Hand of Fate 2
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Faces of War (Claim)
Dealer's Apprentice (Claim)


The Fool
Gold Token: Defeat the boss
Silver Token: None

The Magician
Gold Token: Defeat the boss
Silver Token: None

The High Priestess
Gold Token: Meet with the High Priestess and defeat the boss, while possessing 6 blessings
Silver Token: Meet the High Priestess and defeat the boss

The Mapmaker (The High Priestess)
Gold Token: Defeat the Prince and Rescue all Hali's Crew members (speak to the Statue of the Priest and pick "Pray for Mercy 20G", unlocking the clues is not necessary).
Silver Token: Defeat the Prince.
Mischief (Brimstone)

The Servant (The Mapmaker)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Feed 500 Life to the Ally
Silver Token: Defeat the boss
Shadow (Brimstone) (The Servant+)

The Empress (The High Priestess)
Gold Token: Finish all of the village defense battles with survivors
Silver Token: Acquire enough fame to use Hretha's Ire and defeat the boss

The Emperor (The Empress)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Discover all four relics, Collect all four relics without any of them being destroyed
Silver Token: Defeat the boss, Discover all four relics

The Hierophant (The Emperor)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Find all the clues
Silver Token: Defeat the boss

The Lovers (The Hierophant)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Keep Oswin alive
Wraith (boss)

The Chariot (The Lovers)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Clear out all of the Corrupted, Rescue all citizens
Silver Token: Defeat the boss, Clear out all of the Corrupted

Strength (The Chariot)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Gain 60 or more defense before facing the boss
Silver Token: Defeat the boss
Frost or Greed or Steel
Equipment (armor, helm, shield)

The Hermit (Strength)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Reach the Hermit before the Empire does
Silver Token: None

The Wheel (The Hermit)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Acquire 50 Shards of Fate by winning at Gambits, Do the two objectives above while only having to climb three sets of stairs.
Silver Token: Defeat the boss, Acquire 50 Shards of Fate

Justice (The Wheel)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss (Obtain Justice for Roldan), Defeat the Northerner Army (500 soldiers required)
Soldier requirement is for empire soldiers alive and in the army when you arrive at the Northerner Village (take the tunnel). A common misunderstanding is that you must kill 500 Northerners.
The 2 armies will fight and are eliminated 1:1, you therefore need at least 501 to defeat the Northerner army as well as any losses you take while defeating their leader.
Silver Token: Defeat the boss (Obtain Justice for Roldan)
Quarry (ChanceShuffle)
Greyfell Tunnel (Travel, DiceGame 12dc)

The Hanged Man (Justice)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Save all 10 villages
Silver Token: Defeat the boss, Save up to 5 villages
Empire Fort (Inspect, DiceGame 14dc)

Death (The Hanged Man)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Survive the Reaper's Arrow with more than 170 Max Life
Silver Token: Defeat the boss, Survive the Reaper's Arrow with more than 130 Max Life
Greed (Brimstone)
Spider Trap (Death) WheelSpin Equipment (Faction)

Temperance (Death)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Do not lose any villagers
Silver Token: Defeat the boss, Lose up to 10 villagers
Necromancer (boss)
Thomas the Ogre (Refuse To Fight, Win 1 Game)

Devil (Temperance)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Rescue all companions, Help Theophilus [Give Up Your Vial, Avoid The Final Lord Apollyon Encounter (Desert Trek + Forgotten Dreams)]
Silver Token: Defeat the boss, Rescue all companions
4 Blessings
40 Fame
150 Gold
Gambling Hansel (Steel)

The Tower (Devil)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Reaching the top of the sorceress' tower within the time limit (3 Maze of Traps with shared timer)
Silver Token: Defeat the boss
Toil or Greed and Skull or Steel or Frost or Ogre or Arcane and Ogre
Maze of Traps
Fate’s Path

The Star (The Tower)
Gold Token: Close all the portal and defeat the boss
Silver Token: None
Toil or Greed and Skull or Steel or Frost or Ogre or Arcane and Ogre
Curse Removal

The Moon (The Star)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Gather 12 conspirators
Silver Token: Defeat the boss
A Pageant Wagon (Kiss, Denounce the Empire, WheelSpin Gold) [Herda the Aproned, Old Patton]
The Apothecary (Find Another Way In, Greet the bird-like woman, 50 Gold OR ChanceShuffle Huge + Pendulum Huge) [Jorhelm the Twin, Mullen the Apothecary, Jon the Blacksmith, Harriet the Widow]
The Cemetery (Accompany, Follow, East, North, West, Next, Search, DiceGame 18dc) [Hild the Deceased, Tomas the Gravedigger]
The Corrupted Borough (Agree, Head, Attack, Blight, Explore, Pendulum Huge, Escape, Sneak, Fight, Blight 120s) [Lenna the Bal Maiden, Feran the Silversmith, Jannis the Twin, Tolan the Weaver]

The Sun (The Moon)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Retrieve all the relics in the Emperor challenge
Silver Token: Defeat the boss
Curse Removal

Judgement (The Sun)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss, Keep all companions alive (Requires upgrading them to Platinum Cards)
Silver Token: Defeat the boss
City Limits (Estrella the Rebel)
Out of the Mud (Ariadne the Hero)
Northern Pass (Colbjorn the Ally)
A New Beginning (Malaclypse the Magician)

The World (Judgement)
Gold Token: Defeat the boss
Silver Token: None

A Fiend in Need (The Fool)
Bronze Token: 3 LifePain

A Man of the World (The Emperor)

A Mechanical Oddity (Anders the Drunkard)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle or DiceGame 15dc, Arcane

A Shadow Beast's Grave (The Servant)
Shadow Token: Go To Encounter

A Stiegal Pumpkin (A Mechanical Oddity) or (The Blacksmith's Daughter)
Bronze Token: Visit Mother

A Winding Trail (The Emperor)

Aculeus (Ironpeak Curatives)
Bounty Token: Greed

Alchemist (The Chariot)
Bronze Token: WheelSpin (Red Red Red)

Alistair's Antiquities (Ironpeak Ballistics)
Bounty Token: 10 Fame, Warlock Wraps (Partially Used Charges)

Anders the Drunkard (Strength)
Bronze Token: Talk

Arm Wrestling (The Fool)
Gray Shard: DiceGame 18dc 5°round

Battle for Far Water (Empire Captain Bellmare)
Bronze Token: Steel

Berta's Betting House (The Hierophant)

Bitter Winter (The Empress)
Gray Shard: Give 4-8 Food, ChanceShuffle Huge (Harvest)

Blacksmith (The Blacksmith's Daughter)

Bloody Coronation (Masquerade of Shadows)
Shadow Shard: Shadows

Borrow Burrow (The Hierophant)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle (Hubie the Orphan)

Bridge Skirmish (The Empress)

Burning Building (The High Priestess)
Bronze Token: Save 3 Toils (WheelSpin)

Caravan Robbery (Pickpocket)
Bronze Token: WheelSpin (Treasure Map)

Carriage of the Departed (Justice)
Bronze Token: DiceGame 16dc, DiceGame 16dc

Cartographer (The High Priestess)
Bronze Token: 21+ Revealed Encounters

Cave of Wonders (Desert Trek) (Desert Crossing)
Bronze Token: DiceGame 17dc, Greed

Change of Plans (Gray Shard, 7°Reward)

Cheerful Woodcutter (Deadly Forest)
Bronze Token: [Ask How Avoid Danger, Buy Ring] (2° round)

Clan Crowfoot (Shaman of Eyebright Weald)
Bronze Token: Frost

Clan Eyebright (The Empress)
Bronze Token: 1 Blessing, ChanceShuffle

Colbjorn's Atonement (Colbjorn's Sword)
Bronze Token: Frost

Confused Thief (The Tower)

Courier (The Servant)
Shadow Shard: Complete Delivery List (place goblin cards in the deck)

Cruel Keturah (Complete 4 Challenges)
Bounty Token: Greed

Cunning Man (The Wheel)
Gray Shard: Discard a Chosen Curse (Need 1 Curse and 2 Blessings)

Dark Alleys (The Hierophant)

Deadly Forest (The Emperor)
Bronze Token: Enter the Forest (1°round) or Make Camp (2°round), DiceGame 16dc, Wait

Dealing with Thieves (The Hierophant)

Death's Garden (The Moon)

Desert Trek (Caravan Robbery)
Bronze Token: [ChanceShuffle, DiceGame] 4°round (Desert Crossing)

Duel (Cartographer)
Gray Shard: Complete 20 Challenges, Sir Cassius (the card needs to be encountered 6 times [winning 6 times])

Dwarven Haggler (Devil)

Elder's Gift (The Empress)

Empire Captain Bellmare (Estrella's Unusual Contact)
Bronze Token: Steel

Empire Contacts (The Emperor)
Gray Shard: Buy 1 Equipment (Useful Against the Currently Wanted Enemy Type)

Empire Fort (The Hanged Man)
Bronze Token: Inspect, DiceGame 14dc

Estrella's Unusual Contact (The Peasant King) or (Battle for Far Water)
Bronze Token: Maze of Traps, Give Empire's Burden (Artifact)

Exploding Doodads (The Lovers)

Exploring the Wilds (The Emperor)

Fabled Beast (Death)
Gray Shard: ChanceShuffle Huge, Spare

Fallen Treasure (The Hierophant)
Gray Shard: Pendulum

Fame and Shame (The Empress)

Fate's Dealing (The Wheel)

Fairy Ring (The Tower)
Bronze Token: Give 5/10/15 Food, ChanceShuffle, Give 1 Blessing

Feast of Kallas (Judgement) (Feast of Kallas)
Bronze Token: Pendulum Huge
Bronze Token: WheelSpin Gold, Claim

Fetid Fens (The Lovers)
Gray Shard: Pendulum Huge

Field of Fae (Grimalkin)

Finding Forest Folk (The Fool)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle
Replaced by: The Old Maiden

Follow the Goblin (Road to Goblin Town)
Bronze Token: 4 Maze of Traps, Ask Gold

Forgotten Dreams (The Wheel)
Gray Shard: Choose A Platinum Encounter

Fork in the Road (The Fool)

Friendly Innkeeper (Westwend Tavern)

Gambling Hansel (Devil)
Bronze Token: Steel

General Store (Death)

Gnome Hunt (Gnomish Exchange)
Bronze Token: Defend, Mischief

Gnomish Exchange (The Magician)
Bronze Token: Give Light Weapon (a pair of daggers)

Goblin Hunt (Hubie Saves the Goblins)

Goblin Retainer (The Lovers)
Bronze Token: Steel, WheelSpin

Goblin Town (Follow the Goblin)

Goblin Tracker (The Magician) (Face of War DLC, Claim)
Bronze Token: Blight Ogre, Travel with the Goblin

Goblin Trader (The Mapmaker)

Greyfell Tunnel (Justice) (Quarry, ChanceShuffle)
Bronze Token: Travel, DiceGame 12dc

Grimalkin (The Wheel)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle, Go To A High Place

Grobben's Training (The Pit)
Shadow Token: Continue Training (9 Life Pain Cards) (You Can Restore Life Elsewhere and Then Use the Same Encounter Many Times)

Healer (The Hermit)
Gray Shard: Remove 1 Curse (Chosen)

Healing Waters (The Servant)

Helpful Priest (The Hermit)

Hired Hand (The Moon)
Gray Shard: 3 Equipments Worth More Than 40 Gold, Accept 40 Gold

Hoarfrost Trial (Clan Eyebright)
Bronze Token: Survive (2 Gold for 1 Life Gain)

Holy Relic (The Hermit)

Hubie Saves the Goblins (Goblin Town)
Bronze Token: Blight, Blight, Blight

Hubie Suspects his Neighbours (The Lionel Special)
Bronze Token: Hubie's Neighbour (Mischief 60/40/20s Timer)

Illicit Trade (Justice)
Bronze Token: Steel

Inn by the Sea (The Hanged Man)

Interception (Death)
Gray Shard: Drop Gold, Pendulum

Ironpeak Ballistics (Cruel Keturah) (Aculeus)
Bounty Token: Pay 50 Gold, Skull
Bounty Token: Talk

Ironpeak Curatives (Valt & Villie: Fine Baked Goods)
Bounty Token: Shadows

Ironpeak Necropolis (Aculeus)
Bounty Shard: Curse, Frost + Mischief + Skull, Give Item + Gold

Joust (Feast of Kallas)
Gray Shard: Pendulum Huge Huge (the card needs to be encountered 5 times [winning 5 times])

Keturah the Hunter (Ironpeak Ballistics)
Bounty Shard: Complete 5 Named Bounties in Endless Adventure

Knight's Sword (The Moon)

Lady of the Lake (Strength)

Left with Grobben (The Shadow)
Shadow Token: Talk

Little Devil (Devil)
Gray Shard: Give Curse

Loan Shark (Crossbow)
Bronze Token: Pay Off the Loan (Loan Debt)

Lost Boy (The Magician)
Gray Shard: Save the Boy, DiceGame 13dc

Lysa Hora (Bloody Coronation)
Shadow Token: Feed Veles Fully, Shadows

Mage's Workshop (The Hermit)
Gray Shard: (Equipment Compatible with Current Challenge)

Malaclypse's Problem
Bronze Token: 10 Gold, DiceGame 10dc-12dc-15dc

Man-Eating Tree (The Magician)

Market Thief (The Fool)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle Huge, DiceGame 14dc, Give Resources

Masquerade of Shadows (Left with Grobben, House Lashar's Seal)
Shadow Token: House Lashar's Seal, Mask Equipment (Any)

Mayor of Far Water (The Chariot)
Bronze Token: Talk

Merchant's Favour (Illicit Trade)

Mystery Chest (Temperance)
Gray Shard: Win 2rounds

Mystical Island (The Tower)
Gray Shard: (Pay 20 Gold, WheelSpin, Blight) or (Keep 20 Gold, WheelSpin, Blight, Greed)

One Drunken Night (Road to Goblin Town)
Gray Shard: Maze of Traps (Take No Damage)

Ordeal by Iron (The Star)
Bronze Token: Pendulum

Palace Armoury (The Emperor)

Pauper Dilemma (The Chariot)
Gray Shard: Steel

Pauper Plague (The Magician)

Payment Due (The Chariot)

Pickpocket (Market Thief)
Bronze Token: 4 ChanceShuffle, Give Gold

Plague (The Chariot)

Portal Creature (The Mapmaker)

Purgatory (The Wheel)
Gray Shard: Receive 2 Blessings and 3 Curses

Raider Prevention (Justice)
Gray Shard: Frost (45 Seconds)

Raiders Ambush (The Empress)

Rana's Remarkable Fishing (The High Priestess)
Bronze Token: Pendulum Huge, Huge, Huge

Return to Deadly Forest (Cheerful Woodcutter)
Bronze Token: Have Forest Guardian's Ring, Ask About the Forest, Say You Are A Great Warrior

Return to Lysa Hora (Lysa Hora)
Shadow Shard: Shadows (60s Timer)

Return to Rumstock (Devil)

Road to Goblin Town (The Lovers)
Bronze Token: Survive (Maze of Traps)

Saint Tala's Day (The Hanged Man)

Scouting Party (The Lovers)

Sea Dog Hali (The Mapmaker)

Shaman of Eyebright Weald (Hoarfrost Trial) or (Colbjorn's Atonement)
Bronze Token: 1 Blessing

Shrine (The High Priestess)

Soothsayer (The Hierophant)
Gray Shard: Pay 4 Gold

Spider Trap (Death)
Bronze Token: WheelSpin Equipment (Faction)

Spyglass (Justice)
Gray Shard: Loan Helm

Stirring in the Mire (Strength)

Stranger In The Shadows (The Servant)
Shadow Shard: at least 30 Life Pain

Street Fighter (The Chariot)

Sunken Catacombs (Carriage of the Departed)
Bronze Token: WheelSpin Huge, ChanceShuffle Huge, Pendulum Huge, Ask Skeletons

Tarts, Pies, and Exotic Lies (The Fool)

Temple Prayers (The High Priestess)

Terror-vein Ore (A Stiegal Pumpkin)
Bronze Token: 300 Gold or Go To Mine, Talk To Miner, Go To Pit (ChanceShuffle), Go To Bottom (ChanceShuffle), Get Doll (ChanceShuffle), Go To Rand, Go To Sheb, Give Doll, Go To Rand, Threaten Spoons

Toshers (Strength)
Gray Shard: DiceGame 13dc

The Black Cauldron (The Star)
Gray Shard: 1 Blessing OR 3 Equipments

The Blacksmith's Daughter (Terror-vein Ore)
Bronze Token: Ogre (Brimstone)

The Cure (The Madmen)
Bronze Token: Skull, Pendulum Huge

The Demon Arae (The Tower)
Gray Shard: DiceGame 18dc, Discard 3 Curses

The Far North (The Hanged Man)
Bronze Token: Finish the Quest (Food, DiceGame, WheelSpin Huge)

The Madmen (The Stolen Ones)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle, Blight

The Maiden (The Old Maiden)

The Old Maiden (The Fool)
Bronze Token: Potion of Youth (Waterfall of Youth)
Replaced by: The Maiden

The Orphan (World-Ending Wyrm)
Bronze Token: Exploding Doodads, ChanceShuffle (The Lionel Special)
Replaced by: The Orphan (Hubie Suspects his Neighbours)
Bronze Token: Palace Armoury, 16Fame, Gain 3 Equipment (Gold)
Replaced by: The Orphan (Palace Armoury)
Bronze Token: Goblin Town (Found On The Path, Sled)

The Peasant King (Mayor of Far Water)
Bronze Token: Give 27 Food

The Peasant's Son (The Fool)

The Pit (The Servant)
Shadow Token: Earn at least 7 Gain Cards

The Shadow (A Shadow Beast's Grave)
Shadow Token: Field of Fae, ChanceShuffle

The Silver Deer (The Tower)

The Silver Man (The Mapmaker)

The Stolen Ones (The Underneath)
Bronze Token: WheelSpin, Steel

The Underneath (Malaclypse's Problem) or (The Cure)
Bronze Token: Give Food, Kill or Lock Mage

The Wretched (Temperance)

Thomas the Ogre (Temperance)
Bronze Token: Refuse To Fight, Win 1 Game

Town of Corruption (The Sun)

Trading House (The Hierophant)
Bronze Token: Make 2 Trades

Unimpressed Farmer (The Tower)

Unrest in Ironpeak (The High Priestess)
Bronze Token: Visit All 4 Locations (the card needs to be encountered 4 times)

Valt & Villie: Fine Baked Goods (Ironpeak Ballistics)
Bounty Token: Greed, The Hound, Greed, Ironpeak Necropolis, Greed

Wandering Tracker (The Hanged Man)
Gray Shard: Pay Gold To Visit the Third Encounter

Warring Kingdoms (The Mapmaker)

Watch Tower (The Empress)
Gray Shard: Reveal at least 4 Encounters

Waterfall of Youth (Strength)

Westwend Tavern (The Magician)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle Huge or ChanceShuffle or Steel

Wetland Ambush (Strength)

Wine of the Gods (The Star)
Gray Shard: WheelSpin (100 Gold)

Winter Solstice (The High Priestess)
Gray Shard: Discard 2 Blessings

Wishing Well (The Moon)

World-Ending Wyrm (Borrow Burrow)
Bronze Token: Blight/Steel

Yvette's Cottage (Yvonne's Cottage)
Bronze Token: ChanceShuffle

Yvonne's Cottage (The Chariot)
Bronze Token: Pendulum Huge