Fallout 4

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  1. rdunlap
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    I am not always a fan of small fix mods like this one, but I am working on Scrappable Commonwealth with Lapdragon and decided that there would be lots of people who don't want to scrap everything in sight. The first time I did Covenant those silly Heavy Turrets that gave no defense value and would even shoot turrets you built drove me NUTS.

    So while working out a particular method in the "Big" mod I finished ironing out this one and decided to share.

    For those interested in such things those Turrets are not like any others in the game. They don't even use the same Static resource. Covenant is handled different from any other settlement in the game. Its almost like another set of developers worked on it just because of the approach taken on several things.

    Anyhow long story short Enjoy the mod, and let me know if you have any issues. I tested it with both a new game and my in progress "Testing Save" and had no issues at all. Its safe to turn the mod off after you scrap the Turrets and save the game because I used the games built in scrapping/Workshop methods to handle it.

    Don't forget to post up and let me and or others know how it works for you. Comments welcome. Requests can be made but would most likely only be considered for inclusion if a VERY good case can be made. I truly wanted to offer this in such a way that purists and people who don't want to scrap the whole world don't have to get a supersized mod that has inherent bugs from the start. Some of the best mods are just single solutions to single problems.

    1. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      I had a request from ShadowWhisper to have an option to scrap the Raider turret at Zamonja. There is now a new file in optional that does BOTH. You do NOT need the main file if you use the optional one. I still am going to keep the main file as Covenant only since they are the ones most people wrestle with. As always enjoy the mod and let me know what you think.

      If you like it endorse it.

    2. Ecthos
      • supporter
      • 127 kudos
      And just like that I was able to scrap the turrets. Thanks, Robert! 
  2. RandyEischer
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    I always get a CTD whenever I get too close to Covenant during the firefight after I deal with their prison/lab on the other side of the lake.

    So what I've done is meticulously, painfully use the console to disable each turret the first time I'm able to enter Covenant.

    Result: No more CTDs.

    Wish there was an easy to use mod that did the same.
  3. MrDioneo
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    For people who encounter turrets that you can't scrap - it isn't the fault of the mod (thanks for this great mod BTW!). The problem is that some of that turret's pieces are lying outside of the settlement's boundaries. If part of an object is outside of the crafting boundary it can't be scrapped. In my case four of the turrets in Covenant were in that state. So, I used another mod "All Settlements Extended - Player's Choice" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29095) to expand Covenant's borders. Then I could scrap the rest of the turrets.

    After doing that I tried disabling the ASE mod, and aside from getting a warning about the save file when first trying to load it the game seems fine back with the vanilla Covenant borders again. The turrets remained scrapped.
  4. cci
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Mod does work ok if turrets ant blasted.
    If they are destroyed it does not work on all of them.

    If you stand in the middle facing gate two on the left cant be rid (8 and 10 o'clock)

    I am sorry to say mine were destroyed long time ago.

    Still as someone else said it did got rid all the other ones.

    Good try!
  5. JimmyRJump
    • premium
    • 243 kudos
    Was greatly annoyed at both the turrets chez Covenant and the left behind debris at Zimonja, merrily playing eternal flame in the middle of my entrance space...

    Saves me from using the console to get rid of unwanted stuffies like these, keeping in mind that clicking on items in the console can lead to some unexpected results

    Cheers RDunlap, endorsed
    1. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      enjoy. This was my first mod *(but not my last) and I did it because the turret debris drove me NUTS!

    2. slowone
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Used it last night, still working fine, simple but very useful [like myself ;0)] Thanks yet again.
  6. jpitner
    • supporter
    • 151 kudos
    Worked great except for one turret but I can live with that. Thank you very much for a fix to this irritating issue!
  7. ArtBleed
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Will this work on the debris of the turrets? or do the turrets have to be whole and complete for this to work?
    1. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      If the turret has been exploded before you get the settlement just target the debris and any single part of the debris that is scrapped will scrap the whole thing even the base. The base becomes untargetable after it blows up but any of the debris will do the job.

  8. Chaophim
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    Could you please add the turrent from Outpost Zimonja as well? I use Scrappable Commonwealth and dunno if it is a load order issue or what, but that turrent wasn't scrappable my last playthrough.
    1. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      Will Add it tonight when I get back home. I didn't think about that one and I am doing Scrappable Commonwealth with Lapdragon. We don't have the Zimonja Turret in Commonwealth yet. I just worked the method out properly and tested it.

    2. Chaophim
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Thanks. And status is GOOD on my end. Had just started a fresh game last night due to dropping some mods and my wanderings took me to Covenant early. Did the quest opposing Covenant and, while the turrents in the compound and the turrents in the town never fired upon me (small bug, I think...I was killing folks right and left), they also scrapped w/o a problem.
    3. jet4571
      • premium
      • 453 kudos
      I was just thinking of that one as well lol.
    4. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      I am not so sure its a bug that they don't fire on you if you follow the built in quest paths to oppose the townspeople. Try this, just take the test and enter the settlement and start shooting. They will go NUTS on you. *(experience talking) I tested each path for settlement I could think of to make sure this was as clean as it looked and I can attest that the Turrets will absolutely smack you down.

      NOTE: Those turrets are NPC characters. Go figure that one out! As long as you are following the quests laid out path, they don't mess with you since you are a community member. If you make Paladin with BOS before going then you don't even have to take the test.

    5. Chaophim
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      I use a (now defunct) detect dead/detect enemies lens mod and the original people of Covenant light up as enemies even when being friendly. Walking a razor's edge with those fu...err...folks.
    6. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      Yeah like I said that settlement is handled very differently. Did you find your requested change?
    7. Chaophim
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      Yes, thank you.
  9. Restutitor Orbis
    Restutitor Orbis
    • member
    • 76 kudos
    Now how do I get rid of the dead bodies of the original inhabitants?
    1. jet4571
      • premium
      • 453 kudos
      open the console, select the corpse and type "disable" without quotes, if it disappears then you selected the right thing. if it doesn't disappear type "enable" without quotes and try targeting again from a different position.
    2. rdunlap
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      jet4571 has given the only safe way I know of. I looked at trying some disposal method myself but it drives the engine NUTS. The console disable has the benefit of the NPC still actually being there and just turned off, and the cell is happy. MarkForDelete however makes the engine misfire again. When we get the whole creation kit available so we can really dig into the scripts and some of the data fields that are just not knowable at this point we may be able to do something. It is a property set on settlements in general that is doing this. you don't notice it as badly in other settlements since you generally don't have to create a wall of bodies to obtain them. Think about the Raiders at Zamonja station when you go the first time. You have to carry them off or something too.
