Fallout 4

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  1. SephDragoon
    • supporter
    • 70 kudos
    The ultimate Nick Valentine mod is completed! Except for bug fixes, or compatibility patches, this is likely the last version. I do plan on fixing the battle damage effect when the GECK comes out, but that is the only thing currently planned.

    I returned Nick to his original race, and I have managed to avoid editing his NPC entry directly. This will increase compatibility, and it fixes all of the bugs we've been seeing.

    To add to that, I've fixed the left hand clipping with gloves issue. His left hand is now a separate armor entity, and you can equip and unequip it.

    Lastly, I've added several customization objects, and you can craft them in the Chemistry Station. They are made from plastic, and allow you to give him different Gen2 pieces, including a full body (which counts like an undersuit, sorry). You should all be able to now customize how your Valentine looks to your heart's content.
    1. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      Important Update!

      Turns out that Nick's hand was only working if you used the Alternate Nick Valentine face patch from another mod. I was using it, so I thought it was all good and working! I was wrong...

      Turns out that I had to edit a different .nif file with the mod uninstalled. So... I did!

      The update removes a portion of Nick's collar material, and the elft hand, but he's mostly the same. The bonus is that his hand now works, no matter what you use. Sorry about that!
    2. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      The update you've all been waiting for!

      1.2.3 -Should- fix all of your issues with Nick Valentine being unable to use certain weapons and having the animation glitch. I tested with a few weapons he was having issue with before, and all seemed to be working. Let me know (in an independent comment) what your findings are with him, and if the update worked. This is the first update made using the CK as well!
    3. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      Okay, third time's a charm. It turns out the Unarmed weapon I set Nick's race to have was still causing the error for some people. Testers reported it fixed, so I am going ahead and releasing 1.2.5 with the bug hopefully fixed for everyone.

      If it comes back though, I am just going to drop the nukes because this thing will not die. This bug is a damn cockroach! I am confident though, since every version it has worked for more people, my hope is that this is the last place where this can happen. However, all of the bugs previously have been related to the SAME thing. It's all about Nick trying to equip an unarmed weapon which does not take the same slot in his hands as his gun, thus allowing him to have both equipped, and well, you see how poorly that went for him.
    4. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Ok, decided to test the 1.2.5 update, and sadly, the bug is still present. No matter how many times he's aggregated he does nothing but sneer xD Even added some screenshots of him being attacked by a living frame
    5. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      He could still have the bug present, but the fix is in place. This is where the waiting and messing with his inventory might come into place.

      If he was already glitched, then you may need to uninstall to get him unglitched, before re-installing. Because of the nature of the glitch, and because others have reported that the glitch persisted for them after uninstalling, then whatever I change in the esp will only prevent the glitch, not undo it if already present.

      Edit: Actually, you were the one who reported it still happened after you uninstalled. So... that is not surprising me. You will have to get him to unglitch before the esp can prevent another glitch.
    6. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Ok then I will have to track down which one of my mods is also causing the glitch too.
      Yep, whatever is causing him not to attack is also caused by another mod I have, either that or the glich is stuck in the save even after the mod is removed.
      If it is another mod, I don't even know where to start. Like which mod could screw up his animations. I did start by disabling mods that affected companions, but so far, no luck with that
    7. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      Try going back to an old save before my mod, to see if he glitches with the mod installed and without. My money is on him being stuck glitched, which may only be solvable by dismissing and doing something like a recycleactor.
    8. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Ok, I started a new game with the mod disabled and same thing, nick still gives no fucks to anything I even disabled some companion mods, even the ones that modify companion weapons
      Ok, now I disabled all mods I had, and started a new game, and he still gives no fucks
    9. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      I have... no idea then. Are you sure they are all disabled? Maybe there is a script that has been overwritten or something. They can often be left behind if you installed manually, or sometimes the NMM just misses them.

      It also takes a long time to go from a new game to finding Nick. Are you sure this 'new game' has no trace of any mods?

      I don't know what to tell you though if he's not using it even without mods. It definitely wouldn't be my mod then. I would check your scripts folder for any scripts that might be hanging around.
    10. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Hmm, ok seems as if even in the vanilla game that all forms of nick won't attack until the main one is released from the vault xD Will have to test with mods again though xD Stupid Bethesda
    11. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      Interesting result though. If that is the case, maybe it has nothing to do with my mod, and might have to do with Nick being recycled? If he won't attack until he is released, maybe something in his base entry is preventing it until a certain point in the quests?
    12. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Yep, everytime, even if the mods enabled he seems to only attack after he's released. So probably code at his base. And he does shoot like he should afterwards, so that's good
    13. SephDragoon
      • supporter
      • 70 kudos
      Oh thank god! Then I would say it is official, he's fixed! You were my last hold out, and I had a feeling it was something else. Good to know he's fixed for you as well now.

      Now I can just take care of some minor things, and release for XB1 as well. I don't like releasing anything with major bugs. I would call not shooting a gun a major bug though.
  2. CrySkull7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Having issues here, I can't actually equip any armor/outfits onto nick, hell i can't even unequipped his coat unless i add his gen-2 arm. what have i done wrong??
    1. MaxDrexler
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Because mod not working now
    2. CrySkull7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      so the mod itself has just gone kaput has it?
  3. W00fg00f23435
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ?Is UCO incompatible with this mod?  I cant actually make the 'valentine's version' of clothes, the option doesn't show up in the workbench and UCO is the only mod I can think of that may be conflicting.
    1. AnAtheistBear
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      You ever figure it out? I'm in the same boat.
  4. Porcelyn
    • premium
    • 31 kudos
    Does this require a new game? I done have the option for him to wear what I put in his inventory.
  5. devellix
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any chance we will have Nick wear the mining helmets?
  6. Sngll17
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Is there a version/patch for your very nice mod that removes the Armorsmith Extended requirement ?
    1. Infamous95
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
      Armorsmith Extended is optional
    2. Sngll17
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Awesome ! Thanks for the reply.
  7. skeletonfather
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone have an issue with uninstalling this mod? I cannot get it to work with the Valentin REBORN mod, so I uninstalled it. Now Nick does not wear his hat, even with console commands.
  8. zrty
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I fix nicks skin clipping through his clothes?
  9. Ausarq23
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    2 issues with nicks weapon firstly nick is unarmed in my game secondly i have seen reports of people not being able to take his weapon and upgrade it when it's just the basic pipe revolver
  10. JesperU
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Everything works great, I also use the REBORN mod for his face and eyes.
    There's one problem though. Nick's face emits some kind of lines. They are very thin, it almost looks like spiderwebs lol.
    It's two lines and they emerge from each side of his face and reach out a bit from his body. This happens both with and without the REBORN mod.
    1. kurgansprize
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same issue here
  11. LowRezolution1998
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would it be possible to make a PS4 version of this? I had fallout 4 on my Xbox One and used this mod, but discovered recently that FO4 no longer works on my Xbox. It sucked cause I just recently discovered mods, but I bought my brothers ps4 and managed to buy fo4 while it was on sale. It works, but I just don’t see many interesting mods on it.