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  1. thenasty
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    I always thought it was strange that radaway is hand written in vanilla fo4, but then I realized that pre-war, there would be basically zero reason for a company to produce this stuff under a brand name since radiation poisoning is a complete non-issue basically and there would be no market for the product.

    Which then raises the question of who is packaging the radaway packs for everyone and distributing it throughout the wasteland?

    So I understand the change for the TV show, making Radaway a brandname product simplies the universe a lot and makes radaway something that can show up repeatedly without an explanation.
    1. phantomshotgun
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Yea, on the Fallout Wiki, the only known mass producer of Rad Away in the whole Wasteland is Vault City from Fallout 2 and if s big trade commodity item for them. though how it gets to the East Coast is a unknown. plus there is still no mention if it's pre-war or a post-war item.

      So this would be one of the creative freedoms the writers of the show got to play around with and honestly... i kinda like it. Granted, i can imagine some scientist in a shed making this stuff somewhere as well, but someone had to have made this before the bombs shells, or attempted to, right?
  2. Combine99
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Finally, I always thought the hand drawn label for a supposedly prewar drug was a little sus.
    1. thenasty
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      IMO Radaway isn't prewar, at least not how Fo4 presents it. There would be zero market for a brand name product to remove radiation before the bombs drop, so the label being hand written is an explanation for why it exists. I guess we assume that after the bombs dropped eventually people figured out the formula and started packaging and labeling the stuff and distributing it out for use.
    2. princesscake
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      RadAway could easily be Pre-War, Med-Tek had all kinda of medicines and aid items like Fixer and Mentats. Easy to see they'd come up with something for radiation exposure maybe as an answer to whatever company made Rad-X.

      But then again, it could be post-war. We've seen some organizations doing professional labels like the Brotherhood of Steel... just wonder what group is behind RadAway though >.> that'd be an interesting bit of lore to explore if it's the case.
    3. ImmortalAbsol
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      I think this mod's look should be "pre-war radaway" and the vanilla design should be found in post war settlements and merchant inventorys.

      This look being found in locations least likely to be picked clean.
    4. fraquar
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Think about it.
      You are watching a kid with a Fat Man in his hands in the opening scene of the prelude.
      You have a Vault-Tec agent knocking on your door looking for you for weeks - trying to secure you a spot in a nuclear protection vault.
      You find out later that some nutjob has his hands on nuclear material (prewar) at Gorski Cabin,
      Still think there isn't a market for RadAway - prewar?
      It wasn't a matter of if by that point - but when.   
    5. FranknKitty
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      My thoughts are it was produced as a specialty product for corporations and such doing work that may involve radiation, then when the bombs fell they found their way across the wasteland from trading of 200 or so years
    6. MOS427
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I definitely agree with FranknKitty, with how much radioactive material was used by corporations before the war, it only makes sense that medicine for the purposes of removing radiation would've existed pre-war. Accidentally got irratiated while working on the reactor in your local Mass Fusion Facility? Don't worry, just use some Radaway! Accidentally came across one of America's many dumping grounds full of radioactive barrels? Some Radaway should fix you right up! It only makes sense that such a product existed pre-war!
    7. phantomshotgun
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      From what i could find on the Fallout wiki, there is no mention of who invented or produced Rad Away, nor if it's pre-war or post-war. The only fact we do have is Vault City from Fallout 2 mass produces this stuff and is a major trade item. Though that doesn't explain too well how it gets to the east coast, or how it appeared in Appalachia with a fancy label on it's bag.
  3. SneakyGuyX
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    Awesome addition to the TV show mods we already have! Gave this a review and endorsed
  4. princesscake
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    May I port this to Xbox? Us console players love the show quite a bit too ^.^
    1. ScottyX2
      • premium
      • 339 kudos
      You should release a collection for all the tv show mods
    2. princesscake
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Heh, pretty much all the Fallout TV show mods on Xbox were ported by me :P only thing that was beyond my grasp was the chrome paint on the T-60 power armor which thankfully someone else covered.

      I was thinking of replacing the stupidly OP Refreshing Beverage with a yellow vile that gives -1000 RADs and base it on the Anti-Feral chem on the show.
    3. DevastatinDave
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Yeah, go for it. Just give me a credit
    4. princesscake
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Thanks a bunch! Here's the mod on Bethesda.net if you'd like to see how it does on there.
  5. loskas
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I like it. 👌
  6. lowl
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    according to the desciption on the pack, it only clings to irradiated particles and has you piss a lot.
    is that how radaway works? i thought it was more miraculous like them Stimpacks.
    if you get 300 Rads irl, removing the irradiated bits wont stop you getting cancer from all the damage.
    i guess if stimpacks were as diverse as they seem, they would cure everything from genetic defects to hormonal imbalance.
    1. CSEPteam
      • premium
      • 1,159 kudos
      its basically straight from the wiki
    2. lowl
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      pretty reliable. i'll just assume cancer is something to manage like those practical mutations in Children of Atom cults. never mentioned with much detail
    3. Battenburga
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Considering Cancer, Ghoulification and Death are side effects of radiation in Fallout, it's fair to assume Radaway/Rad-X merely just mitigates the effects of minor Rad posioning, and does help with severe cases for the player, but doesn't really do anything for those severely affected who arent players.
    4. lowl
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      i think youre right about the lack of cancer prevention.
      in earlier fallout games it's addictive. pretty sure that's more than a game mechanic.
      maybe it's addictive mostly in a non-psychological way.
    5. BenDynamic96
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      In Fallout 3 Protector Casdin of the Outcast can say in response to requesting Radaway as a reward "Can't stand this stuff, myself. Goes through me like a rampaging Brahmin." that and some other place I believe they mentioned you piss it out. It might have been in the old Fallouts I can't really remember but I remember it and I believe with a reasonable degree of certainty that this is in game lore.

       If we talked about applying real life biology and theoretical science to Stimpaks that's a whole other mess out of the other end according to some estimations...
  7. Poacher886
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Excellent, please do before /after pics aswell for future..
  8. Patootie06
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can't imagine how my sole suvivor felt after i gave her over 10 rad aways after glowing sea exploration..
  9. PixelHag
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    This is awesome! Any plans to do more TV show retextures? 
  10. crusaderhell
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Finally, someone has done something about the ugly Vanilla Radaway