
Inspired by the works of FoxyAndris, Voxoid, Mojojojo, and Tsukimare. Credits to them.

Nights are darker, so gallivanting late at night is a lot harder without a light source. Lanterns are essential on the never know whats lurking in the darkness.

There was a rustling in the darkness, very feint...but he was sure of it.The campfire was already dying down and the light from it waning.
It was a dangerous place to stop and camp but it was more dangerous continuing on in the dark of the swamps.
He nudged at his companion snoozing beside him, "I'm sure I heard something, you reckon it'd be a Gurgler?"
"Hmmmmph?" replied his mate sleepily.

He went to put something flammable into the dying campfire and as the flames leapt to life once again he saw the many shapes of dark-clad figures that had surrounded them.
"Oh feck...ninjas..." It was at this point he wondered whether playing dead would work.

This was the time I had to make camp in the swamps as I couldn't see anything while trying to venture in the darkness... I built a campfire and set out two sleeping bags so my characters can heal faster of their injuries from a previous engagement. I heard a noise and at closer inspection I saw a figure crouched beside me, clicking on him revealed that he was looting me. I quickly stood both my characters up and ran them like hell, luckily there was a settlement nearby who helped in saving the bacon of my two low level characters... who were knocked unconscious during the fight.

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