners are shown properly.
- Added a faction banner for the Skeletons. An "oil-blot" painting of a "skeleton" face.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 2
- Adjusted and fixed errors related to the road network in-game. (Which should aid greatly in alleviating any ai pathfinding issues and such some users were encountering.)
- Made changes within the fcs with the cleanup menu option, deleting much obsolete data from previous versions within the mod.
- Addressed an issue with the "Cloth Vest" article of clothing causing a crash upon looting a character utilizing the shirt, due to it's icon not appearing properly.
- Wrote extensive bar talk dialogue for created factions in the local bars, including hivers. Along with that, bar talk dialogue was overhauled in general.
- Created new biome entry dialogue for various biomes with created factions that have a town located within it. (ie. Upon entering Bast, someone n your squad may mention The Bastards having a base there.)
- The Midland Hiver and Northern Hiver races were given varying racial bonuses and disadvantages in comparison to the vanilla hiver races. (The Midland Hivers were made more stealth oriented, while the Northern Hivers were made more aggression oriented.)
- Cleaned up some dialogue wordswaps that were not working properly. (both modded and vanilla.)
- Made Highlander biome spawns conditioned upon their local leader being alive. Along with that, added in new takeover town overrides for all Highlander towns.
- Swamper gang jails and headquarters were given the proper dialogue setups to bail out prisoners.
- Setup additional swamper gang dialogue upon seeing the player.
- Recolored the brown crab and created a new brown colored "false scorpion." Along with creating the corresponding armor color entries for the crab armor and the false scorpion armor.
- Recolored the black Crimper created race.
- Various small tweaks and fixes.
Version 1
- Black Armor/Drifter Pants issue some players had was addressed and fixed in this compilation.
- Some colors of the animals in the Diverse Fauna mod were adjusted(such as the various bonedog colors)
- Northern Hivers were adjusted to warn outsiders before just annihilating them, at least the first time they see any non-hivers in their territory.
- Shark was "stabilized," as far as it will not immediately devolve into a civil war. The chaotic fighting in The Swamps was more decentralized from Shark to the surrounding areas of the region, as an uneasy peace is held by the gangs of The Swamps, at least within Shark city limits.
- The Highlanders now fully work as a “slaver” faction, with a prisoner caravan and all, along with a new Prisoner Camp just north of the Swamps.
- Created ranged weapons were deleted from the Midland Hiver Faction and replaced with vanilla ranged weapons.
- Mediocre Black Armor was deleted from the mod, for the most part. With the exception of some Narko’s Disciples Armor.
- Faction Importance was adjusted for created characters, to be more in line with their vanilla faction counterparts.
- Adjusted Crab Armor and newly created Scorpion Armor to only be craftable with a death drop item from a crab/scorpion called Animal Chitin. The Crab Armor/Scorpion Armor items may be crafted at a separate Heavy Armour Smithy specifically for Animal Chitin.
- Adjusted the Crab Raiders to have a variety of Crab Armor colors, based off of the Crab colors established by the Diverse Fauna mod.
- The Bonedog headgear is also made to match the colors of the bonedogs in the Diverse Fauna mod.
- The Dune Renegades were armed up with more varying weaponry.
- The Bloodraiders were given a base, Valley Den, in the northeastern Spine Canyon, as a counter balance to the Cactus Den, of the Sand Ninjas.
- Added in two new simple factions, the Natives and the Herdsmen, in the central-northern Okran’s Valley. Both factions coexist with The Holy Nation, however they are at war with one another.
- Kobura Syndicate will now allow the player to use their MA training gear, for an hourly rental fee, that must be strictly adhered to.
- Created colored, padded, reinforced, and sneaky chain versions of Gi, Gi Pants, Ninja Gi, and Ninja Pants along with corresponding stat values.
- Crafting of Lager and Ale has been polished and fixed to work properly with a "mash" being crafted before brewing.
- Donations
No donations accepted
and lore were taken and expanded upon, instead of trampled. The world is more fleshed out, with more to do and more to see. If it is in the
vanilla lore/dialogue, UWE expanded upon it.(Such as the Grievewraith monsters of myth and lore or Hamut's wife, Lena, being found at a slave town)
Factions are now more dynamic and have a much better selection of armor and weaponry. New mechanics were also introduced, in an effort to fix what some may view as "broken" mechanics, in Kenshi vanilla.(An example would be shopkeepers and their guards' reaction to attack a player sneaking in their shops now). Animals are more fleshed out, in every way.
Many new worldstates were created, as well as town overrides. When faction leaders, or town leaders even, are killed or kidnapped, it can set off a chain reaction of towns flipping ownership, in a frantic attempt to fill power vacuums.
Check the change notes, as my noted changes each version have been quite extensive.
¡Should be placed at the very bottom of your mod load order!
The mods compiled and integrated together are as follows:
- Minor Factions Amplified
- Bandits Expansion
- Hiver Expansion
- Shek Kingdom Augmented
- United Cities Heightened
- The Holy Nation Ascended
- Diverse Fauna
- Farming Crops Enhanced
- Lonely Recruits
Player Faction Color
It is recommended to download one of the following player faction color scheme mods, in order to fully appreciate the armor varieties and utilize colored and secondary colored variations of armor:
-Player Faction Color 1 (UWE) [red/black]
-Player Faction Color 2 (UWE) [blue/tan]
-Player Faction Color 3 (UWE) [orange/khaki]
-Player Faction Color 4 (UWE) [green/blue]
-Player Faction Color 5 (UWE) [purple/gray]
-Player Faction Color 6 (UWE)[silver/black]
-Player Faction Color 7 (UWE)[yellow/green]
-Player Faction Color 8 (UWE)[red/blue]
-Player Faction Color 9 (UWE)[white/grey]
-Player Faction Color 10 (UWE)[black/teal]
-Player Faction Color 11 (UWE)[light tan/light black]
-Player Faction Color 12 (UWE)[baby blue/white]
-Player Faction Color 13 (UWE)[sand/light red]
-Player Faction Color 14 (UWE)[green-blue/yellow-orange]
-Player Faction Color 15 (UWE)[red-orange/purple-blue]
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Reactive World:
UWE - Reactive World Compatibility Patch
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Living World:
UWE - Living World Compatibility Patch
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Kenshi Kaizo:
UWE - Kenshi Kaizo Compatibility Patch
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and General Modifcations:
UWE - General Modifications Compatibility Patch
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Recruitable Prisoners:
UWE - Recruit Prisoners Compatibility Patch
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and TameBeasties:
UWE - TameBeasties Compatibility Patch
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and No Cut Efficiency:
UWE - No Cut Efficiency Compatibility Patch
Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Removed Weather Effects:
UWE - Removed Weather Effects Compatibility Patch
There are patches created for popular community animation mods, linked below:
Universal Wasteland Expansion - More Combat Animations Compatibility Patch
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Military Craft Compatibility Patch
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting Compatibility Patch
Universal Wasteland Expansion - Power Up Battle By Skill Compatibility Patch