On your files page, your refer users to your Patreon for release notes. However, your release notes don't actually say what changes you've made to the main file.
Sure they do. PRP 74 compatible build. Builds are done with the Old Gen CK. Nothing else in this release, and dealing with mismatched version numbers is more hassle than simply updating all builds at the same time.
I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but if you're not updating the gameplay content, why not simply add the PRP74 file and version it as 1.1?
Those who don't use PRP will know that they don't have to take action, and those who do will see that there's a new file, with the same gameplay as the existing file.
Yes (for all my settlements) - but both Fallout 4 NG, and the Creation Kit updates are broken for me. So I can't give an estimate of when it will happen until after Bethesda fixes their shocker of an update.
Is the warehouse doors scrappable? If it is, deleting it somehow doesn't make the NPCs register the new navmesh, they still act if theres a wall there.
If it never was, then it's one of my mods I'm using and I'm a goober
They take shots at everyone walking down the road. I consider that a good enough reason to introduce myself to the neighbours, in a very, ahem, enthusiastic, manner.
Sound like what I'd need is a few rocket turrets, or something equally ... friendly, on tall platforms ranged along the west side of the settlement. That should probably be enough to stop the festivities from getting out of hand.
The icing on the cake would be to have them maintained by one of Athelbras' Repair bots. The cherry on top would be to have a Tidy Bot go next door and clear up after each party. It's always nice to be a good neighbour.
Those who don't use PRP will know that they don't have to take action, and those who do will see that there's a new file, with the same gameplay as the existing file.
If it never was, then it's one of my mods I'm using and I'm a goober
Also, is there any special way to unlock the settlement, or is acquired like any vanilla settlement?
The settlement is 100%.
The settlers are happy.
Have you noticed any of the super-mutants aggroing settlers on sight?
Sound like what I'd need is a few rocket turrets, or something equally ... friendly, on tall platforms ranged along the west side of the settlement. That should probably be enough to stop the festivities from getting out of hand.
The icing on the cake would be to have them maintained by one of Athelbras' Repair bots. The cherry on top would be to have a Tidy Bot go next door and clear up after each party. It's always nice to be a good neighbour.