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  1. ArmoredFrog48
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    la version insurreccionista no esta mal pero la de las espadas de sanghelios me gusta mucho mas.¿El jackal aliado del comienzo estaba ahi aposta o fue un error?fue muy curioso tenerlo ahí jajajaja
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
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      • 50 kudos
      Thanks for your feedback, it was just a fun little idea that I put together. The Jackal ally is not a mistake, he is supposed to be a mercenary helping the player. Just something I thought I'd throw in to mix up the encounters a bit. Plus, he's fast, so if you give him a Battle Rifle or Sniper Rifle he can actually come in handy. Unfortunately all the Insurrectionist soldiers are identical at the moment, I can't figure out how to change them without breaking the model completely.
    2. ArmoredFrog48
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      • 1 kudos
      quizas podrias usar el modelo de soldado herido y el de piloto para que sean un poco mas variado,ademas seria una referencia a los pocos recursos que pueden tener los insurreccionistas frente a los de la unsc de ahi sus heridas(Una idea)
    3. CarterKatJunEmile
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      • 50 kudos
      That's a good idea, unfortunately I haven't been able to get the wounded Marine model working on this mission, when I try to spawn an AI with the wounded variant it just spawns a randomised Marine, same with other voice actor variants of the pilot
  2. Blarghman01
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I've tried all of your mods at this point and I think they're all fantastic. The only thing I ran into with this mod is there is a part where the shadow can't get through some shipping containers that block the path into the next area of the beaches (The part where there's a turret with a grunt on it and a sniper tower). Other than that though, it was really awesome! Thank you for creating this really awesome content! :D
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
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      • 50 kudos
      Thanks for your feedback! I'm trying to find a way to remove that pesky shipping container, but for now I've added in a spare Warthog by the crashed Pelican that serves as a substitute. If I can't find a way to remove the shipping container, I'll try to add another Shadow just beyond it.
  3. ArmoredFrog48
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    ya jugue la version de espadas con muchos engendros,definitivamente es increible la verdad ahora si se siente que es una pelea por nueva mombasa aunque sigo hechando en falta mas engendros enemigos y mas presencia de los espadas de sanghelios en la seccion de vehiculos del final de la mision ha excepcion de eso es un gran nivel y sinceramente el mal enjendro de los ghosts me parecio incluso gracioso sigue asi tio!!!

    pd:ahora que lo pienso nunca tuvimos una version del nivel alzamiento se te paso o lo subiste en otro momento y no lo vi
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      Hi, thanks for your feedback! I have done a modded version of Uprising, it is available to download here
  4. UncleLuke
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Loving these mods, the only issue i've found is that the extra ghosts you've place with the grunt drivers are either spawning inside each other or spawning in a way that they flip over and kill the drivers. So I'll be waiting for these ghosts that never appear only to drive by a pile of them flipped over and the drivers dead.
    That was the swords version, I'll test the standard as well.
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it. It's possible that certain Ghost spawns will have to be returned to normal levels if this affects the experience
    2. UncleLuke
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Does not seem as bad in the standard version, about half as many ghosts were flipped over. Kinda odd lol
  5. dkparra
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love your mods, thanks!!!, i can't wait to see what you will do to halo 3, my favorite halo.
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      I'm glad you enjoy them, I have big plans for Halo 3 and I'm testing some mods already
  6. ArmoredFrog48
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    una cosa que si se hecha de menos es una especie de ediccion caos de este lvl en la que haya muchos aliados y muchos mas enemigos
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      There will be a Chaos Edition for this mod, I have 2 more editions planned and one involves fighting Insurrectionists
    2. ArmoredFrog48
      • member
      • 1 kudos
  7. ArmoredFrog48
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Un mod increible sigue asi tio estas haciendo un grandisimo trabajo,tal como sacas un mapa modeado yo lo descargo y lo cambio con el original en el halo 2 anniversario.
    una pregunta:¿haras versiones de todos los lvls con aliados inmortales en cualquier dificultad? eso seria muy divertido sobre todo en legendario

    Gracias por tu trabajo tio y sigue asi
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks for your feedback ! I will be uploading modded versions of every Halo 2 level and then move on to Halo 3 when it releases.
  8. SilentShad0wz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it me or does the pilots helmet in anniversary graphics seem different than in the cutscene. Also another addition that u can add to levels with wraiths is the ability to use the wraith turrents because originally you can't in 2
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
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      • 50 kudos
      It seems like the pilot is rendering the Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary Bumblebee pilot helmet, which is why it shows up quite dark too. I'm still on the fence about this one as it could be classed as an Anniversary-breaking glitch. However given some of the issues I've seen with Marines of different types not working properly in Anniversary graphics, the Pilot seems positively polished by comparison. I actually hadn't considered the Wraith turrets, I'll look into it. Thanks for the idea!
  9. FeralCrazed
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Awesome as always! Wish there were more ally marines to get more of that warzone feel. Still, keep up the great work. Been finding your enhancements and overhauls more fun than the original!
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback! I am experimenting with ways of putting more Marines into the level, unfortunately because many of them spawn through dropships or already in Warthogs its difficult to find realistic ways of duplicating them but I'll keep at it
  10. Kelstar
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I can't wait to see what you do wtih gravemind. Friendly elites during the level?
    1. CarterKatJunEmile
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      I have lots of ideas, and that's definitely one of them! I feel like Gravemind will be a mod with lots of alternate versions, there's loads to play around with there - Brutes, Elites, Marines and an enemy AI Civil War - I'm looking forward to it!