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About this mod

Want to level faster?
Want to level slower?
Want to level linearly or exponentially?

Fine tune your experience through various tweaks to the LVL rates and XP gains.

Permissions and credits

Step 1:

Backup your saves:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames

Step 2:

Choose only ONE of the pak files and copy it to:

...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods

Note: If the folder ~mods doesn't exist then create it.

Mod Merging

These files modify the PhoenixShipData database so if you have other mods that also modifies it then you will have to use Hogwarts Mod Merger to merge them into one. But if you're not sure then download it anyways and start adding all of your mods until you find one that does. If none of them do then you don't need it but you will in the future if you do.

The Experience Action mod is meant to give an additional level control by giving you 7 options for how much experience is gained from various activities. It is meant to be used in conjunction with any of the Experience Levels mods to help with fine tunning your playthrough and are all interchangeable via merging them with the output file (zMergedMods_P.pak) that Hogwarts Mod Merger produces and can be done at any point in your playthrough.

Save Editing

If you are not starting from a new game then you will have to match your level to which ever experience curve you choose using a save editor:

Hogwarts Legacy Save Game Editor

Hogwarts Legacy Save Editor

So lets say you're level 21 and you choose L1 from the Linear Experience Levels Chart image above. First create a new save, open it in which ever save editor you choose, enter in a value between 10000 and 10499 (depending on what percentage of the level you've completed EG: 10250 = 50%) and then save it.

FYI, You won't get any skill points from deleveling nor will you gain them from over leveling so it's best to stick to your level so as to not break anything.


Repeat the steps under Save Editing using the Default Values in the chart images above and then delete it.

That's it, enjoy!


Some complimentary mods I think will help you wrangle control over your personalized leveling experience:

Mainquest Level Balance 

To evenly spread the main quests across all 40 levels.

Accio Masochism - All-in-One 

Under optional files, I recommend Accio Masochism - Enemies (Level Scaling). Choose the  zMasochistEnemyLevelScaleNoMinLevel_P.pak variant if you want to keep mobs at your level.

Change Notes


Changed mod name from Alternate Experience Levels to ALT-XP
Alternative Experience Actions added (Inspired by Deehns' Experience Multiplier or Divider)
Readme update
Linear Experience Curves updated (changed L7 from 5k xp per level to 3.5k xp per level)
z prefix added to all paks


Readme updated
Added the _P tag to pak files.
Added Linear experience curves
Updated charts and graphs to be easier to read.
Compressed mods into two separate categories: Linear and Exponential, to eliminate clutter.
Updated optional files