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About this mod

A "total world overhaul mod" including all other overhaul and feature/content mods created by TreadLightly77.

A new game start is recommended after installing this mod.

Permissions and credits
An expansion in every sense of the word... Universal Wasteland Expansion sets out to expand the world of Kenshi in many ways. Vanilla mechanics
and lore were taken and expanded upon, instead of trampled. The world is more fleshed out, with more to do and more to see. If it is in the
vanilla lore/dialogue, UWE expanded upon it.(Such as the Grievewraith monsters of myth and lore or Hamut's wife, Lena, being found at a slave town)

Factions are now more dynamic and have a much better selection of armor and weaponry. New mechanics were also introduced, in an effort to fix what some may view as "broken" mechanics, in Kenshi vanilla.(An example would be shopkeepers and their guards' reaction to attack a player sneaking in their shops now). Animals are more fleshed out, in every way.

Many new worldstates were created, as well as town overrides. When faction leaders, or town leaders even, are killed or kidnapped, it can set off a chain reaction of towns flipping ownership, in a frantic attempt to fill power vacuums.

Check the change notes, as my noted changes each version have been quite extensive.

¡Should be placed at the very bottom of your mod load order!

The mods compiled and integrated together are as follows: 
Many small changes and adjustments were made, in order to facilitate the merging of all the above mods into a planned singular mod. (Note: You do not need any of my other mods any further, just download this mod for the most updated versions of those mods.)

Player Faction Color

It is recommended to download one of the following player faction color scheme mods, in order to fully appreciate the armor varieties and utilize colored and secondary colored variations of armor:
-Player Faction Color 1 (UWE) [red/black]
-Player Faction Color 2 (UWE) [blue/tan]
-Player Faction Color 3 (UWE) [orange/khaki]
-Player Faction Color 4 (UWE) [green/blue]
-Player Faction Color 5 (UWE) [purple/gray]
-Player Faction Color 6 (UWE)[silver/black]
-Player Faction Color 7 (UWE)[yellow/green]
-Player Faction Color 8 (UWE)[red/blue]
-Player Faction Color 9 (UWE)[white/grey]
-Player Faction Color 10 (UWE)[black/teal]
-Player Faction Color 11 (UWE)[light tan/light black]
-Player Faction Color 12 (UWE)[baby blue/white]
-Player Faction Color 13 (UWE)[sand/light red]
-Player Faction Color 14 (UWE)[green-blue/yellow-orange]
-Player Faction Color 15 (UWE)[red-orange/purple-blue]

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Reactive World:

UWE - Reactive World Compatibility Patch

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Living World:

UWE - Living World Compatibility Patch

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Kenshi Kaizo:

UWE - Kenshi Kaizo Compatibility Patch

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and General Modifcations:

UWE - General Modifications Compatibility Patch

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Recruitable Prisoners:

UWE - Recruit Prisoners Compatibility Patch

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and TameBeasties:

UWE - TameBeasties Compatibility Patch

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and No Cut Efficiency:

UWE - No Cut Efficiency Compatibility Patch

Below is a patch created for use with this mod and Removed Weather Effects:

UWE - Removed Weather Effects Compatibility Patch

There are patches created for popular community animation mods, linked below:

Universal Wasteland Expansion - More Combat Animations Compatibility Patch

Universal Wasteland Expansion - Military Craft Compatibility Patch

Universal Wasteland Expansion - Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting Compatibility Patch

Universal Wasteland Expansion - Power Up Battle By Skill Compatibility Patch