Fallout 4

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  1. jet4571
    • premium
    • 452 kudos
    The MKIII assault rifle magazine texture in the screenshots was the wrong one, that should be correct in the file. It was supposed to be the same as the MKI version but ended up the same as the MKII and AMR. Not all weapon mods were shown in the screenshots either.
  2. keithapple
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    guess this is the mod to go if Modern Firearms (the other weapon pack) is too heavy for a potato that sometimes use to play FO4...
    Really didn't like the vanilla weapons they look like WWI guns while every Fallout before has real guns... this game real guns only Walther PPK, Thompson and Browning... Homemade Rifle doesn't count since it's Homemade.
  3. farazon123
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    I really like the looks since most of the stuff done to guns in game are not done by the computer precision we do in real life. Its done by the player with low quality equipment and I would assume someone who was not a machinist or gun smith before waking up.
  4. warheadz
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    So i've done testing your mod . I like some of your guns in term of design, which is the SMG and MK I rifle. I know this mod are meant for your own personal use at the beginning and you decide to publish it, which is nice.

    But honestly, your mod have really potential to be even better. It needs to get a new mesh design with more featured shape, better texture, and balanced damage. Especially the two gun i mentioned above, it has immersive concept of struggle-time designs. Similiar to how U.S greasegun and british Sten were build at simple design in order to fulfill wartime needs as quick as possible. It could be a good way to add it as unique item to certain vendor, or put it as exclusive weapons for minor faction like Scavenger faction in order to make them worthy as an alternative loot list.

    But hey, its just my personal though, so anyway please accept my endorsement

    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      There's nothing wrong with the model design because they are meant to be minimalist in design. There's plenty of weapons in the vanilla game and will be plenty to come from other authors that have stuff all over them. The MKI Assault Rifle started out to have the same scaling as the vanilla SMG but with a more boxy receiver like a MAC 10 but completely different than one of those. After seeing it in the game it turns out the size wasn't fitting an SMG concept so I made the new SMG and made the first one into an assault rifle. The other assault rifles and the AMR I wanted the receivers to be similar in design to a pump action shotguns, smooth curves and flat surfaces. No grooves or bits sticking out for some unknown purpose, Nice clean smooth curves is what I wanted that's what was made, I didn't want an overly complicated design.

      As for the textures, you are correct they could use better textures but I am no texture artist. I couldn't get a nice looking metal going for the receivers and painting in details is beyond my skill level plus I don't have good tools to do it such as a graphic tablet for precise movement and pressure sensitivity to adjust the brush settings while you are painting. My textures are crap because of those reasons
  5. onymaru9
    • premium
    • 413 kudos
    im typing MKlll 0 and MK111 0 but none of them are working.
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      MKiii not jjj or 111. its an acronym for Mark 3 using roman numerals. Sorry the font Nexus uses doesn't make a nice obvious capital i and can look like something else.
    2. onymaru9
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      Got it, thank you! BTW the mark 2 looks beastly and the sound of the shotgun is outstanding, loving it so far
    3. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Glad you got them!

      That's the vanilla combat shotgun sound, no changes there. I haven't even looked into the weapon sound system Bethesda decided to do. The SMG is using the Combat Rifle sound because I wanted semi auto and the vanilla SMG sound added to it would continue making firing noise until I swapped weapons. Yeah that was annoying lol.
    4. onymaru9
      • premium
      • 413 kudos
      oh i guess i have a mod sound for the shotgun then lol sounds pretty epic,and oh that was a clever idea to that with the firing sounds,and i can tell lol without the modkit its harder to do that kind of things,but hey without sound this is pretty cool.i like the designs you made for them,they kind of look like plastic airsoft guns which are pretty cool, im in love with the mkIII that thing looks beastly (thumbs up)
    5. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      You may have a sound mod, I saw one for a weapon once but I cant remember what it was for. I am not much of a texture artist, so these could be considered samples lol. I couldn't get a metal texture to look like metal on the receivers so I just called them polymer lol. Anyway glad you like them.
  6. PvtRaiden
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Can you add them all to leveled lists and let me know when you do? I want it so bad, but not for me, just for everyone else!
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I wont be adding this to level lists until there's a way for users to make patches like with wrye bash. If someone makes another mod using the same level lists then that's a direct conflict and one of the mods wont have the level list distribution. Since this a mod resource someone can ofcourse do that.
    2. PvtRaiden
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Fuck.. But can't you just make the mod and warn about that? I want it really really bad and I doubt anybody else will add yours to leveled lists, because nobodys done it for other mods.. And I dont know how to do it..

      Pleeeease can you add it? or at least tell me how to?
    3. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Wow. Let me Google that for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqU2U3NK7qo

      Instead of TES5Edit use FO4Edit, instead or Armor it is Weapon. Figure out which level list yourself. It is the same process.
    4. PvtRaiden
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      In response to post #34403780. #34404285, #34405250, #34405390 are all replies on the same post.


      PvtRaiden wrote: Can you add them all to leveled lists and let me know when you do? I want it so bad, but not for me, just for everyone else!

      jet4571 wrote: I wont be adding this to level lists until there's a way for users to make patches like with wrye bash. If someone makes another mod using the same level lists then that's a direct conflict and one of the mods wont have the level list distribution. Since this a mod resource someone can ofcourse do that.

      PvtRaiden wrote: f***.. But can't you just make the mod and warn about that? I want it really really bad and I doubt anybody else will add yours to leveled lists, because nobodys done it for other mods.. And I dont know how to do it..

      Pleeeease can you add it? or at least tell me how to?

      jet4571 wrote: Wow. Let me Google that for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqU2U3NK7qo

      Wow. you're a f***ing a**hole. But thanks anyways.

      I'm very supportive of my patrons on my files. I try to help as much as I can, and I treat them with as much respect as I can give, just an FYI.
      On this site, you do not insult a mod author when they decline your request.
    5. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      When you start off with f*#@ and begging after I already said I will not be doing something and it is stated in the fucking description that I AM NOT DOING REQUESTS! You lose all rights to respect because you have already disrespected me. I am not doing requests, how hard is that to comprehend? Begging will just piss me off and you are lucky I have not banned you from my mods with a report to the moderators for calling me an asshole after being disrespectful. You want support then don't be an entitled begging user and be polite when the author says they are not doing it. Use Google to find tutorials, took me 3 seconds to find that one.
    6. PvtRaiden
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I already used google, which had NO youtube links and asked you a TWO PART QUESTION. "Can you add it, or tell me how". Very polite.

      I didn't disrespect you whatsoever. I asked a simple favor from somebody who obviously helps people with their time for free. You're the misleading one.

      You're just a rude person, in general. Nobody else has had problems with me. That just shows the type of person you are.
    7. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Description says not doing requests. That means do not ask me about a request. You showed me disrespect by not respecting my wishes and then after I said No you proceeded to beg for the change. If the initial request was phrased like "This would be cool in some level lists, maybe the gunners, if the author or someone else could add them then I would appreciate it" would be respecting my wishes. A general request to anyone who may use it in another mod or they may decide to add a level list patch or 30.

      Then when I said No instead of begging if you said something like "OK, I don't know how to do it myself but if you or anyone here knows of any tutorials then I can learn how, Thanks." Instead I say No and you proceed to beg.

      After disrespecting my wishes twice and I provide a link to a tutorial that answered the second part of your post you proceed to call me an asshole, did you know that is a bannable offense here? Did you know all I have to do is hit the report button and you wont have a Nexus account? I am a rude person for not getting you banned after calling me an asshole and not respecting my wishes of not asking me for requests... Love the entitlement of some users.

      Asking for a request when it was stated I am not doing requests is rude. Begging is Rude. Calling someone an asshole is Rude. Read my first response, Not rude at all. You want to keep insulting me until I do hit that report button then fine keep it up. If a mod description says they are not doing requests then DO NOT ASK THEM FOR ONE! That's showing respect, they don't want to do requests and they do not want to receive requests, show some respect and just not ask. It is that simple.

      This is a mod resource and asking if somebody, anybody could do X, Y, or Z is fine and dandy but asking me to do it will just piss me off because I said in the description that I am not doing requests. Posts your ideas, great! Just don't ask me to implement them.
    8. PvtRaiden
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I was unaware that it was bannable. Sorry, I was just offended. Let's just try to be more polite from here on out, the both of us.

      And I made the mod myself and uploaded it. But it's crashing the game, and I followed the instructions to a T. So I dunno.

      Anyhow, thanks anyways. I didn't read that in your description. My bad.
    9. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      No worries, If I was truly upset with you I would've clicked the report a long time ago.

      You created a new .esp and added mine as master like in the video I assume? Try doing it directly in my esp instead of adding a mine as a master.
    10. deleted4036430
      • account closed
      • 42 kudos
      Well, that was the most pointlessly dramatic argument I've ever seen.
    11. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      And that was a pointless troll comment that got you banned from this file. Have a good day sir.
    12. TabeTheLeecher
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Any update on adding it to the leveled list? Also will he have permission to re-upload the mod if he figures it out?
    13. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      It's a mod resource, permissions are not required, just credits for the original models. But a moderator has spotted the insult and banned him. No I did not report him because I had hoped he would understand insulting a mod author is not tolerated by staff here.

      *Edit, Ban was lifted and he uploaded some level lists: Jet Collection Leveled Lists NPC by PvtRaiden
  7. KingDemise
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    first of,thanks for a complete weapon package.its always great to see more weapons ingame(although i wish some more laser weapons would come from the community lol).
    2nd of,the Mk1 powerfull auto reciever is called just powerfull reciever,just like the normal powerfull reciever.
    3rd of,keep up the good work.
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Thanks for pointing that out, I have that fixed now but I will wait for atleast a day just incase more bugs show up.
  8. burntphoenix
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    The mod description and screenshots are a bit unclear. It's hard to tell what's what. You should post a quick description for each weapon, how many mods available, and a nice picture of each weapon unmodded, because right now it's kind of hard to tell any details, and hard to see how they're different from vanilla weapons
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      If this wasn't a mod resource some of your complaints would be valid. This is a playable mod resource for other mod authors to use if they want. Other mod authors wont care one bit what is in my esp and they certainly wont care about my textures. The esp and textures are simply samples of what can be done for them to look at then make their own.

      As for hard to tell what's what in the screenshots? 90% or more weapon mods show the weapon in use in some fancy posed shot with ENB up the wazoo. I post three screenshots from the crafting menu of each weapon to show the receiver differences and a few of the mods used and that's unclear? Seriously? There's 30 screenshots already, I don't want to spend several hours getting every possible configuration so someone like you is not confused. and for gods sake I am not going to write down everything for a mod resource when the mod authors that may use them in their mod is just going to change things for themselves.

      Make your own bloody screenshots showing everything.
    2. burntphoenix
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Whoa, I wasn't trying to be rude, just wanted to put in my two cents. If my comment rubbed you the wrong way then I apologize
    3. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I found it to be quite rude when I have seen mods with less description but a few ENB up the wazoo screenshots of the item in use with a title at the top of the description get Hotfiles even though all you can tell is what it is but no details and nobody says the screenshots or description doesn't explain the mod. There's one in Hotfiles right now! I don't see anyone saying his description isn't good enough or the screenshots don't explain anything.

      Scratch that there's 2 in Hotfiles that's no more descriptive. See how fast you get jumped on for telling them what you said to me.
    4. burntphoenix
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Alright then feel free to delete my comment. I'd rather not have my comment than rub someone the wrong way. Not trying to step on anyones toes, I liked your mod but was initially confused at all the information and screenshots, so I really am sorry I couldn't word it in a less hurtful way
    5. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      No need I am over it. It's all good.
  9. brokefoot
    • supporter
    • 477 kudos
    Thanks for uploading, jet. I'll try 'em when I can.
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      Your welcome and I hope you enjoy em.
  10. warheadz
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Jet, should i uninstall your assault combat rifle resource mod before adding this?
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      The esp will be redundant and this will overwrite the assets. So if you use NMM or some other mod manager it may be a good idea so it doesn't remove the MK I assault rifle.

      Thanks for reminding me to update that ones description saying it is no longer being supported and is included in this one.