Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Current changes in place for V2
Noble Team Members:

Noble Team removed from the game currently. (Except for Cutscenes) Rebalances to player character below to compensate for their removal.

Player Spartan Stats:
Damage Resistance: 200% (was 100%, compensating for Noble Team removal)
Health Regen Rate: 0% (so health damage is permanent, no partial regeneration, like CE)
Player Gravity: 75% (as like CE)
Player Speed: 110% (minor buff, helps in some firefights)


Active use amount: 0.2 (was 0.25, this means that sprint bar depletes slower)
Recharge Rate: 0.1 (was 5, this prevents sprint from recharging instantly like vanilla)
Recharge Delay: 1 (was 4, this makes the delay for sprint recharging much faster)
The changes to sprint make it more of a "one time use" ability that recharges slowly, rather than something you spam constantly.
(Other Equipment is to follow)
Change fire recovery time (ROF) to 4. (Was 1.75, to make it a more realistic "tank" and also more like CE)
Changed error angle (inaccuracy) to 2. (Was 0, this makes the weapon more inaccurate on the X and Y axis)
Changed AOE (splash radius) to 2 min, 4.5 max (was 0.75 to 1.75, makes the cannon considerably more powerful on a near miss)
Changed Damage to 400 (was 344, makes weapon much deadlier per shot, despite the large increase in ROF)
Projectile Changes:
Initial Velocity: 60 (was 100, makes projectile more believable speed wise)
Final Velocity: 40 (was 100, projectile slows slightly over time)
Air Gravity: 0.6 (was 0, projectile has realistic shell drop)
Scorpion (Visual Changes):
Scorpion fires an actual shell model now. (previously was just an invisible projectile with a trail)
Scorpion shell has a new trail, much thicker, can be seen when you tilt your aim or see it shot from the side.
Scorpion shell explosion is now considerably bigger, mimiking the Scorpion High Explosive from Combat Evolved.

Reasoning of the above changes:
The above Scorpion changes make it feel like you're piloting an ACTUAL tank rather than a rapid firing perfectly accurate cannon with no shell drop.
It rewards well placed shots and encourages more strategic usage of the tank. The tank is no less functional before, in some cases more deadly; but it can't simply be used mindlessly anymore, and thus puts it in a similar position as the Covenant Wraith.

In other words, its like the Combat Evolved Scorpion, but with added shell drop and being somewhat more accurate in general; though not as perfectly accurate as the Reach Scorpion.

Changed Velocity to 100 (was 400, if I recall, makes projectile tougher to aim and also realistic speed for a 20mm projectile)
Changed Damage per Round to 75 (was 20, gives rounds much more realistic damage vs infantry)
Changed Air Gravity to 1 (was 0, gives it a considerably more realistic shell drop for a 20mm cannon)
Changed AOE to 0.5 to 1.5 (was 0.25 to 0.75, to give it a more realistic splash radius for a 20mm APHE shell)
Changed Fire Recovery Time (ROF) to 0.33 (was 0.25, to account for the new power adjustments of the weapon)
Changed shots per fire to 1 (was 5, no longer a burst fire weapon, but a single shot heavy cannon)
Falcon (Visual changes):
Replaced Projectile Impact Effect (sparks) to a small grenade explosion (actual 20mm HE shells impact like this)
Changed fire sound to shotgun fire sound (to give off the heavy-cannon effect).

Reasoning of the above changes:
The above changes have been made to make piloting a gunned Falcon feel more unique compared to other "rapid fire" vehicles.
The heavy cannon makes the Pilot arnament feel considerably more meaty, at the expense of the user needing to pay increased attention to aiming the projectiles, it also gives the vehicle a more realistic feel.
Obviously I didn't want to completely replicate the rate of fire of a realistic 20mm cannon, as this would be too overpowered for gameplay's sake, but the new weapon I feel is considerably more satisfying to use compared to the vanilla Falcon gun.

To be continued....

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