Fallout 4

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  1. DDProductions83
    • BANNED
    • 1,814 kudos
    I would advise any comments to try and be respectful and/or constructive, Eli does have access rights to this file and she can easily hit the 'ban from all my files' button for anyone who comments foolishly. I will hit it for lulz.

    Episode 2 is already posted with Fadingsignal on the youtube page. Episode 3 is already recorded with Someguy2000 and will be released Saturday
  2. TacticalAce
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Not a fan of the guy DDproductions basically condoning slavery in this interview, I dont give a s*** if its a joke, comments like that I will not respect... I dont give a damn who you are... Dont let the endorsements make you think that you are allowed to say anything...
  3. daaaymeeon
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I also want to add that I agree with you how the Noobs, young kids, and console peasants who aren't used to editing INI files or downloading binaries can mess up their games and expect the mod author to fix it for them. I love TreyM's "Stop It" series it says it all. You guys work your asses off developing something your proud of and then some ungrateful people blame you. Its not fair. Don't use mods if you can't mod. Seriously. And for the trolls, if you don't know what your doing don't go spouting off at the mouth just because forums have somehow given you a VOICE. I have asked mod authors for advice and clarification in the past and never has one of them snapped back something negative to me because I did do what was said and researched myself but still needed a little help. Don't complain until you are dam sure that you are not the one making a mistake.
  4. daaaymeeon
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I hate to be the asshole of the bunch but some things really get me fired up. So why is Eli "slightly retarded" and "Autistic"? All my life I have had to deal with this stuff. My Aunt is Intellectually/Developmentally Challenged and for ever and ever she was referred to as mentally retarded. I also have three children with Autism. Now my middle child has Asperger and is very high functioning but is very socially awkward and teased relentlessly because of it. Now it is likely that Eli could be Asperger because she is "good with mods, bad with people". In the United States there is a movement to end the use of the word retarded as we seem to lump everyone with a mental disability into that box. But retarded, like fag, n!@#&£, spick, or whatever else are words we use to degrade people. Most of the people that we would call retarded as actually just dumb asses, but there are millions out there who suffer great challenges everyday just to try to live the best they can. My four year old son is completely non-verbal and is frustrated trying to communicate his basic needs and wants. While I love him no matter what and will work my ass off to help him I can't stand the thought of some one calling him retarded, or using his condition as a joke. He is very smart and can navigate YouTube better than any four year old ever could.Real Talk: If you have read this far than thank you for listening. I like your mods, I have at least a ten elianora mods in my load order at all times. I'm not trying to troll you or shame you. Please just take a moment and think about how a one second funny comment could possibly cause someone else a great deal of pain. I am not trying to be an asshole, it is just so personal for me. Thank you for your time and effort. I do really enjoy the content you work hard on and give away for free. thats a selfless act in itself.
  5. pkripper37
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    I know this is a late comment, but this was quite enjoyable. Thanks for this. The video I mean, I didn't try the mod. :-/
  6. danjamin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for all the amazing work!
  7. uggbug
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    That was more enjoyable than I expected.

  8. cebukid88
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    It's pretty rare for a female modder to mod games like Fallout and such. I do know that most female modders are into the Sims modding scene.
    1. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,143 kudos
      So, so many Skyrim and Fallout modder's are female, it's just not something anyone really pays attention to.

      Nivea, jaxonz, langley, Jokerine, Tamira, mattiewagg, kalilies, nanabeats, simsim899, Leianne. A lot of them are programmers/scripters too!

      edit: kryptopur (CCOR, CACO, WAFR), NovaCoru (Homemaker), Caliente...
    2. Cameron71
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Was going to say you are mistaken, but she beat me to it.

      There was a forum discussion right after the pay for mod debacle that I started to read. Pretty much all the mod authors were female and a ton of them I knew by there work. They don't mention their gender in their mods for the most part, the work speaks for itself. I have never taken an authors gender for granted since then.

      Excepts jerks like DDProductions83, an obvious loud mouth male.

      Tip your waiters and Goodnight Everybody!
    3. ramccoid
      • supporter
      • 1,395 kudos
      I didn't realise that most of those authors were female but I was aware that many made mods and fantastic ones at that, you very much so included, Eli.

      Brilliant interviews and a great idea and I'll look forward to listening to more.
    4. Bernt
      • premium
      • 383 kudos
      I solely stick to playing Fallout - since FO1. And some of the best modders I've met in this comunity are female. I've used/am using a host of mods made by them in my heavily modded FO3, New Vegas and now FO4
    5. KeltecRFB
      • supporter
      • 36 kudos
      I am throwing in a plug for llamaRCA, the creator of Willow, one of the most successful Fallout New Vegas mods and a companion done correctly.
    6. EnderDragonFire
      • supporter
      • 23 kudos
      kryptopur is female? Good to know. I support women in modding, especially when they make good mods.
    7. Frinkls
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Really wish Nikitaa was with still with us I loved her mods in Skyrim...
  9. camoway
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    big FAN of elianora, seen her on some videos before. cool chick great work! WOOSSSHHHHH big fan
    1. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,143 kudos
      h..hi \o
  10. CrowbarRX
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Holy crap, Eli is awesome, and the Slavery vs Paid Mod comparison was spot on. DD, this idea is an absolutely ace idea, it's sweet knowing the modders, good to know they're real people behind a name on a screen, feel free to tell me to get stuffed if I'm ever annoying! hah.
  11. daminoth
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Was thinking could you turn these interviews into like a talk radio station that can be modded into the game and we could listen to them while playing?
    1. DDProductions83
      • BANNED
      • 1,814 kudos
      That could become a thing should be a hell of a lot easier to do post-CK and by then we should have a bunch of diff interviews
    2. daminoth
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      that's great, I have no problems waiting for CK and a collection to listen to =D
    3. MurdermiesteR
      • premium
      • 102 kudos
      Yeah, radio station would be cool. But what about Ash VS. Wasteland Dead! Seriously though....ash vs. wasteland dead.