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The Spawn enemies mod should need no introduction, the very first mod to be ported from legacy is now available to be used in cement with the all new feature of no longer requiring the UImodule and thus no more massive buttons obscuring the bottom right of the screen.
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The Spawn enemies mod should need no introduction, the very first mod to be ported from legacy is now available to be used in cement with the all new feature of no longer requiring the UImodule and thus no more massive buttons obscuring the bottom right of the screen.
You can change punch force.
The Gore mod is a work in progress modification for Gang Beasts that adds blood particles into the game, it is constantly being worked on and is currently has not left it's stages of infancy
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The Gore mod is a work in progress modification for Gang Beasts that adds blood particles into the game, it is constantly being worked on and is currently has not left it's stages of infancy
Adds a new fun map to Gang Beasts, which takes place on two unstable Totem pillars.
Adds a better menu selection for maps in game, by showing previews and allowing voting.
Totems is the third ever custom map mod released for Gang Beasts (requires Cement Mod Loader to function)
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Totems is the third ever custom map mod released for Gang Beasts (requires Cement Mod Loader to function)
Are you Ready to be amazed
Free camera now with camera locking and movement relative to the cameraControls:F1 to activateF2 to lockright click to enable controls
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Free camera now with camera locking and movement relative to the cameraControls:F1 to activateF2 to lockright click to enable controls
A simple mod that enables the hidden "unconsciousTime" bar that the devs seemed to use for debugging. THIS IS NOT A CEMENT MOD! READ DESC!
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A simple mod that enables the hidden "unconsciousTime" bar that the devs seemed to use for debugging. THIS IS NOT A CEMENT MOD! READ DESC!
Moon Gravity is a simple mod for Gang Beasts that lower gravity. If you find any bugs contsct me in discord: tohyney | mod requires Cement Mod Loader
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Moon Gravity is a simple mod for Gang Beasts that lower gravity. If you find any bugs contsct me in discord: tohyney | mod requires Cement Mod Loader
Adds features to make filming Gang Beasts content easier.
Adds the ability to extend your local games to as long as you'd like. THIS IS NOT A CEMENT MOD! READ DESC!
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Adds the ability to extend your local games to as long as you'd like. THIS IS NOT A CEMENT MOD! READ DESC!
A Stats Mod For Melonloader.
PowerLift (Made by The_UltimateNuke) (WIP)
Powerlift (WIP)Pretty sure this works for ONLY MelonLoader. Could try MelonLoader or Cement , THIS IS NOT MY MOD IT IS The_UltimateNuke MOD GIVE HIM ALL CREDITS HIS USER ON DISCORD IS the_ultimatenuke
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PowerLift (Made by The_UltimateNuke) (WIP)
Powerlift (WIP)Pretty sure this works for ONLY MelonLoader. Could try MelonLoader or Cement , THIS IS NOT MY MOD IT IS The_UltimateNuke MOD GIVE HIM ALL CREDITS HIS USER ON DISCORD IS the_ultimatenuke
A simple mod that sets the per-round time limit from 5 minutes to a massive number you'll never reach, effectively removing it.
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A simple mod that sets the per-round time limit from 5 minutes to a massive number you'll never reach, effectively removing it.
It allows you to climb and grab stuff infinitely
Fixed Totems :)
The Gore Mod from Cement but Fixed! :) made by the Cement Team.
This is my first ever mod!E, F5, F6, F7, N, numpad1 and numpad2 each do something.E is kinda destructive so there will be some chaos.MAKE SURE you press F5 after you have used numpad1, numpad2 after everybody dies if not press F5 After it will break the game entirely!
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This is my first ever mod!E, F5, F6, F7, N, numpad1 and numpad2 each do something.E is kinda destructive so there will be some chaos.MAKE SURE you press F5 after you have used numpad1, numpad2 after everybody dies if not press F5 After it will break the game entirely!
Donuts is a custom stage for Gang Beasts