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  1. javic666
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Does this mod work with the latest version from Steam? (Just bought the game a few days ago.) I followed the installation instructions carefully, but when I launch the game after hiding "patch.dat" and "patch.fat" (to revert to 1.0), I get no in-game menu. That is, after going through the start-up videos, I see the menu background but there's no on-screen text. The mouse moves the cursor around so it's not hung. But of course I can't proceed with the mod installation if I can't get into the game.
    1. Jamryan16th
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Having the same issue, did you manage to work it out?
  2. plagueman2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    will this give me the live event outfits even though i didn't complete the challenges
  3. Caipharcor
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I unfortunately didnt manage to get it to work yet, but i am here for a similar, yet different topic. Sooo... I dont know if you all remember, but in 1.0 Version of the game it was possible to throw around bodies, even in the air so your coop partner could catch them from an elevated position. is there  a way to at least mod this aspect of the game? or to get back to it?
    1. Lahey64
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You can get it by downloading the Resistance mod.
  4. HaxorYT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    will dlcs i have installed still work if i use this
  5. NeverNoMods
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I could not get it to work. If someone has, can they specify the instructions? The way I read it was: Replace 1.2.5 files with 1.2.0. Launch game and save, exit. Remove the patch.dat and patch.fat, reload the game, save, exit. Put the OG files back in, launch the game. It doesn't seem to be working for me. After removing the patch files, I noticed the game still said 1.2.0 at the top instead of 1.0.
    1. Jakeo
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      What exactly are you trying to do? If you want to unlock the vector, first copy the patch files from the archive into your game folder and override the ones there. Then temporarily move both patch.fat and patch.dat somewhere else safe. You should now have no patch.fat or patch.dat in your game folder. This reverts the game to 1.0: Now launch the game and save it. This converts your save to a 1.0 save file. Now exit the game, move the patch files (from this mod) back into the folder and relaunch the game, the vector and outfits will now be unlocked. Do not restore to current patch (1.4) on uplay/steam, as it will remove the vector and outfits. Ignore whatever version number the game says as that's set somewhere else in the game files, it will always say the latest patch version even if you remove the patch files.
    2. VaporWatch
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      In a game billed at "The Most Ambitious Far Cry Ever", it's truly sad there are only 4 SMGs (actually, there are only 2 because 3 of them are the same damned weapon with vaguely different cosmetic changes) Personally, I see the re-addition of the Vector as absolutely essential.

      Just some clarification on your very clear instructions in case anyone needs even more specific instructions..............for some reason.

      Step 1: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\long string of random digits\ (1803 for uplay and 4311 for Steam) and create a new folder named "Backup Saves".
      Step 2: Copy the 1.save, 1.save.upload, 2.save, and 2.save.upload into the new "Backup Saves" folder (this is just insurance and a good practice anytime you mod a game)
      Step 3: Go to UPlay Games>Far Cry 5>data_final>pc and create a new folder called "Backup Files"
      Step 4: Move the current patch.dat and patch.fat files into the Backup Files folder (meaning the UPlay Games>Far Cry 5>data_final>pc will NOT have a patch.dat or patch.fat file after this step.......don't worry, it's fine. This is how you revert the game to v1.0)
      Step 5: Launch Game, save, and exit to desktop (Upon launch, disregard any version numbers displayed as these are set elsewhere)(You don't need to do anything other than manually save......if you go to the store at this point, you won't see the added content). You now have a Version 1 SaveGame.
      Step 7: Paste the patch.dat and patch.fat files from this mod into the UPlay Games>Far Cry 5>data_final>pc (the original location)
      Step 8: Create a copy of the new patch.dat and patch.fat files somewhere on your computer. (I suggest putting it in the backup folder created earlier. Just rename the files along the lines of "patch.125.dat" and "patch.125.fat. You can change the name back if you ever need to revert again due to the game updating)
      Step 9: Start Game, go to a weapons store, and pick up the new Vector SMG!

      (I added a few steps that I feel are just a good idea whenever modding a game. You don't technically need to back up the save and/or patch files, but it's nice to have them in case anything goes wrong or something happens down the road.)
    3. NeverNoMods
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      nvm, still doesn't work but its not worth trying to figure out
    4. borinexus
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you kindly for the step by step - I now have a shiny new 13 Colonies Vektor :D
    5. VaporWatch
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      No problem. Happy it helped.
    6. irishmyles003
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Make sure you go to a weapons shop in game and not in the menu after launching the game. That's what I kept doing until realizing what I was doing wrong.
    7. jonmuller
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey Vaporwatch you seem very competent at this, can I ask your help?

      After backing up my .dat and .fat files and replacing them with the older patch ones, the game is stuck at the menu. That is, once it starts loading the second wallpaper in the starting menu (I won't spoil the details incase you haven't finished the game), the menu never appears so I can't log in to the game. I've also tried launching it completely without any .dat or .fat files, and it's the same problem
    8. longsummer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same with me I bet it's because I've got the Steam version
    9. DeepEuphoria
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      @VaporWatch - Thank you Vapor for the step by step instructions, the installation guide in the mod's description is poorly worded and confusing, even as an experienced modded I wasn't sure what it meant so thank you for this.

      @Jakeo - Thank you for the mod, it works great.
  6. Socratatus
    • premium
    • 71 kudos
    So they took away stuff that came with the game that people paid for???

    Had I know nt this I wouldn`t have bought it. You don`t sell people a product then use the platform to sneakily take stuff away with no explanation.
  7. cerebus23
    • BANNED
    • 8 kudos
    The kriss gun looks cool, but you can only carry like 190 ammo for it and its ROF simply chews through ammo like mad, but some of the outfits the revert patch unlocks are cool.

    After mucking about with the kriss i went back to the rifle more ammo, more damage.

    But i kept the outfit.

    Really lame ubi suspect they cut this stuff to sell as DLC later. We shall see i guess.

    Side effect of this rollback, i think was fixing one of my quests where the target was spawned under ground, cant think of the name of the quest but its the one where you need to burn the plants to get the guy to show up, been there multiple times in 2.5 trying to get him to spawn proper but after i reverted to 2.0 he was topside and killable, so if you are having issues with that quest this might be worth a try for you also, who knows might have been luck of the draw but i had been there 5 or 6 times in 2.5 and he never spawned above ground.
    1. 777777777
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      my "burn the plants" guy turned up in a pickup truck,mind it took me a few minutes to turn the water sprays off before i started the burning.

      a good mod would be one that gets rid of those bliss bullets or make it so they dont hit,im sick to death of those cutscenes now and same goes for the stupid minigame that follows them.
    2. sosomomo123
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      the man did not spawn under ground
      there is a bunker and he is standing down there ... just one of those stashes type
      the hatch will be open just go down there and kill him
  8. MadeUpName92
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    This is what works for me.

    Go to the ..\Far Cry 5\data_final\pc folder.

    Rename patch.dat to patch.dat.1.2.5

    Rename patch.fat to patch.fat.1.2.5

    Now Launch Far Cry 5, load your save game and then manually save it.

    Quit Far Cry 5.

    Now copy the 1.2.0 patch files into ..\Far Cry 5\data_final\pc

    Now launch Far Cry 5 again and go to an ingame weapons Shop. You will now find the Vector ACP .45 Classic at the bottom of the SMG list.

    PS I tried restoring the 1.2.5 patch files after getting the Vector and it removed it so, I'm just leaving the 1.2.0 files in place.
    1. sosomomo123
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      amazing ... thank you for the heads up
  9. sosomomo123
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    worked like charm .... thank you very much
  10. Arkahns
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey ! i manged to unlock the undercover outfit is the flamer outfits is suppose to be in the mod ?