Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
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About this mod

this mod is an overhaul of more realistic behavior. for example, if you've seen prehistoric park staring Nigel Marven? the way the animal's act in the show is how you would expect these animals to act in real life. that's what the pmep series dose and is, in fact, famous for.i put in a.........modrate amount of effort for this page. LINK HAS MOD.

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the mod as said in the brief is this mod will do a couple of things to make the behavior realistic. 

I DIDN'T MAKE THIS MOD I JUST want this mod to get more "face".

these more realistic behaviors include the following:



These two small herbivores have a new fighting behavior: they try to hit their rivals with their beaks and rear up to frighten them.


Homalocephale will now hit its aggressor with its head and will fight for territory, like any other herbivore.


Apart from the common headbutt hit, Pachycephalosaurus has a new way of defense: it now tries to scare away its aggressor and if it gets too close it will attack immediately. The territorial behavior has also been modified, to add more realism in the game.




These armed tanks have a new way of defense: while Kentrosaurus simply swings its tail to hit the predator, Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurs have higher chances of killing their aggressor with a powerful attack. They can use their death duel animation to kill every predator attacking from the front!
Besides, they dispute in a new way: They use their mass to scare their opponent, using at the same time a lot of animations. If the opponent persists in fighting, the other will knock it down with its tail!





These large herbivores are no more than defenseless herbivores...but they won't flee without a fight! They can now use their large tails to hit every aggressor attacking from behind. Edmontosaurus also uses its head to hit carnivores, and it rears up to crash the smaller ones onto the ground!
They too have a new territorial behavior: they threaten their opponent by hitting it with their body and using warning signals. Each one of them reacts differently when attacked and knocked down by a predator.



These two huge herbivores now have more defensive capabilities and become very hard prey to kill! Brachiosaurus can now scare away its opponent with its huge mass, and if it doesn't retreat, it rears up to crash it into the ground, crushing it under its weight. Camarasaurus uses almost the same method, but with a difference: it can knock over its aggressor with its massive tail!
Both of them use threatening displays when fighting for territory.




These herbivores possess a new amazing defense behavior: like today's oxen and African buffalo, they stay together to scare away their aggressor and for mutual protection. They create a wall that doesn't allow the predator to kill one of them. The predator can choose to retreat, or worst, face with an angry herd when getting too close, risking so to be killed. However even if not in a group, an isolated ceratopsian won't be an easy target.
These herbivores too have the possibility of fighting for territory, using threat displays, or hitting each other with their heads.



These two medium carnivores will be able to grab little prey and shake them until they die. They also attack the sides of larger herbivores repeatedly to weaken them, being able to get an easier meal without many injuries. ALBERTOSAURUS takes advantage of its strong bite force by repeatedly biting its prey to tear off the flesh and crush bone to kill it, much like its larger and more powerful relative, the king itself.


These small predators will now act in groups to kill every creature that walks nearby. They will also attack small prey together, even if it has been knocked down by a fellow member of the group, for maximum killing effect.


These little Jurassic predators can now spit venom at prey more frequently, killing so the prey faster. They can also latch on larger prey while spitting...


Taking inspiration from Planet Dinosaur, this hunter can now use its jaws like an axe, hitting its prey with its mouth open repeatedly to weaken it. It will also fight for territory like any other large carnivore.


This big predator will now hit its prey with a powerful bite, ripping off the flesh and tearing through muscle, until the prey weakens to the point of being unable to resist for long. They too will fight for territory with other large carnivores.


This mighty predator kills its victim without any chance for them to survive. It hit its prey repeatedly and rips apart big chunks of flesh... but it doesn't waste much energy, so after a lot of hits, it will retreat, waiting for the prey to die from blood loss. It will fight for territory too...


This large predator spends the majority of its time near water, ambushing its prey...There is also a chance that it uses its death duel animation ( the one it uses to kill Trex ) to knock down the prey, using its thick gripping teeth to keep the prey from escaping, while its powerful arms slash the prey apart, killing it instantly. It will also fight for territory..... (in other words its wades and sometimes swims)


The king of the cretaceous has its killing method too... taking inspiration from walking with dinosaurs, it now hits the prey repeatedly with is powerful jaws, crushing bone, killing its prey. It fights for territory as well.....

the thing that makes this mod very interesting is the fact that for the most part goes down the same and this will allow you to make the safari park of your dreams!  p.s  that link has the link to the mod and trailer for it as well.

ORIGNAL website with the feature's I might have left out by accident 