Fallout 4

Mod articles

  • BIA Chap 2 Walkthrough


    Chapter 2 starts immediately after chapterĀ 1 ends, either talk to Colvin or Phillips to start it after defending against the brotherhood attack.

    What things mean:

    00BIAQuestID <- This is the quest ID
    "Quest Name" <- This is the quest name or description
    00BIACELLID <- This area holds the cell IDs for COCing to use them do "coc CELLID"
    10 - These are the stages
    20 - The words next to them are the designer notes
    30 - Thats why some of them are stupid
    40 - Because I wrote them as reference while working on the mod
    50 - Hope their clear enough for you sorry
    60 - To use them do "player.setstage QUESTID STAGENUMBER"

    "Straighten Up A...

  • BIA Chap 1 Walkthrough


    To start the mod you need to have the prydwin in the commonwealth, either go about the game to kill Kellogg or force it to be there via the command "Player.setstage 000229E7 2000" to complete Kellogg's quest. After Kellogg is dead you can either go talk to the wastelander who is approaching you, or kill him and head to the prydwin to talk with paladin whitman to begin the BOS part of the quest.

    What things mean:

    00BIAQuestID <- This is the quest ID
    "Quest Name" <- This is the quest name or description
    00BIACELLID <- This area holds the cell IDs for COCing to use them do "coc CELLID"
    10 - These are the stages
    20 - The words next to them are the designer notes
    30 - Thats why ...