Fallout 4

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This mod installs a Beach House on Spectacle Island. The Beach House is a Fallout 4 version of RayV12's Baja Island in Fallout New Vegas. (No assets from Bethesda FNV were used.)

The current version comes with two esp's and a batch file. The first, BeachHouseCleanSpectacle.esp, clears Spectacle Island, removing the trees and much of the debris. It also flattens much of the terrain and makes it sandy. Beachy keen. The second esp, BeachHouseSpectacle.esp, installs the white stucco Beach House. Both esp's are currently at v30. There is also a batch file SetWorkshop.txt that moves the Workshop to the correct position and preps it for player use.

This mod does not provide a complete settlement. I didn't add the beacon tower, a water source, or a food source. You can do that (or not), or use Sim Settlements. I imagine that this mod is compatible with SS. (I don't use SS, so I don't know for certain.)

Installation -- This is not your normal player house building permit. Read and Follow the Instructions Carefully. INSTALL MANUALLY. (Vortex doesn't install the batch file needed by the mod.)

DO NOT ENABLE (activate) this mod if you have already visited Spectacle Island. That will really mess up your day.

+ Intro

Most settlements require the completion of a quest, usually given by a settler, to take out some raiders or ghouls before the Workshop (WS) is owned and usable by the player. Spectacle Island is different; the player has to re-connect a power source to the WS. Also there are some 'lurkies to deal with.

When I flattened the Island the power lines and the Workshop end up floating in the air. I tried to replace them in the new terrain and keep the quest triggers and activation points intact, but that was beyond my patience and ability. So... some adaptation was required. I removed the quest trigger, the power lines, and the circuit breaker. I also removed the mirelurks and their trigger points. Now the Workshop has to be activated by other means -- read on.

+ Installation.

- DO NOT ACTIVATE (enable) this mod if you have already visited Spectacle Island. Visiting Spectacle will trigger the quest and the mirelurks and totally mess up the reconstruction of the Island.

- Install manually. (Vortex doesn't install the batch file required by this mod.) But only activate (enable) the esp's at the start of a new game, or at a minimum, before your first visit to Spectacle Island.
+ Download the zip file and extract the contents to a work file or temp file.
+ Copy the contents of the Data folder to the Fallout 4 Data folder.
+ Copy the file SetWorkshop.txt to your main Fallout 4 directory

+ Workshop and Electrical

- The Workshop (WS) should be located in a white brick/red roof utility building south of the band shell. But most likely, it's floating up in the air somewhere near there. It's an artifact caused by the original position of the WS the Island -- high on a hill. (I've never had this happen in any other settlement. When I re-position the WS in the Creation Kit, it stays there. Not so here -- it pops up in the air no matter how many times I fix it in the Creation Kit.)

- Anyway, find the WS, enter the console, and click on the WS to select it and activate it's PRID. Then still in console mode, type: bat SetWorkshop. If the WS is not selected the batch file won't work. The batch file moves the WS to the utility building and sets some required activation variables.

- Enter the white brick utility building and find the WS. It should be there if you ran the batch file. (the position is x=76102, y=-65440, z=771 and angle x=0, y=0, and z=90)

- DON'T TRY TO ACTIVATE the WS yet. The WS variables concerning the player have been entered into the WS files by the batch file, but they won't work until the player leaves the cell and returns. I dunno why, just do it. It's Bethesda.

- After your little swim out to one of the floating islands, return and activate the Workstation. (E) to activate, or (R) to transfer. Those are the default settings. When you activate the WS, F4SE will turn on the yellow wall lamps in the utility building. All of the other lights on the island will come on also.

- You're all set. Enjoy the Island and Beach House.

+ Trouble Shooting

- Follow the instructions fully and carefully.

- WS up in the air? Apply the batch file.

- WS won't open? Apply the batch file, leave the cell and return.

- If the WS station still won't open, do these checks:
-- Open the console, click on the WS and type showvars. A long list of WS variable will print on the screen. Use "page up" to find Flags. PlayerHasVisited should be True, also OwnedByPlayer should be true.
-- If not type:
setpv OwnedByPlayer True
setpv PlayerHasVisited True

Then close the console. Leave the building and the cell. Return and the console should open.

- Table lamps and floor lamps didn't turn on? I dunno, but enter WS mode, select the lamp with Enter, then release it with Tab. That toggles the power connection. Lamp should light.

- Lights still don't turn on? You didn't install SOE -- required mod.

- Missing furniture, lights, decorations? Load the required mods or use your own and place manually in ws mode.

- Hilly terrain and trees? (other than palm trees) The BeachHouseClean esp wasn't activated.

- Floating mirelurk "mud holes"? They are removed by the Clean Spectacle esp, but -- You cannot activate this mod after you have visited Spectacle Island. Start a new game or load a save before you visited Spectacle Island.

- Sand or rock textures messed up? Load this mod last, also the beach mod called Towel_Beds.esp. It does the CoastalDrySand. There is also an optional whiter sand esp in that mod, and I use that in my screen shots.