I just noticed something today.It's not a big deal but I had been troubled by this all afternoon. First of all ,I am a Chinses language user, I am not sure other language user has the same problem. Some vanilla weapon and armor has a modify option called "LOOKUP FAILED!" under workbench.First I used patchs to XDI and it changed to "material".But whatever it is "LOOKUP FAILED!" or "material" ,it has nothing under it.Then I spend all day to check every mod and finally I found is AR2 caused it.If patchs for XDI can turn "LOOKUP FAILED!" into "material" , I guess it is still a XDI problem .Although I may be a bit greedy, but I hope you can take a look and help me remove this modify option from the workbench. I am in a very beginner's stage for xEdit, and I cannot complete this task on my own.Sorry for my bad English , I used Translation Soft.
Today I only activate AR2 with out other mods then I guess I had know what wrong with my problem.AR2 adds lots of paintjob to vanilla weapon and armor.Normally you can change these paintjob you like.As I said I am a Chinses language user,Fallout 4 Chinses edition is not the last editon whatever it is Next-Gen or Non-Next-Gen,so we Chinese user must use other third-party Chinese patches on English Version if we want use F4SE.It dont use esp ,just drop it into Root Foder.And XDI didn't consider this situation, but in most cases it's not a problem.But because AR2 does not rely on any requirements, I guess it directly uses the vanilla api or something like that. This resulted in the game and XDI being unable to correctly read characters from third-party Chinese patches when loading related files, which led to the "LOOKUP FAILED!" error I mentioned. Now I roughly know how to solve it. I'm sorry for wasting your time.
This is nice solution.
Can this patch work with Full Dialogue Interface or is XDI necessary?
Edit: Huh, I think it's the Mojave Manhunter.
Also, having the same answer double because you have XDI, is not that great.
"go to your medical exam" is the name i think