

So, changes are: Added my ManicRed gui (which is just a rehash of DarkUI but will become its completely own entity in time.. for now I recycle some of DarkUI's stuff. Don't know why the white appears around some of the images though.)

Reverted ground textures back to previous version because my textures screwed stuff up. I'll redo em later. I didn't change much in them anyway but it was a start.

I separated the island from the rest of the mod for anyone wanting the island without Wastelanders.

V. 0.3

So, as you can see on the unfinished Trello I hope to make the island a livable place next update. It's going to feature a huge egyptian city and I hope to introduce banks and and gyms. The banks will be owned by the Egyptians unless I change my mind.. I may make them a separate entity. There's only one bank in Kenshi and it's not even usable.. so I hope to expand bank functionality and allow investment opportunities with risk. I'd also like to make towns that you, the player, can invest in and then gain money from your investments.

I forgot to add the new player map to NewLands. I'll add it for next update. Until then I guess check the trello for updates. Anything added to the version in trello is considered completed and in the version and once I add "released version" to the version then that means that it is either uploading or already uploaded - at that point I'll move on to working on the next update. I'll also be adding more stuff to the Trello from my write out on page 1.

That's about it. Thanks for using the mod and I greatly apologize for the quest being broken! I hope to figure it out soon. I likely have to create new characters to replace the old characters but I have some ideas to maybe prevent that.

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