About this mod

Fallout: Vault 13 was a total conversion mod for Fallout 4 that aimed to remake and reimagine Fallout 1 in Fallout 4's engine. This demo represents the final development build and features 'The Inyo,' the first major open-world area that was completed before the project was shut down.

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Fallout: Vault 13 Demo

Development on Fallout: Vault 13 is officially over. This build exists as a final archive of what was completed. Thanks to everyone who followed the project!
Fallout: Vault 13 was a total conversion mod for Fallout 4, aiming to reimagine the classic Fallout game. Development on this project has officially ended, and this is the final available build."

This is the last development build of Fallout: Vault 13. While originally intended as an early demo, this version now serves as a snapshot of what was completed before development ceased. It is what it is: unfinished, unpolished, and unsupported. In this demo, you will be able to explore a fully realized version of The Inyo, the first of five open-world areas that will be in the full version of the mod. You will be able to begin the classic Fallout journey, revisit several locations from the original game (Vault 13, Vault 15, Shady Sands, the Khan Base), and explore everywhere in between.
Experience Classic Fallout Like Never Before
  • Step into the shoes of the Vault Dweller and navigate the post-apocalyptic wasteland, now brought to life like never before. The Fallout: Vault 13 Demo serves as an introduction to the expansive world of Fallout we are recreating.

Expansive World Reimagined in 3D
  • Explore the arid landscapes of the original Fallout, now beautifully reimagined in a fully realized 3D world. From the desolate community of Shady Sands to the dilapidated interiors of Vault 15, every location has been meticulously hand-crafted.

Revamped Leveling and Skill System
  • Experience the authentic Fallout RPG mechanics with a completely overhauled leveling system that mirrors the original game's complexity and depth. This mod reintroduces the classic traits, perks, and skills system from the original Fallout. Several perks have been redesigned to take advantage of the potential of the 3D space within Fallout 4's engine.


Demo Differences
While it was our goal for the demo to be as close to the final product for The Inyo as possible, there are some differences between the demo and the full version that are worth noting.

  • The Fallout: Vault 13 Demo does not feature any voice acting, and instead features placeholder blank voice lines that can be skipped. This was a deliberate decision driven by several key factors in our development process. Initially, our workflow for integrating voice acting proved much more time-consuming than anticipated, which posed significant delays and led to the decision to not include voice acting in the demo. However, we recently discovered more efficient methods that could reduce voice processing time substantially. Unfortunately, this discovery came too late to implement voice acting in the demo without significant delays, and we opted to focus on ensuring other elements of the game were polished and fully functional. The full version of Fallout: Vault 13 will feature voice acting.

  • Changing the "body" option during character creation will cause your character to disappear from view. To minimize any inconvenience, we recommend finalizing other aspects of your character's appearance first, and saving the "body" selection for last. As your character will not be visible, you might need to approximate your choice. There will be an additional in-game reminder of this before character creation. We are aware of this issue and it will be fixed for the full release of Fallout: Vault 13.

  • In the Fallout: Vault 13 Demo, your skills will not automatically adjust when your SPECIAL stats change. This was due to a challenging bug that emerged during development. Despite our best efforts, we were unable to resolve the issue without potentially delaying the demo's release. To ensure players could enjoy a stable demo experience, we made the decision to temporarily simplify the skill calculations for the demo. The full release of Fallout: Vault 13 will feature a fully functional skill system.

  • While the final product will feature five playable open-world areas, the Fallout: Vault 13 Demo only features one of them, The Inyo. Other open-world areas are in development and have been stripped from the demo to save them for the full version of Fallout: Vault 13.


All major DLC and/or the Fallout 4: GOTY Edition are required to play the Fallout: Vault 13 Demo. Your Fallout 4 game must also be downgraded to the pre-next-gen update (1.10.163) version. You should also delete any Creation Club content in your Data folder if present. The only other requirement is Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE). A copy of Fallout 1 is not required.

Downgraded Fallout 4 (Pre next-gen version)

  • All non-Creation Club DLC is required. Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Far Harbor, Contraptions Workshop, Vault-Tec Workshop, and Nuka-World (All these DLCs are included with the GOTY version of Fallout 4)
  • The High-Resolution Texture pack is not required

Creation Club Content Removed
  • Even though you might have a downgraded Fallout 4, some next-gen content may still be in your Data folder and could potentially cause issues. Navigate to your Fallout 4 Data folder and delete all Creation Club content. These are the files that start with "cc" followed by a few letters and numbers, then the name of the item (Remnants, Grenade, etc). Delete all files that match these parameters.
Other Mods/Utilities

To ensure that the Fallout: Vault 13 Demo works correctly, we strongly recommend using a mod manager that supports Archive Invalidation, such as Vortex or Mod Organizer 2. Alternatively, you may need to manually adjust the .ini files to enable archive invalidation.

Installation and Configuration
Navigate to the Files tab and find the most recent version of the Fallout: Vault 13 Demo. Use the Mod Manager Download button if you wish to run the Fallout: Vault 13 Demo through a mod manager of your choice. Once loaded in the game, ensure that FalloutVault13.esm is activated in the in-game Load Order screen in the Mods section of the main menu.

  • Before playing you'll need to make an edit to your fallout4.ini and fallout4custom.ini (We highly recommend doing this through Mod Organizer 2's ini editor. But if you want to do it the manual way you can find it in Documents/MyGames/Fallout4) 
  • Replace the [Archive] section with the following... (you should hear the new main menu music if it is working correctly)
sResourceIndexFileList=Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2, Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Textures1.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Textures2.ba2
sResourceStartUpArchiveList=Fallout4 - Startup.ba2, Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2, Fallout4 - Interface.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Interface.ba2
SResourceArchiveList=Fallout4 - Voices.ba2, Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2, Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2, Fallout4 - Misc.ba2, Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2, Fallout4 - Materials.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Voices.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Sounds.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Misc.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Materials.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Meshes.ba2
SResourceArchiveList2=Fallout4 - Animations.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Animations.ba2
SGeometryPackageList=Fallout4 - Geometry.csg
SResourceArchiveMemoryCacheList= Fallout4 - Misc.ba2, Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2, Fallout4 - Interface.ba2, Fallout4 - Materials.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Misc.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Interface.ba2, FalloutVault13 - Materials.ba2

  • Before starting the Fallout: Vault 13 Demo, please ensure that both 'Dialogue Subtitles' and 'General Subtitles' are enabled in the game's options to be able to see the dialogue, as the demo does not feature voice acting. See the 'Demo Differences' section for more information.
  • Fallout: Vault 13 is not intended to run alongside Fallout 4. If you'd like to swap easily between Vault 13 and Fallout 4 we recommend you use Profiles in mod managers such as Mod Organizer 2.


The Fallout: Vault 13 Demo has not been tested with any other mods, so there are no guarantees any other mods will work. The only mods you should have active while playing the Demo is Fallout: Vault 13.

As development has ended, no further changes will be made to Fallout: Vault 13. The final build is provided as-is.

Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions
For troubleshooting assistance and answers to some of your frequently asked questions, we highly encourage you to join the community on our Discord server!

Bug Reports
This is the last available version of Fallout: Vault 13. No further updates, bug fixes, or patches will be made.


Fallout: Vault 13 Credits

Fallout: Vault 13 Changelog