This page was last updated on 13 May 2024, 10:48PM
Version 3.1
Debris pile under the broken bed frame in the general's room is now linked to the bed so it will be scrapped when the bed is scrapped.
Minor edits to navmesh and removed navmesh edits that were not needed.
Version 3.0
Bumped up to 3.0 to keep all Rebuild mods that require the New Shared Resources (The Rebuild Collection - Shared Resources) starting at v3.0
Implemented workaround for the FO4NG matswap bug so that they are now applied properly.
The previsibine patch is now included in the main file download. USE IT! Place Rebuild_TheCastle_Previs.esp at the bottom of your load order and below PRP if you use it.
Fixed a chunk of ceiling debris that had the incorrect enable marker so it was not hidden when it should have been.
Version 2.2
Removed unnecessary edits so that one of the 3x3 cell clusters for previs could be removed. Now the plugin only regenerates previsibines for one cluster so less chance of conflicts.
Separated the previs regeneration from the main plugin. Will make it easier to get load order correct (i.e. if you use my Spectacle Island - Around the Block mod, Rebuild the Castle should be above it so Around the Block navmesh wins, but that couldn't happen with the previs combined).
The previs file has precombines and previs regenerated for all cells in the 3x3 cluster affected by this mod. All PPF (from PRP) fixes are included (so they are not lost, but PRP is not required). This allows one patch for use with or without PRP and for (theoretically) any version of PRP.
Version 2.1
The brick walls are much easier to scrap now. There is still one that is a bit finicky but it is because of the collision on the castle mesh so unfortunately, not much more I can do about it. I've added a screenshot so you can see where to target to scrap it without using tcl.
You can now use the main file with or without PRP. so there is no need for a separate PRP patch. It will work with PRP v0.69.x or v0.74.x. Just load after PRP.esp if you use PRP. If not, put it low in your load order.
Removed Navmesh records that were not needed.
All cells that have new previs are now in the plugin so it is easier to know which cells had previs regenerated.
Version 2.0.1
Removed Jamaica Plain navmesh that was inadvertently left when separating from the AIO for the standalone.
Version 2.0
Now requires Rebuild - Shared Resources.
Upgrading will require a new game as FormIDs have changed.
Main file now includes regenerated previs/precombines, so no need for a separate patch. Place it low in your load order.
Made some landscape changes. Added grass back so also added a patch there removes the grass from the courtyard. Place the patch after the main file and before PRP.esp if you use PRP.
Separate patch is needed for PRP. I will also no longer maintain 2 separate patches and only v0.69.x will be available. Load order: Main file, PRP.esp, PRP Patch.
Version 1.0.1
I was so concerned with updating the navmesh so NPCs didn't try to walk through walls, I forgot to make sure they could walk around the top. Fixed.
Changed grass on the top of the walls to better match the collsion.
Fixed the seam on the grass over the armory where 2 walls connected.